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Ξ ethOS: your wallet as a mobile phone

Discovering EthOS: The world's first Ethereum OS

In an era where technology continuously evolves to merge with various sectors of our daily lives, the introduction of EthOS, the world’s first mobile phone designed with an Ethereum wallet at its core, marks a significant milestone. I recently had the extraordinary opportunity to explore one of the first 50 EthOS mobile phones released, a venture that promises to redefine our interaction with cryptocurrencies.

A revolutionary step funded by nouns DAO

The EthOS project, generously funded by Nouns DAO, represents a bold leap into the future of cryptocurrency usability. Nouns DAO has shattered expectations by backing the creation of this pioneering device. The EthOS mobile phone is not just a gadget; it's a gateway to the expansive universe of cryptocurrency, designed to make digital transactions as straightforward as sending a text message.

My journey with EthOS

What stood out immediately was the phone itself—a Google Pixel 7, distinctively branded with the EthOS and Nouns DAO logos. This personalization not only emphasizes the collaboration behind this project but also integrates a sense of identity and community right into the hardware.

Based on GrapheneOS

At its core, EthOS is built upon GrapheneOS, a privacy and security-focused mobile operating system.
This foundation provides a suite of security features unparalleled in the mobile OS world.

An ideal choice to get your wallet protected against malicious software and trackers.

A closer look at the wallet functionalities

Setting up or importing a wallet

A distinctive aspect of the EthOS experience is the wallet setup process. To generate or import a new wallet, users must perform a factory reset on the device. Upon rebooting, the initial screen presents two options: generating a new wallet or importing an existing one by entering a previously owned private key. This process, while ensuring security, underscores the device's focus on cryptocurrency management as its core feature.

Intial screen when booting for the first time

Single Ethereum private key

Unlike many crypto wallets that support the BIP39 standard for using a Recovery Phrase or even HD wallet, EthOS opts for a more straightforward approach by providing a single Ethereum private key. Although, this decision might spark debates about security, simplicity and flexibility regarding secret keys management.

You can find your secret key in About phone

Chain selector

EthOS comes with a handy built-in chain selector right into the Quick Settings panel. Ingeniously designed for ease of use, it allows us to swiftly switch between blockchain networks with just a few taps.

Chain selector animated gif

The real magic happens in how the selected network via the chain selector immediately reflects across both the wallet, the browser, and any other eventual app built using the SDK.

The wallet client

The wallet client boasts a user interface that is both aesthetically pleasing and intuitively designed. You can see in one place your balance on all of the networks available.

Wallet client

Dapp-ready browser

EthOS comes with a default browser acting as a seamless gateway to the decentralized web. It's designed with focus on security, privacy, and direct engagement with Dapps.
Pre-installed with AdBlock, the browser offers fine-grained control over content type blocking.

privacy settings

Out of the box, the browser gives a nice experience with DeFi, gaming, social media, and other blockchain-based applications.
The browser recognizes the selected network, optimizing the user's browsing experience to match the blockchain environment they are currently engaged with. This level of integration is unparalleled and represents a significant advancement in making blockchain technology more accessible and user-friendly.

dapp interaction

SDK for Native and React-Native applications 🚀

Even more straightforward than traditional Dapp development, the SDK provides the components necessary to integrate seamlessly with EthOS's wallet API.

ExpoWalletsdk module interface

Whether you're a veteran developer or a newcomer eager to make your mark, EthOS app development is a great opportunity to explore and create the future of mobile applications.

developers developers developers meme

If you are interested to know more about it, I wrote an article on setting up a react-native project for EthOS with screenshots and a simple application example: Your first dApp on EthOS

And there is more to discover...

To keep this article brief, I didn't cover everything that's available on EthOS.
If you decide to try EthOS, you'll also have a light node that offers more permissionless interaction with the blockchain and helps in decentralizing the network, deep integration with ETH Addresses in contacts, and so much more...

XMTP description

Looking forward

The EthOS mobile phone is a testament to the innovative spirit of the crypto community. It's a step toward making cryptocurrency a more integrated and accessible part of our daily lives. While there are areas for enhancement, such as the integration of BIP39 standard support and theme customizations, the potential of EthOS is undeniable. As one of the first to experience this groundbreaking device, I look forward to seeing how it evolves and shapes the future of cryptocurrency engagement.

Special thanks to MrSnowball, who kindly provided the device for testing and review.

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