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I stopped using Visual Studio Code

Chris Bongers on August 05, 2022

Not because it's bad, not at all, and to be fully honest, I use it for my blog still 🤫. But because I started using Webstorm, a JetBrains product ...
leob profile image
leob • Edited

Okay lol, well actually I made exactly the opposite journey - I started with a Jetbrains product, then switched to VSCode, and never looked back.

For me VSCode was a breath of fresh air, lightweight, quick to fire up, quick to create a project (well you actually don't "create a project" anymore - BIG advantage) - easy to set up, easy to learn, easy to use, etc.

Actually I have a Java background and had to use Eclipse for years, which is the most baroque and complicated IDE you can imagine (barring the horrible Apple Xcode environment, lol). Never again that, just give me an editor (which is what VSCode is, a glorified editor), the command line, and that's it.

I get it that WebStorm is more feature-rich and way more sophisticated, but I'm not using all those features - KISS, quick and simple does it for me.

Even my VSCode is rather bare-bones - I'm keeping the number of plugins to a minimum, no fancy themes or a gazillion plugins for me - it only slows me down ... the biggest "investment" I did in VSCode was to learn the keyboard shortcuts - virtually ALL of them - because it makes you SO much more productive.

Ultimately the point is that VSCode clicks with the way I work, but I completely understand that WebStorm might click with the way someone else works.

dailydevtips1 profile image
Chris Bongers

I think that's kind of key.
VSC with no plugins == fast, but once you start adding stuff it becomes so slow.

To me all those things seem to work perfectly fine in WS out of the box.

leob profile image
leob • Edited

Right, that's the point, WS is batteries included, plug 'n' play, while VSCode is more DYI ... but I have a minimal number of plugins installed, and I checked right now and I even uninstalled 4 or 5 plugins that I never use, lol.

But, you mentioned search, and I do like the full-text search in VSCode quite a lot - it's fast enough and well, it's simple, there we go again haha ;)

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mikeyglitz profile image

The biggest selling feature for vs code for me is development containers. I think it simplifies contribution. Clone the project. Start the container. You don't have to waste time installing SDKs and plugins because they're in the container.

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leob profile image

Oh yeah that's a good one, and you can even run your VSCode completely "in the cloud", and access it with a thin client (browser) - because well, VSCode is of course "just" a web app (packaged with Electron) ...

Imagine that you're on holiday on a tropical island, you think of a cool little feature, you open your tablet under the shade of a palm tree, and with a few clicks you fire up your IDE and your dev containers - and bada bing bada boom there it is, you do a little bit coding, with another click you deploy it - job done, back to the swimming pool - how cool is that?

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mikeyglitz profile image

Well I'd argue you'd still need a good CI environment for the deployment aspect. GH Actions and GitLab are pretty good for that imo, but I get what you're saying.

ishanpro profile image
Ishan Tiwari

That's why I am a full time Sublime texter now with Sublime merge.

mikeyglitz profile image

I'm not sure if that's a limitation of Electron (JavaScript for desktop) that VS Code is built on

kyleljohnson profile image
Kyle Johnson

Performance is a journey, not a sprint. :) Look how long it took for VS to become fast.

yuridevat profile image
Julia 👩🏻‍💻 GDE

Me too :)

himanshugoel profile image
Himanshu Goel

I can second that claim. Even I also used WebStorm in past, but facing issue with over-consuming of RAM memory and getting unresponsive. After moving to VS Code, it felt so much light weighted and sleek.

dailydevtips1 profile image
Chris Bongers

Sounds like a lot of people see it that way.
From what I can tell it also seems to make a difference wether it's mac/windows editions.

swpalmer profile image
Scott Palmer • Edited

I’m also a Java developer that isn’t impressed with Eclipse. (I use NetBeans.). But I’ve found VSCode for Java is quite a pain. It doesn’t follow conventions and pollutes my project directory with another set of compiled classes in som bin folder or something - why??? It has trouble figuring out the classpath, so the functionality it is supposed to have is usually unavailable. Given that’s I’m doing a lot of mixed web and Java stuff these days I was hoping for a better experience. The HTLM/CSS/JS stuff in VSCode seems to work reasonably well.

leob profile image
leob • Edited

I wouldn't use VSCode for Java, I'd use Eclipse or something like that - even though I dislike Eclipse, it does work quite well for Java.

VSCode is simple and lightweight, Java is anything but - the requirements of Java are so specific, VSCode was not designed for that.

