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Video: Exploratory coding 📹

Sometimes you have to start making changes to code, without knowing ahead-of-time what the code will look like when you're done. I call this 'exploratory coding', and it can be a powerful tool for problem solving in code.

Top comments (4)

satansdeer profile image
Maksim Ivanov

Oh, that's what I often tell to my students! And this is why we have cycles in agile development, to stop and analyze the new data we got during development 👍

anyaritanake profile image
Anyari Tanake

Very useful tips, thanks :)

conw_y profile image
Jonathan • Edited

I'm glad you found it useful. If you have any critiques or improvements to suggest, please feel most free. I'm always learning. :)

anyaritanake profile image
Anyari Tanake

As we all :) I like this minimalist convention. Keep going! :)