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Surviving In A Post-digital ERA


DARQ stands for distributed ledger technology, artificial intelligence, extended reality, and quantum computing.

The world is rapidly moving toward a post-digital era, where leaders will need to be able to rely on digital innovation. With digital proficiency alone no longer serving as a contrast, future-minded business leaders will need to offer more technologically in order to succeed.

That means embracing a group of emanate technologies to drive the next waves of innovation and growth. Specifically, they will need to master the set of new technologies called DARQ.

Why DARQ matters

New technologies have always acted as a start for change, because the creators of these technologies leverage companies to gain wide distribution. Each of the four technologies that make up DARQ will be used by businesses across the economy to individuate their products and services.

In fact, individual DARQ technologies are already being implemented by many businesses today. AI plays an important part in optimizing processes and influencing decisions of tech companies. XR, or extended reality, creates new ways for people to experience and engage with the world around them. Distributed ledgers are most commonly used in the context of cryptocurrencies, but they are expanding their capabilities by eliminating the need for third parties. And quantum computing, the DARQ technology that is least understood, will usher in unique ways to approach and solve the hardest computational problems.

What DARQ will do

While each of these new technologies that make up DARQ are being implemented at different rates among tech companies, itโ€™s clear that the new wave of companies using DARQ technologies to drive innovation is already here. Once the collective power of DARQ becomes more prevalent, it might be too late for those who aren't implementing DARQ to compete in the tech industry.

DARQ will let leaders in this constantly changing era reinvent their businesses. Being ready to harness the full power of DARQ in the future means starting today.

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