I'm not really doing Java dev anymore, but if I did I'd probably use Eclipse ... or maybe Netbeans, or alternatively a JetBrains product.

joelbonetr profile image
JoelBonetR 🥇

+1 here. Ditched webstorm apart in fabour of VSCode 😅

giates profile image
Gianluca Tessarolo • Edited

Java development ? Netbeans is my first choice, IntelliJ Idea the second, I've tried VS Code without success... (Java EE applications packaged as EAR with multiple modules)

leob profile image

VSCode is NOT suitable for Java development ... doesn't mean that VSCode is bad, but Java development has very specific requirements, and VSCode wasn't designed for that ... use Eclipse, use Netbeans, use IntelliJ, but don't use VSCode for Java development.

hilleer profile image
Daniel Hillmann • Edited

It feels like you knew everything I wanted to write

leob profile image

Haha okay, I suppose a lot of people migrating to VSCode have the same kind of experience with it :-)

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hxavs profile image
Jeremiah S • Edited

Yeah. I used to use phpstorm and webstorm. I use vscode for most of the development I do these days. Also with its api and extensive repository of community developed extensions you can really customize your experience and the tools that are available.

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leob profile image

Absolutely ... and it's lightweight, that's probably the biggest thing for me :)

hoangviethung profile image

Easy to set up, easy to learn, easy to use, etc. Nice Bro !!

Sloan, the sloth mascot
Comment deleted
yuridevat profile image
Julia 👩🏻‍💻 GDE

An article I HAD to read. Wow, I started with WebStorm but then switched to VSCode for the front end and wouldn't go back. But I use IntelliJ Edu for the backend when I write Java, and I would also try PyCharm and the other products because I like JetBrains Academy.

It's so interesting what developers prefer and for what reasons. Thanks for pointing out the benefits you see.

snaidamast profile image

I am currently using PyCharm Community Edition to bring myself up to speed with Python (I am a VB.NET\C# engineer). I love it for its feature set...

dailydevtips1 profile image
Chris Bongers

I've probably used most IDE's out there, but for my personal needs at this time of my career WebStorm has too many advantages I haven't seen elsewhere.

(Biggest being the test I think actually)

rxliuli profile image

Another more obvious disadvantage is that it is not suitable for large monorepo repositories, such as those in a company with more than 90 sub-projects, it becomes almost unusable. Also, I'm still a paid user of jetbrains ide now, but I've completely switched to vscode for the front end.

dailydevtips1 profile image
Chris Bongers

I'm actually finding the opposite with webstorm, way more stable on larger projects from my side 🤯

rxliuli profile image
rxliuli • Edited

Maybe your project is not big enough, here is a basic overview of our project information

Language                     files          blank        comment           code
TypeScript                    1054          10239          17515          79359
Vuejs Component                275           3137           2608          41652
JavaScript                      11           2816            288          16483
HTML                             8             43              0           3245
LESS                            19            223             12           2099
GraphQL                         32             71             37           1871
JSON                            51              1              0           1433
SVG                             81              1              3            992
CSS                             15            116             11            984
SCSS                             5             19              8            186
Bourne Shell                     1             12              8             31
Markdown                         1              5              0              6
SUM:                          1553          16683          20490         148341
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
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dailydevtips1 profile image
Chris Bongers

This is the project I mainly work on

Surprised VSC works moire stable for you.
But happy to hear you found a good IDE that works for your setup.

miketalbot profile image
Mike Talbot ⭐

I'm all for Webstorm, especially since they upgraded it to be a full IDE - it used to not have multiple projects and all that jazz and I had to use IntelliJ - but that has a lot of Java bloat you don't need.

I find Webstorm super fast, the integrated debugger is very slick, but the "it always finds it" search anywhere is a killer feature for me. The other great features are the really powerful refactorings that mean I build much cleaner code. The multi language support for SQL, GraphQL etc with all of the intellisense means I'm rarely looking things up.

I've used VSCode a fair amount and I do like it, but it never seems to be 100% consistent for me.

The new wave of JetBrains IDEs are coming. I'm very excited to see where this takes them.

A nod to DataGrip and Rider too - really great IDEs for C#, C++ and databases. I'm a happy customer and have been for 5 or 6 years now.

spo0q profile image
spO0q 🐒

The "Storm suite" is amazing. It's not exactly the cheapest service, but it's totally worth it. I think you're right to switch to a more specialized IDE that fits your needs.

What I don't appreciate in VSCode is the telemetry enabled by default. It collects lots of data. Of course, you can disable tracking in the settings, but most users won't do it.

I'm not that surprised, considering it's a Microsoft product. For those who look for an alternative, there's also VS codium, which is an open-source clone.

renanfranca profile image
Renan Franca

Thank you! I disable telemetry 👏

dailydevtips1 profile image
Chris Bongers

I also used Atom before, cool product, but also started to crash almost daily 😅
For me WebStorm solves all my problems at this point in my career, so very happy with it.

spo0q profile image
spO0q 🐒

It's VS codium.

afternoonpm profile image

Yeah, atom does that sometimes.
Also github decided to sunset(discontinue) it, so they're archiving the repo in december. Kinda sad, especially because I had finally found an editor I liked, but after the announcement, I switched to vscode, and it's working great!

moopet profile image
Ben Sinclair

we get find-in files, which can be used to find any code in your files!

