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My Loan Calculator

This was the first time I actually a JavaScript project myself that's not from a course or anyone giving to me. I saw someone do it and I decide I want to try it as well. And yes, it was hard for me since I only have little knowledge of JavaScript for now and for me to be better I have to keep doing this as people told and get the logic right.

Achieving this, I had to add and EVENT LISTENER to make the button in the task calculate my total interest, payment and monthly payment onclick, which I also make use of the innerHTML to pass the result into the paragraph tag in my HTML document. And to let you know, I Google, use StackOverflow just to achieve this result, as you know......a programmer is not completed with those two.

Top comments (1)

ones66790 profile image
ones66790 • Edited

For the first try, this is very good. Start with little things until you get some experience for more complex projects. In order to upgrade your app, you have to study the market and include there more variables, so the result can be more precise. As a later life lending, I know how all these things are working, and making an app basing on this is not easy at all. You could try in some other fields as well, where you need less data to make a good working app, which a lot of people will like.