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React or Vue, which JS framework is best?

Programming with Shahan on March 02, 2024

React is the most popular JavaScript library for building single-page applications. On the other hand, Vue.js claims to be the framework. They shar...
fpaghar profile image
Fatemeh Paghar

Deciding between React and Vue ultimately depends on specific project requirements, team expertise, and personal preferences. React, developed by Facebook, boasts a large and active community, extensive ecosystem, and widespread adoption, making it a solid choice for complex and scalable applications. Its component-based architecture, virtual DOM, and state management libraries offer flexibility and performance. On the other hand, Vue, known for its simplicity, ease of learning, and gentle learning curve, appeals to developers seeking rapid prototyping and smaller-scale projects. Its progressive nature and intuitive syntax make it an excellent choice for solo developers or smaller teams. Ultimately, both frameworks have their strengths and weaknesses, so choosing the "best" one depends on factors specific to each project and team.

codewithshahan profile image
Programming with Shahan

Thanks for your summary.

alienfoxx profile image

I just have that feeling of is not a human comment 😂 lol

fpaghar profile image
Fatemeh Paghar

Or maybe you are not human.

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alienfoxx profile image

maybe who knows!

jottyjohn profile image
Jotty John


efpage profile image

If you look at how many posts deal with the problems of React, you get the impression that either

  • Vue is used much less or
  • Using React causes a lot more problems
squidbe profile image
squidbe • Edited

Having used both, I'm convinced that if Facebook had created Vue and Evan had created React, Vue would have absolutely crushed React. React's popularity, like Angular before it, is largely due to the 800-lb. gorilla behind it. I'm not saying it's junk, just saying that Vue can do what React can do and more, and Vue's performance is excellent. It's a pleasure to work with.

codewithshahan profile image
Programming with Shahan

That's true. Vue is much faster than React. Like I mentioned, React gained popularity mainly because of Facebook. Just because it's backed by big companies doesn't necessarily make it superior.

codewithshahan profile image
Programming with Shahan

Agreed. Even though Vue is used much less, it is mostly used for its simplicity and lightweight libraries.

I would go with Vue.js if I needed a simple application with minimal overhead. Its package size being only 21 KBs, quicker in data rendering than react.js.

efpage profile image

Simplicity is not bad. If you can turn the world upside down with simple means, that's good, not bad.

The word implies some limitations (like "simple minded") but I´m not sure this is true with Vue. Are there any things you can do with React that you cannot do with Vue?

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codewithshahan profile image
Programming with Shahan

Great observation! Both frameworks can be used to build small to large SPAs. I can do pretty much the same with them. I don't think there is something I can do in React but can't do in Vue.

So it mainly depends on popularity. I would say the success of React can also be attributed in large part to its creator, Facebook.

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squidbe profile image

React can also be attributed in large part to its creator, Facebook.

This is unfortunately de rigueur in software. Too many people just jump on board because they think the big companies got it all figured out.

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efpage profile image

Or as my grandma would have said:

The devil always shits on the biggest pile...

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codewithshahan profile image
Programming with Shahan

lmao.. Its 100% true. I believe Facebook lacks privacy, and Meta softwares are getting worse day by day. So, I can't trust React :(

tsolan profile image

React gives more opportunities on the job market, hence, the choice is obvious.

taliastorymaker profile image

Is that really all that matters?

tsolan profile image

Not everything, but majority. It’s ok to know them both, especially for pure frontend devs. However, if we are to choose what to learn to get paid, more widely-used tool should be picked.

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taliastorymaker profile image

Yeah, but development can't progress if everyone always chooses the safest, most popular choice. I guess if you're worried about optimizing your own employability (which to be fair most people are), and you can only learn one, you should learn React. But there's more to development than that.

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tsolan profile image

You’re right, however, it’s important to understand, that in the world of frontend (js world) new libs and frameworks appear literally every couple of days. And it’s not possible to learn, or even simply get familiar with, all of them. Otherwise, you just put yourself at risk to be ‘jack of all trades, master of none’.

yogini16 profile image

Excellent insight! Both frameworks are applicable for constructing SPAs ranging from small to large scales. I find that their capabilities are quite comparable, and I haven't encountered any tasks achievable in React that cannot be accomplished in Vue.

