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Recommend a Simple Kafka UI Tool

I'm looking for recommendations for a simple UI -based tool that will help

  • viewing lists of Kafka topics,
  • viewing Consumer groups for each topics
  • viewing messages for a topic
  • post test messages to a topic

The audience would be developers who are using Kafka and could use a simple tool within their test environments.

I found a couple of tools:

I'm looking for recommendations of more tools

Top comments (11)

benbuick profile image
Benjamin Buick • Edited

Kadeck - Kafka UI for Desktop and Web

Kadeck - Kafka UI and Collaboration Layer

If you are looking for a free comprehensive Apache Kafka UI / topic browser to analyse your data in Apache Kafka and to monitor and test your applications, give Kadeck a try.

Kadeck is for single developers and teams alike:
Kadeck Desktop runs as native desktop application on Mac OS, Win, Linux.
Kadeck Teams runs as a web service (docker container) in your cloud / infrastructure.

Included are 12 codecs, attribute filters (filtering structured data objects by attributes), using javascript for complex queries and data transformation, the ability to easily start a local broker instance from within Kadeck, security protocols, support for record headers (and types!), a variety of data ingestion capabilities and so much more.

Manage Kafka ACLs, Schemas, Quotas, Kafka Connect, and more through an intuitive UI with dark and light mode :-)
Manage Kafka ACLs, Schemas, Quotas, Kafka Connect and more

The web version includes role-based access, team management and is free for teams of up to 5 users.

Go to to find out more about Kadeck. And please let us know your feedback and how we can further improve. :-)

weeco profile image
Martin Schneppenheim • Edited

Kowl - Free & Open source WebUI for Kafka

Kowl preview

I'm one of the authors of Kowl ( and compared to the listed solution I think it stands out by it's superior UI/UX. When deserializing messages you don't have to select Codecs, it automatically detects the appropriate codec! The UI does not overwhelm you with a lot of information, it has a proper JSON viewer (Protobuf, Avro, XML messages are rendered as JSON as well). It is also lightweight (written in Go and React) and easy to run (docker container without dependencies).

Last but not least: It's open source and therefore it does not have any restrictions like a user limitation, or a web version which has to be paid for. Support is also available via Discord or GitHub :-).

We do have a business version which offers additional features like audit logging in Kowl, Authentication & Authorization around Kowl etc.. These features are mostly relevant for larger organizations where Kowl is used by hundreds of users.

Documentation can be found here:

ekoutanov profile image
Emil Koutanov

I would add Kafdrop to your go-to list as far as Kafka web UI goes. It shows you broker stats, let's you browse topics, view consumer groups and their lag. It runs in Docker, and it's completely free (Apache licensed).

If you need a CLI, KafkaCat is definitely it. Much more usable than the console tools that come with Kafka.

kumait profile image

Check Kafka Visualizer

Image description

Image description

ynleborg profile image
Jacek Grobelny • Edited

If you need advanced browsing features or event tracking, you should check out Kouncil (sources, demo).


fatichar profile image

This is not fully baked yet. But is, and will remain, free.

marciorc_ profile image
MΓ‘rcio CorrΓͺa

Kafka Magic

woodcockjosh profile image
hilsenrat profile image
Adar Hilsenrat

If you use Confluent Kafka, you can check Confluent Control Center as well.

toretest profile image
Tore Gard

It is not free. 30 days ev.

luismalamoc profile image
Luis Alamo