Sometimes I need to access to my remote kioks running Chrome/Chromium browsers and check developer tools.
In kiosk mode you don't have F12 key and right click available, so even with VNC remote control screen you cannot access to dev tools.
What to do then? Well, suppose with have to different hosts:
Host A with IP: runnning kiosk app (with running SSH server)
Host B with IP: our local machine
First of all, adjust kiosk host launching Chrome/Chromium with this option:
chromium --remote-debugging-port=9222 --kiosk "https://my-cool-app"
Then establish an SSH connection between two hosts using this command on your local machine:
ssh -L 9222: <user>@
where is a valid user in your kiosk host. Once launched
Now, on your local machine open a new tab and load chrome://inspect/#devices
> check "Discover network targets" > press "Configure..." button and check "Enable port forwarding" option.
You're done!
On "Remote target" list you'll see remote Dev tools 🥂
Click on "Inspect" link and start to inspect on your remote kiosk.
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