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Urquhart Binderup
Urquhart Binderup

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Improvement, characteristics along with impact regarding good quality enhancement casebooks: the scoping assessment.

At 23 days post-yolk absorption, only swimming speed increased for larvae that were denied food for 18 days. While there was an interaction between delayed feeding treatments and age for proportion of larvae exhibiting an escape response, generally, larvae from all feeding treatments exhibited a positive escape response. There were also interactions between delayed feeding treatments and age post-yolk absorption for mean and maximum escape speeds, such that less aggressive escape responses were typically detected the longer larvae were denied food. Our research suggests that larval shortnose sturgeon increase physical activity during periods of starvation to find a food patch while remaining vigilant but maybe not as capable to defend against a predatory attack as fed individuals.The results of a highly influential study that tested the predictions of the Rational Speech Act (RSA) model suggest that (a) listeners use pragmatic reasoning in one-shot web-based referential communication games despite the artificial, highly constrained, and minimally interactive nature of the task, and (b) that RSA accurately captures this behavior. In this work, we reevaluate the contribution of the pragmatic reasoning formalized by RSA in explaining listener behavior by comparing RSA to a baseline literal listener model that is only driven by literal word meaning and the prior probability of referring to an object. Across three experiments we observe only modest evidence of pragmatic behavior in one-shot web-based language games, and only under very limited circumstances. We find that although RSA provides a strong fit to listener responses, it does not perform better than the baseline literal listener model. Our results suggest that while participants playing the role of the Speaker are informative in these one-shot web-based reference games, participants playing the role of the Listener only rarely take this Speaker behavior into account to reason about the intended referent. In addition, we show that RSA's fit is primarily due to a combination of non-pragmatic factors, perhaps the most surprising of which is that in the majority of conditions that are amenable to pragmatic reasoning, RSA (accurately) predicts that listeners will behave non-pragmatically. This leads us to conclude that RSA's strong overall correlation with human behavior in one-shot web-based language games does not reflect listener's pragmatic reasoning about informative speakers.Understanding the dynamics of white-nose syndrome spread in time and space is an important component for the disease epidemiology and control. We reported earlier that a novel partitivirus, Pseudogymnoascus destructans partitivirus-pa, had infected the North American isolates of Pseudogymnoascus destructans, the fungal pathogen that causes white-nose syndrome in bats. We showed that the diversity of the viral coat protein sequences is correlated to their geographical origin. Here we hypothesize that the geographical adaptation of the virus could be used as a proxy to characterize the spread of white-nose syndrome. We used over 100 virus isolates from diverse locations in North America and applied the phylogeographic analysis tool BEAST to characterize the spread of the disease. The strict clock phylogeographic analysis under the coalescent model in BEAST showed a patchy spread pattern of white-nose syndrome driven from a few source locations including Connecticut, New York, West Virginia, and Kentucky. The source states had significant support in the maximum clade credibility tree and Bayesian stochastic search variable selection analysis. Although the geographic origin of the virus is not definite, it is likely the virus infected the fungus prior to the spread of white-nose syndrome in North America. BAY-218 We also inferred from the BEAST analysis that the recent long-distance spread of the fungus to Washington had its root in Kentucky, likely from the Mammoth cave area and most probably mediated by a human. The time to the most recent common ancestor of the virus is estimated somewhere between the late 1990s to early 2000s. We found the mean substitution rate of 2 X 10-3 substitutions per site per year for the virus which is higher than expected given the persistent lifestyle of the virus, and the stamping-machine mode of replication. Our approach of using the virus as a proxy to understand the spread of white-nose syndrome could be an important tool for the study and management of other infectious diseases.
The antihelminthic drug praziquantel has been used as the drug of choice for treating schistosome infection for more than 40 years. Although some epidemiological studies have reported low praziquantel efficacy in cure rate (CR) and/or egg reduction rate (ERR), there is no consistent robust evidence of the development of schistosome resistance to praziquantel (PZQ). There is need to determine factors that lead to variable treatment CR and/or ERR. Therefore, we conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis to review CR and ERR as well as identify their predictors.

In this systematic review and meta-analysis, a literature review was conducted using Biosis Citation Index, Data Citation Index, MEDLINE, and Web of Science Core Collection all of which were provided through Web of Science. Alongside these, EMBASE, and CAB abstracts were searched to identify relevant articles. Random effect meta-regression models were used to identify the factors that influence CR and/or ERR by considering differences in host chindicate that PZQ remains effective in treating schistosomiasis.The yeast Pseudozyma antarctica (currently designated Moesziomyces antarcticus) secretes a xylose-induced biodegradable plastic-degrading enzyme (PaE). To suppress degradation of PaE during production and storage, we targeted the inhibition of proteolytic enzyme activity in P. antarctica. Proteases A and B act as upper regulators in the proteolytic network of the model yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We searched for orthologous genes encoding proteases A and B in the genome of P. antarctica GB-4(0) based on the predicted amino acid sequences. We found two gene candidates, PaPRO1 and PaPRO2, with conserved catalytically important domains and signal peptides indicative of vacuolar protease function. We then prepared gene-deletion mutants of strain GB-4(0), ΔPaPRO1 and ΔPaPRO2, and evaluated PaE stability in culture by immunoblotting analysis. Both mutants exhibited sufficient production of PaE without degradation fragments, while the parent strain exhibited the degradation fragments. Therefore, we concluded that the protease A and B orthologous genes are related to the degradation of PaE.BAY-218

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