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[8:22 PM, 10/24/2022] Dantechdevs: COURSEWORK 1
To complete this coursework, you will design the behaviour of simple programs involving the fundamental programming
constructs - variables, expressions, assignments, I/O, and control constructs. Time in class will be provided for
coursework feedback. Advice will be given in class on how to improve your work. Final mark and rubric feedback will be
discussed on a short 1-1 demo after submission.
A prestigious football club has hired our Software Development company. As we know, football's players transfer from
one club to another every year. There are several aspects to estimating their salary, such as their skills, performance in
the previous seasons, age, improvement, personality etc. The manager of the club wishes to estimate the salary o…
[8:22 PM, 10/24/2022] Dantechdevs: From the dataset above, I the ove
If the overall rate less than 30, the salary output be 400.
If the overall rate between 60 and 45, the output should be 700 500.
You can find out more about player's ratings and estimating salary at:
Oo, the output should be 1000 Computational Estimation of Football Player Wages
There are three tasks you need to complete for this coursework:
Task 1. Write the pseudocode OR draw a flowchart that you will use for you…

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