Is there something special about this that I'm missing? I haven't use VSCode much, but I'd assume it'd have something that does this, it's pretty basic functionality available in most editors or IDEs, isn't it?

fyodorio profile image

The search flow is very smooth, switching between file-level, folder-level and project-level search is superfast, and the feature of “search anything” is just superb. The pleasure comes with practice 😄 but it’s really hard to use anything other than WebStorm after using WebStorm.

moopet profile image
Ben Sinclair

What would be the difference between "search anything" and "project-level"? Or do you mean that the search includes results from the editor, like the command pallette or something?

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fyodorio profile image
Fyodor • Edited

Yes, closer to the VS Code’s command palette but less chaotic I’d say

dailydevtips1 profile image
Chris Bongers

Ah nothing new, it just works really well in WS
As where VSC has the same, but it's in one uniform search.

This really comes down to preference I think.

modelair profile image

one of many things why i dont use vsc it's a chrome-based engine.
chrome engine and speed? lal. lightweight? omg

vsc - bullshit

fjones profile image
FJones • Edited

I'm very much a JetBrains evangelist these days, too. The wealth of out-of-the-box features in all of their IDEs is excellent for someone like me who works with a bunch of different languages.
VSCode requires a lot of setup, and setting it up for everything at the same time just bogs it down massively. Meanwhile the JetBrains IDEs are all fully functional, fast, and just work.

Edit: Also, the coherency of keyboard shortcuts and the entire UX between the different IDEs vastly outperforms anything a wealth of VSC plugins would achieve. It's tailored exactly the right way.

dimitrisbor profile image

Many times i come across blog posts like "40 must have plugins for VSCode" that Intellij has built in and i'm like, what the heck? I understand that it gives you the choice to customize it as you want, but if i had to switch now to VS Code i would have to search and find all the plugins i need to have the same functionality.

dailydevtips1 profile image
Chris Bongers

Yeah true,

I started thinking I needed to load all kinds of plugins into WS, learning quickly it was all ready built-in.

To me VSC also get's way slower with every plugin you add-on.
Pretty sure if you would mimic WS functionality with plugins it's un-runable. (but this is just a thought)

jonrandy profile image
Jon Randy 🎖️

I never saw the attraction of VS Code - seems like a slower, more resource intensive ripoff of SublimeText

dailydevtips1 profile image
Chris Bongers

I mean it's a great IDE, especially the free part.
But again lots of customisations and personalisation are also a big pro.

creotip profile image
Ruslan Elishaev

Funny to read this today. I’m actually switching from Intellij to vscode after 8 years of usage.

Intellij is a RAM and CPU killer. It become so slow, that sometimes it’s impossible to use it anymore.

dailydevtips1 profile image
Chris Bongers

I'm seeing this a lot and still surprised to experience the complete opposite.
Just a follow up question are you on Windows or Mac?

As I think it has a lot to do with that (from reading the comments here)
I'm on Mac and for me WS is way faster/lower on resources

creotip profile image
Ruslan Elishaev

I'm on MAC:
MacBook Pro (16-inch, 2019)
2.3 GHz 8-Core Intel Core i9
32 GB 2667 MHz DDR4
AMD Radeon Pro 5500M 4 GB

Currently working on huge monorepo with Apollo microservices and module Federated React apps, which means many instances of node running on the background.

Intellij is extremly slow to work on this stack.

Now i'm testing vscode vs WebStorm. Will update later about the results!

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creotip profile image
Ruslan Elishaev

After 2 working days, I can confirm that WebStorm is Much faster/less RAM cunsumer than IntelliJ.

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dailydevtips1 profile image
Chris Bongers

Not sure you have the right names there?

mcsee profile image
Maxi Contieri • Edited

Hi @dailydevtips1 . I've been reading you posts por over 2 years.

This is exactly the point. I came to the same conclusion regarding JetBrains vs VisualStudio.
Running tests smoothly is a killer difference and you start to notice it once you have to manage a LOT of them

dailydevtips1 profile image
Chris Bongers

Yep! The test cases where the real selling point.
Actually our CTO was advocating to switch us to WS, but we never saw the need.

He showed us the singular test and snapshots ones and I immediately switched 😂

shshank profile image

I was using Sublime before and now VS, it's quite fast, and the main reason is fast global search, also it donot prompt to purchase 😌. VS code is quite fast, as you started installing plugins, themes, the speed decreases gradually, kepping it minimal will it make it super fast.

dailydevtips1 profile image
Chris Bongers

100% and if it works for you I wouldn't switch.
Keeping it lean and minimal definitely helps with keeping it fast.

shshank profile image

But now it crashes, and sometime saving takes a bit time, sometime it stops auto closing tags, for which I need fo restart the VS code, and so really looking for an alternate, but with faster global search.

kpkeerthi profile image
Keerthi • Edited

To me it's the opposite. I ditched Jetbrains products and moved to VS Code. Never looked back. I code Angular, Golang, Java/Spring and occasionally Python. Much satisfied with VS Code.

I find VS code's keyboard short cuts and editing capabilities more powerful and easier to use and I'm far more productive in it. With its workspace settings.json and extensions.json it is easier to setup a workflow and automation that'll provide a consistent experience to everybody in the team. It's pity that you didn't discover it's capabilities and simplicity. With that comes a lot of power.