Therefore, popularity plays a significant role in the choice between them. I believe React's widespread adoption is also influenced significantly by its backing from Facebook, the creator.

eswann profile image

Vuex is no longer relevant unless working older projects. Pinia has been the endorsed state management component of Vue for some time now.
Also Vue has been around almost as long as react. It's 10 years old now, and came less than a year after React.

codewithshahan profile image
Programming with Shahan

Thanks for sharing. Although Vuex is still maintained by Vue.js, they changed Vuex to Pinia for better typescript support.

mistabricss profile image
Yehor Sergeenko

As the person who used and worked with both frameworks, I can state that Vue 💯 x times more superior to React by all means.

codewithshahan profile image
Programming with Shahan

Agreed. Many developers have never tried Vue before. So they have no idea which one is "superior".

adamdcosta profile image

One cool thing about Vue is how you can use it's reactivity system outside of .vue files. So in a js or ts file you can use ref(), reactive(), computed() etc and have reactive state that can be shared between components. Really nice if you need something simple rather that a full on state management library like Pinia.

codewithshahan profile image
Programming with Shahan

Exactly.. I love this feature.

thatguyfig profile image
Tom Thornton • Edited


I urge everyone here to stop, think, and read about HTMX. We don't need to perpetuate badly design software by convoluting it with a bloated library and approach.

Like this if you want change.

thatguyfig profile image
Tom Thornton

Like for instance, have you ever sat down and thought about how complicated it is to make a counter that updates when it's clicked and shows the new count in the page?? Like come on it's 2024 and we can't even do that simply, Reacts attempt at state management is a joke

get_pieces profile image
Pieces 🌟

This is a good comparison.

nbouvrette profile image
Nicolas Bouvrette

Just to note that React is a library and not a framework. It would have probably been better to compare Next.js with Vue.js

axmad386 profile image

NextJs should be compared to Nuxt. It's doesn't matter how we call React as library or framework, VueJs is solve the same problem as ReactJs do, so it's fair enough to compare them. In other hand, Nuxt solve the same problem as NextJs, I don't know how we call it, meta framework?

codewithshahan profile image
Programming with Shahan

Vue.js = React.js
Next.js = Nuxt.js

But Angular is a bit different from React. Angular is a full-fledged front-end framework. React uses one-way data binding and virtual DOM trees, whereas Angular uses two-way data binding and real DOM.

Vue. js provides both the one-way data flow & two-way data flow binding for web applications. There is no need to write complex code for two-way data binding, unlike other frameworks.

So, Vue combines the best features of Angular and React in one place.

Let's put aside any naming conflicts. They're just confusing.

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nbouvrette profile image
Nicolas Bouvrette

My bad, I forgot about Nuxt. But keep in mind, Vue.js has this header on their homepage: "The Progressive JavaScript Framework."

Now, what does this mean if you compare this to React? It means that it has more out-of-the-box features, such as a router and state management.

But I do agree that Nuxt is more similar to Next.js since they solve common problems.

We just have to keep in mind that if we compare React and Vue.js, they don't come with the same out-of-the-box capabilities.

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jesusantguerrero profile image
Jesus Guerrero

React is a factual framework, even when it claims to be a library, it's its code that uses your code to do things(and that's the definition of a framework) and it will be more palpable when React ships its compiler.

The difference you are referring to is whether react is an all-bat included framework or not. which is valid as React offers just the UI part and lets the store management, routing, etc to well-known external libraries, and Vue is a progressive framework.

aloisseckar profile image
Alois Sečkár

Funny how my Angular-colleague claims that "Vue is a library and not a framework"

lassazvegaz profile image

Vue is a battery full framework while React is a library to make reusable UI components.
React is not supposed to have features as in Vue. You can use React with Vue or any other framework or library because it is a library. But it is not the same with Vue because it is a framework. You cannot compare them. Stop misguiding the community.

alexkapustin profile image

First of all, react is not a framework! It's a library

jburky15 profile image
Joe Burkhart

Svelte is also a solid up and coming choice. I highly recommend it for smaller projects and teams. It's super straightforward, easy to learn and lightweight.

folken718 profile image
OldMan Montoya

Thw one your customer needs, the one you can perform well, in other words, the one the project uses or the one younwant to you if you have the option to use.

Tools , all of them are tools to let you create a solution

610470416 profile image

angular is the best

codewithshahan profile image
Programming with Shahan

You have to choose between two ;(

cgatian profile image
Chaz Gatian

Is react even a framework? It's just a view engine. You gotta bring everything yourself to get anything done

szeredaiakos profile image

The nr. of downloads is the only metric that matters. The rest is only talk.

haakon_hestness_cc53fefdb profile image
Haakon Hestness

lol react or vue? What about ANGULAR??? I’ve been making bank on that shit for years….

aloisseckar profile image
Alois Sečkár

React and Vue are much more popular than Angular nowadays.

khoafullstack profile image
Vu Anh Khoa

(React + Angular) / 2 = Vue
:d right?