I upgraded to Monterey recently. For some reason spoofing my MAC address to extend the time on the free WiFi priced into my $5 coffee has become a lot harder.
Before I had one magic ifconfig command to do it, now I have to run four different commands:
Disconnect from the wifi
sudo /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Apple80211.framework/Versions/Current/Resources/airport -z
Change my lladdr
My interface is always en0
, and I just change the last digit of my MAC address. Holding option while clicking on the wifi menubar tray shows both my interface and MAC address.
sudo ifconfig <interface> lladdr <new MAC address>
Change my ether
sudo ifconfig <interface> ether <new MAC address>
Run ifconfig to see if the ether value for my interface changed
Now I can reconnect to my favorite insecure wifi. The wifi menubar tray still shows my old MAC address, but the public network sees the spoofed value from ifconfig.
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