Even if my company pays for Jetbrains license I would happily pick VS code. To each his own. Well.

dailydevtips1 profile image
Chris Bongers

Exactly, not here to convince anyone, I would urge people to use whatever works best for them.

VSC did just that for me, for a very long time.
It's mainly my need for testing and debugging these days that made me favor WebStorm else I probably wouldn't have switched.

What was your main point to switch?

kpkeerthi profile image
Keerthi • Edited

Not sure what the difficulty is in testing in vs vode. Jasmine, karma, Cypress, protractor work just fine. It lays out inline code hints with which you can kick off any or all or a set of tests in run or debug mode.

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dailydevtips1 profile image
Chris Bongers

No difficulty, but WS has a cool way of doing individual tests inside a file, don't think i've seen that in VSC (or i'm not aware of it)

  • it has a great way of visualising snapshots and debugging tests.

Again, not here to say VSC is bad at it, for my use-cases (singular test in a case) it works better in WS.

fahimfba profile image
Md. Fahim Bin Amin

As a fellow Jetbrains fan, I can understand you completely. The only sad part is, they don't provide any free version of Webstorm (I am not considering the trial version as that would get expired within 1 month anyway). It is true that educational gmail account can unlock the premium subscriptions of all the IDEs for two years. But after then, we would not have any other choice other than using VS Code if we can't afford the IDEs. Moreover, they are very costly as well.

wadecodez profile image
Wade Zimmerman

JetBrains is nice but it has a heavy price tag and can be a bit of a memory hog. However, I think JetBrains have a better understanding of the code base than VSCode. A prime example is the premium Laravel IDE for JetBrains. It costs money, but it is far superior to what VSCode offers.

VSCode is still a really good editor. I use it for quickly editing files and one off projects from the command line.

dailydevtips1 profile image
Chris Bongers

The price is the biggest pitfall I think.
I would still recommend VSC to most people especially those just starting out.

If you get your company to pay or have enough clients, storm products are worth a try.

nartc profile image
Chau Tran

Price is definitely a pitfall but I wouldn't say "heavy". If a person is already working as a paid developer, I'd recommend getting WebStorm (not the All Products Pack) still as it is extremely cheap (16 cents a day for the first year -> 9 cents a day for third year onwards)

Plus, Jetbrains does have programs to offer free licenses for various categories.

VSCode is a great product. WebStorm is also a great product. However in my opinion, price should be the least of a developer's concern when compare the two.

gvescu profile image
Gustavo Vera Scuderi

Every new release of RubyMine I download it for testing and it looks so cool, but for some reason I always end up going back to VSCode. I think I don't know how to configure it for my project requirements (Docker/WSL2), but I see a lot of debugging configuration that overwhelms me and in the end I end up just running rspec manually.

Doesn't help either that some times I have some freelance work in other languages and I'd need the other IDEs too.

meatboy profile image
Meat Boy

After trying most of the editors and ide available on the market I can recommend jetbrain tools. Especially if you are working with different technologies. Switching between ide or using IntelliJ is seamless and powerful.

dailydevtips1 profile image
Chris Bongers

Happy to hear you have the same experience.

pavonz profile image
Andrea Pavoni • Edited

I’m glad you found a tool that improves your development experience and I’m not here to judge or start an old school flame war. I’m not into Java-based IDEs because I found them slow and bloated. Regarding the features you listed, I achieved same results with both neovim and VSCode, sure they aren’t plug-and-play to setup the first time, but I come from the old times where you had to recompile the Linux kernel and libraries (hello Slackware and Gentoo Linux!) to get a decent almost-working desktop, so maybe I’m just used to some tinkering.

Just my 2 cents to add to the discussion.

2kabhishek profile image
Abhishek Keshri

I actually went from VS Code to Neovim 😆
This post inspired me to write about my journey as well

dailydevtips1 profile image
Chris Bongers

Love it!
Let me know once you written your post, would love to read it 💖

nimoi profile image

Now we're talking. I can search anywhere in Vim too with ripgrep and fzf and I bet you it's faster than those bigger IDEs

norweskidrwal profile image
Mateusz Sas

Nothing you mention in this article rings true for me. All the „advantages” of webstorm exist in VSC. The testing feature you so like exists in vscode.
I seriously think you didn’t know how to use VSC properly.

dailydevtips1 profile image
Chris Bongers

I'm not here to convince you to use it.
Just sharing what my expeirence was from switching.

I can tell you are frustrated by the product and that's fair, glad visual studio code works out for you.

I'm wondering where this individual testing feature sits in VSC then?
I have yet to find that, so any direction/article to where that is would be appreciated.

wpq profile image

I used to use Jetbrain software for years and switched to vscode a few weeks ago.

The main reason was the consistency of vscode. Jetbrain products bundle a random set of supported languages (python in goland for instance) and they seem to be clones of the same core with added languages. I guess they would be better off going for a core product and add languages as plugins.

The other thing that bothered me horribly is that there is no way to configure what a given file is rendered as in the editor. If I have, say, a file aaaa.yyy, I cannot force it to render as a YAML file. It will be unknown and seen as text. JB support confirmed that and this is truly a pain in the bottom.

zabdeldjallil profile image

Used vs code for a long time then switched to atom, web storm but never felt like any of them was what i wanted, until i started using neovim, it was the perfect match.

dailydevtips1 profile image
Chris Bongers

Awesome! Seems like I really need to give NeoVim a try 👀

polterguy profile image
Thomas Hansen

I tried JetBrains a couple of years ago. I was using xUnit back then. My problem was that I had dynamically referenced assemblies loading up automatically. I've got no ide why, but JetBrains test runner wouldn't load my assemblies, and hence for me it was useless back then. But I welcome more products in this space, and I wish JetBrains nothing but success :)

diass_le profile image
Leonardo Dias

I did something similar. On January 2020 I stopped using Visual Studio after having an amazing experience with Jetbrains Rider.

I remember trying .Net development on Linux with VS Code and it was bad, then I tried VS for Mac and it was even worse… Rider gave me the freedom to do .Net code on Windows, Linux and Mac OS having the same experience on all the platforms. I know vs 2022 have some fancy stuff, but it’s hard for me to work without Rider and I’m no longer stucked on Windows xD

dim0147 profile image

The refactor of WebStorm is incredible, don't know VSCode refactor can be good as WebStorm or not

raibtoffoletto profile image
Raí B. Toffoletto

I'm interested to hear how's the SSH support. Can I connect to a VM and edit my code there? This is essential on VSCode for me.

dailydevtips1 profile image
Chris Bongers

I personally don't use this option, but pretty sure it's well supported.
Someone else might be able to tell you more in depth what's possible.

rvandervelde profile image
Remco van der Velde

You can use wsl for this...

raibtoffoletto profile image
Raí B. Toffoletto

@rvandervelde I think you didn't understand my question. 😉If you did, please explain what do you mean by your answer.

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rvandervelde profile image
Remco van der Velde

Windows subsystemen for linux , wsl can use ssh

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raibtoffoletto profile image
Raí B. Toffoletto

yes... I can do that from any shell, including PowerShell and Putty on windows. and then edit files remotely on vim. But the advantage of VSCode is to connect the window to it end edit remote files as if they were local. 😉

I don't want to install node, dotnet, docker or databases on my desktop system. That's the power of using VMs

thomasjunkos profile image
Thomas Junkツ

Am I missing the "Advertisement" keyword here?

dailydevtips1 profile image
Chris Bongers

Not at all, just sharing my experiences of switching 🙏

flawnson profile image
Flawnson Tong

Really like that you highlighted a bunch of great things about JetBrains IDEs, but honestly imho this is one of those things that comes down to personal perference :P

And for the record I ust JetBrains IDEs :)

dailydevtips1 profile image
Chris Bongers

It sure does, it's with almost any tooling really.
I tried to highlight what works for me.

For some people other IDE's will be better and that's the cool part about it.

clarity89 profile image
Alex K.

Another great thing about WebStorm is that it's simply super quick.

It is indeed quick for small to medium-sized projects. However once the codebase grows substantially it can become quite slow sometimes. Especially when there's more than language in the codebase, e.g. I use Goland for a large TS and Go codebase and when switching branches indexing takes ages.

xxxdepy profile image
Deepak Kamat

I used to use Sublime Text for everything - for 7-8 years now, tried a few other editors like Atom, even VS Code in its early days but I found Sublime to be my friend.

But a few months back decided to start using VS Code for some projects and now I started liking it - I still feel it's a bit too cluttery but it gets the work done and the plethora of features come in handy for a lot of things. I use Sublime and VS Code interchangeably, VS Code where I am doing more of a whole project that involves a lot of good code related hints, like for example a project in Typescript, for simpler projects Sublime is still my friend.

vlajd profile image

For me personally, I never liked having so many tools and features on my fingertips that I'll be unlikely to use anything soon. So I switch from Intellij→VSC→NVIM. I don't really miss any of these cool debug features provided by either the plugins or out of the box. Rider for C++ development is the only exception, as debugging huge C/C++ codebases is just straight up impossible using only vim. But for web, once you've set up Coc or something similar, my work output just feels way more reliable, even when working in bigger TS projects (for example) (or way too huge CSS files).

kimdontdoit profile image

Thanks for the share/insight. This actually makes me want to try WebStorm

On my side, for PHP heavy sites, I try to get accustomed to Jetbrain's PhpStorm, but I fallback to VSC simply because of habit. I guess the lesson here is: it doesn't hurt to try both 🤷‍♂️

dailydevtips1 profile image
Chris Bongers

Well I think PHPStorm would be the better choice for PHP projects.
You can always give the 30 day trial a go and see how you feel about it.

wintercounter profile image
Victor Vincent

During my career I tried to switch from Storm to VSCode 3 times, giving it a 1 month trial each time. Always went back to Storm. One of the biggest pain point for me is Git. Code's Git integration/features is like 0 compared to Storm and it's UX is pretty weak also. Another thing is Search, you also mentioned. Besides those there are many tiny things that's just gives better UX for me overall using Storm.

codeystein profile image

The same kinda happened to me, I switched from VScode to NeoVim a few months ago, and I have no intentions of going back. I realized how slow VScode was making my productivity way slower, and the program was also slow itself, I'm excited to hear your journey on switching from VSCode, good luck!

kayis profile image

I used PHPStorm and WebStorm for years, but I switched to VSCode.

VSCode simply has a bigger eco system and when new things come out, you can be sure that a VSCode extension exist for it. Same rason why I use JavaScript, when new tech comes out, chances are good that a way exist to interact with it via JS.

Also, with the latest trend in cloud IDEs (AWS Cloud9, GitHub Codespaces, etc.) I think most classic IDEs are a thing of the past anyway. Usually, I fire up one of these and don't even have something installed on my local machine anymore.

mikiqex profile image
Michal Novák

I was a PhpStorm user for many years and I love it. About a year ago I started using VS Code regularly for my side project - just for fun, to distinguish between hobby and work. And it was fresh and fast.

As I learned more in VSC and the editor evolved, I was using VSC more and more. Also my work evolved, less in PHP and more in .NET, plus way more JS and TS. I configured debuggers for PHP and JS, so this crucial part is working nicely in both.

VSC doesn't do things as good as PhpStorm, but for me it's good enough to save a few bucks. That's because for the first time I'm seriously considering not renewing my PhpStorm subscription any more. The main thing I miss is in VSC is PHP refactoring (I found paid extensions only), which I don't do that often and thanks to perpetual license it's not like I won't be able to use it from time to time.

dailydevtips1 profile image
Chris Bongers

Fair enough, it's all about what you need.
If VSC solves your problems I would also not bother spending money.

eshimischi profile image

PhpStorm kills any love to programming being absolutely slow and buggy, i have to use it only because my company has own plugin with out framework in mind. My freelance projects are all VSCode only!

nimoi profile image

Across Windows, Linux, and Macos PhpStorm has been stable for me except for on my older MacBooks (2019) where my main problem was overheating. On an M1 loaded up with plugins looking at a large codebase it's smooth and stable. But I don't think I should need to spend so much resources on an editor so I have moved to spending most of my time in some flavor of Vim and I keep running out of reasons to open up a large IDE anymore. But as I replace functionality with bash scripts and plugins in Vim I start to wonder if I'm just moving bloat from one place to another.

dailydevtips1 profile image
Chris Bongers

That's crazy to hear, I heard multiple people state it's slow.
Wonder why it's like that for some, and the opposite for others? 🤯

eshimischi profile image
eshimischi • Edited

Well, i’m a Mac user, when you add too much plugins to PhpStorm (i use several - php intellisense, our enterprise plugins, git, couple of others) with time it begins to eat tooo way much of memory, especially when you dive into a deep folders. Perhaps we’re all have different preferences, i don’t know but sometimes it’s really making me mad and i switch to text editors and VSCode lol

Thread Thread
dailydevtips1 profile image
Chris Bongers

Oh ok, thanks for elaborating on that.

I'm surprised they haven;'t built-in intellisense as that's the main focus.
But glad to see VSC does the trick for you. 🙏

Thread Thread
eshimischi profile image

Php intellisense is a third-party plugin yes..

bangonkali profile image
Bangon Kali

When I use any Jetbrains product I also make it so that -xmx and -xms is 24576m because I've been using 32Gb and then nowadays 64gb RAM. Everything is very smooth and quick. The default ram allocation for their products are quite small.

eljayadobe profile image

I've nothing against Visual Studio Code. Other than I wish Microsoft didn't brand it with "Visual Studio", presumably for marketing purposes. (Thanks to Nathan Hedglin for the tip on VSCodium!) Many devs on my team use Visual Studio Code, and really like it.

I continue to be impressed with JetBrains and their products. PyCharm is my favorite from them. For Visual Studio (not Code), the ReSharper extension is fabulous (and I am aware of CodeRush and other competitors extensions, and they're good too). I've been told CLion can't handle my big C++ project at work, alas. Otherwise I'd probably use it rather than Xcode or Visual Studio.

javaxnani profile image

The reason I use Jetbrains Products because they are just amazing, From code refactoring to testing,It just works like a charm.
But its a bit memory hog but still better than that bloated , my past favourite,VSC

marcus-sa profile image
Marcus S. Abildskov • Edited

IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate is even better.
Another key note, IntelliJ has better TypeScript support than VSC, which is hilarious to me when they're both created by Microsoft.
Fuck Microsoft products, they suck ass.
TypeScript is great, but the team developing it ain't.

dailydevtips1 profile image
Chris Bongers

Yep, very complete and if you need to support more than one language often the better choice 💖

arupbasak profile image
Arup Basak

You said that you stop using free Open Source Software(Actually it isn't fully open source) and start using paid software and get a better experience, it's confusing, as far as I know, that, any Independent Programmer always likes to use a fully customizable code editor that he can build any program with it. I don't want to offend you. All individual doesn't have much money to pay for software(every month or year)

When I started to learn Java(2.5yr ago). I have chosen Eclipse Ide, a great IDE but one suggested using Jetbrains Intellij Idea. I have wondered if it was great because of AI's suggestion. I have learned a lot more from this Ide(Cause of the Suggestion). Even I also started to learn Kotlin from Intellij. Many skilled programmers suggested to beginners to use a code editor, that would help them to find the errors, I don't agree with that, the beginner's preference. Currently, I like to use VS Code for Java, Web, and Python.
When It's time to start JavaScript, I have chosen the software named WebStorm. But it's not free, and till now this language is frustrating for me. If it was free or It had a community edition, that would great.

dailydevtips1 profile image
Chris Bongers

Not really sure where the open source vs paid comes in play.
I'm not suggesting people should switch, just giving my experience from switching.

I know for a lot of people it's a lot of money and understand people prefer the free alternatives like Visual Studio Code.

dailydevtips1 profile image
Chris Bongers

Well I could argue your comment is affiliated from a visual studio point of view.

Sorry for sharing my honest opinion about what I liked about switching to WebStorm.
I'm not stating anyone should switch, and even mention VSC is perfectly fine in most cases.

Seriously I'm writing daily content for people to enjoy and some of you think I do these things for money, it's just making me really sad 😅

norweskidrwal profile image
Mateusz Sas • Edited

I abandonded WebStorm due to the indexing part. Indexing makes it unusable for me. I can’t have the IDE lock me out, because it recalculates stuff.
Had an opposite journey. From a shitty and sluggish webstorm to a fast and usable VSC. I have to use webstorm at my new job, and I think I am going to quit.

maxgoren profile image
Max Goren

I too have recently made the switch from vscode to a jetbrains project - sort of. Allow me to explain: I work as a backend software engineer, my bread and butter thus being java spring/boot. I've happily chugged away in vscode for years after previously running the gauntlet of ide's and editors, and I still use vscode for my personal C/C++ projects. But for the kind of projects i'm a part of at work, intelliJ just shines. It's built in debugger is a life saver. the "Evaluate expression" function combined with breakpoints it like magic after a lifetime of debugging with gdb and logging. The built in support for SQL, the ability to easily run singular integration tests, etc etc and the list just goes on and on.
But there is a caveat to all this, in that it is an unfair comparison. Intellij is an IDE - an Integrated Development Environment where vscode is simply a code editor. Sure, its been dressed up pretty with intellisense and git, and a ton of other useful features, but at the end of the day you cant really expect a glorified text editor to be able to impact your productivity in the same way a full fledged IDE.

danielratmiroff profile image

Neovim is the best. Never had so much fun coding as in neovim

rob_2ff52748fffed0a9 profile image

I have the JetBrains pack because I use GoLand, DataGrip and Rider routinely (developing .Net on a Mac is painful with MS tools, but Rider is a big improvement). I probably spend 60% of my time in XCode (it's not as bad as some say, it was built for a specific purpose, many think it should act like any other generic IDE) and the rest in GoLand, Rider or VSCode. I wanted so bad to do the small bit of web work I do in WebStorm, but it was missing a plugin or out of the box solution to snippets or intellisense for Prisma and VSCode has a great Prisma plugin and it turns out I have been using Prisma more often than not on web projects. Definitely use WebStorm when I don't need that one specific plugin that VSCode offers.

sheriffderek profile image

Are you saying that VSCode isn't really "free?" ;)

lucaboriani profile image

Wow, didn't know about vscodium, that's something I'll have to try... next Monday 😀

yuvrajsrn profile image
Yuvraj Saran

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kigazon profile image
Josef Held

Totally agree.
I started out with Webstorm. I tried VCode several times but always missed features of Webstorm.

tea0112 profile image
Thai Nguyen

Nothing is better than Neovim. I can work anywhere I want with just a terminal.

sheriffderek profile image

I'm still very happy with Sublime Text.

dimk00z profile image

Jetbrains products are fast... I tryed Pycharm and Goland and both of them eat memory and resources.
They don't work with wsl correctly.

xuandinhgl profile image
Xuan Dinh

I like WS because it's intuitive when fixing merge conflict and checking spelling

nicolasdanelon profile image
Nicolás Danelón

I never got used to vscode. for me it was turboc, notepad++, sublime text and then phpstorm. then webstorm was the natural migration for react native and node.

danielratmiroff profile image

Neovim FTW

miguelcolon profile image
miguelC-olon • Edited

Webstorm is not free

dailydevtips1 profile image
Chris Bongers

It's not, they do offer packages for students and other groups of people.

alperendurmus profile image
Alperen Berat DURMUŞ

I work with different stacks. I can not switch IDE every time. I mean, pyCharm for python, intelllij for java etc.. no, VSC for all 😎

dailydevtips1 profile image
Chris Bongers

Well you could consider IDEA it has every language inside.
But if VSC does it for you, that's good to hear 🙏

synchromatik profile image

Next stop Vim ;)

dailydevtips1 profile image
Chris Bongers

Don't even use it 😅

hmdshariati profile image
Hamid Shariati

It's not free

dailydevtips1 profile image
Chris Bongers

It's not indeed.
If it's free you are looking for VSC is probably still the best choice.

adam_cyclones profile image
Adam Crockett 🌀

I did this and then I went back and when I have a spare 100money I may jump back because I'm fickle and that's it really

drsounds profile image
Alexander Forselius

Webstorm nearly fried my computer...

kossijulesketika profile image
Jules le dev

I understand you
I use Intellij Idea and VSCODE
Idea can't be compared to VsCode
But Idea is not *priceless * but VSCode is it
I forget VSCode since i have Intellij Idea

andrewbaisden profile image
Andrew Baisden

I really wish WebStorm was free I'm trying to get my monthly subscriptions down.

evgenyartemov profile image
Evgeny Artemov

I, on the other hand, started with webstorm and switched to VScode, much easier and faster to work. It has plugins for EVERYTHING. Love it!

yoquiale profile image

I also prefer Jetbrains products to VSCode, but I don't want to pay for them :/

thibaultjanbeyer profile image
Thibault Jan Beyer

Sounds like a paid promotion to me

dailydevtips1 profile image
Chris Bongers

Because I'm sharing what I experienced from switching to a paid product? 😅
Just here sharing what I liked about the product so people get to see my perspective on it.

jimmyff profile image

Lol, this was almost certainly written by a jetbrains employee 👏🤣

dailydevtips1 profile image
Chris Bongers

Not at all, just a random bloke giving his 2 cents 😅

douglasfugazi profile image
Douglas Fugazi

I love IntellijIDEA too.

alidarrudi profile image

I have been using phpstorm for a long time. It was really great. Of course, I recently use vscode. Not Bad. Now with your tips I might go to webstorm.

3ddpaz profile image

since I use nvim everything has changed for good.

bastien22022 profile image

But webstorm is not free, vs code is the best free ide.

dailydevtips1 profile image
Chris Bongers

Yep, I agree and no argument from me on that.

robsonmuniz16 profile image
Robson Muniz

Hey Dev, I came to the same Conclusion...
I still use vs code, but just in my YouTube videos at work I use WebStorm (much better than vs code IMO)!

hudsonrb92 profile image

Would love to use WebStorm, if had a compatible local price, but it is in USD, but for me is too expensive to pay in BRL.

dailydevtips1 profile image
Chris Bongers

I can totally understand that point.
And to be honest I'm quite fortunate the company is paying for it.

I would personally consider it now, but can really see why people choose VSC as it does 99% the same thing for free.

murtuzaalisurti profile image
Murtuzaali Surti

For me, VS code is the ultimate code editor! But, I respect your decision because every situation is different!

dailydevtips1 profile image
Chris Bongers

Exactly, there is an IDE for everyone.
And VSC served me good for a long time actually.

If it wasn't for the test cases I probably would still be using it as my main IDE.

snakepy profile image

VSCode does all of this, without any complex interfaces

dailydevtips1 profile image
Chris Bongers

Not sure about the test cases though.
Or there must be some kind of plugin, but that might bloat it again.

Trust me, still think VSC is amazing and the solution for a lot of people.
Simply sharing why I switched so people get to see another IDE they might consider.

dailydevtips1 profile image
Chris Bongers

Hmm interesting!
So maybe the slow experience is more a windows vs mac related thing 🤯

naumanahmed19 profile image

Web Strom has a local history option. Which I really miss sometimes in VS code. Not sure if there is any ext for that

armando08 profile image

I was very related with VSCode , and i really work faster with vscode but just randomly trying webStorm i started like it more , and i feel for some big projects webStorm is better

pratapkute profile image
Pratap kute

I was used to big fan of Pycharm, but shines where your code base is in a single language. Also, you don't get ssh for remote work.
All these feature are in VSCODE, so that's why i switch to it.

nyholku profile image

Funny thing: I've used Eclipse for IDK 15 years. I've tried to get into VSC, Atom, JetBrains but I just keep coming back.

I use it for Java and the derivatives like Code Composer Studio, MPLAB X, Visual DSP for embedded stuff.

It just works for me and has all the features that I want and does not have the features I hate.

I like auto completion for things that I don't want to remember, like all API call, but I don't need or want any help with writing the small stuff like auto completing '{' or indenting.

I hate the amount visual distraction that Jet Brains puts on the screen. I don't like that just moving my cursor a little to use it as finger to track some code pops up all kind of useless info. I could go on...but everybody has their own poison I guess. :)

hightechtony profile image

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acarrasco profile image
Alfonso Carrasco

Totalmente de acuerdo, yo también uso WebStorm y PhpStorm