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David J Eddy
David J Eddy

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What are your favorite VueJS libraries?

As my career has progressed I have filling a number of roles; backend(LEMP), then team lead, then Dev(Sec)Ops. The few times I needed frontend effort someone more skilled was always available. So frontend was never my thing. Recently though, I have been listening to some VueJS videos and it seems ...interesting. Not like the JS of the old days (writing logic twice, once for each browser).

So; what are some of your favorite libraries to use with VueJS (or plain JS)?

Top comments (35)

webdeg profile image

Vue Router and Vuex (for state management). I also use Vuetify a lot.

Vue-Apollo is also great for working with GraphQL inside Vue.

drbragg profile image
Drew Bragg

Love Vuetify. Really nice package

thebiggergeek profile image
atanda rasheed ayomide

You should try out quasar framework also.

Thread Thread
gon profile image
Gonzalo Moreno

Wow! Looks awesome

kirklewis profile image
Kirk Lewis • Edited

I just tried Vue-Apollo for about 7 minutes, and it was very easy to get started + it worked as I expected. I like it!

david_j_eddy profile image
David J Eddy • Edited

Vuetifyjs looks amazing. A Material design UI library was one of the first thing I looked for when VueJS caught my eye. Thank you for sharing.

kirklewis profile image
Kirk Lewis

Vuex is the Killer Feature for me, and I find vue-i18n to be pretty useful.

mornir profile image
Jérôme Pott

vue-confetti 🎊
vue-overdrive 🤖 âš¡
vuex-persistedstate 💾

matheus profile image
Matheus Calegaro

Vuex - Awesome state manager;
Buefy or Vuetify - For some pretty UI components like navbars, buttons, grid and more;

Oh, the Vue DevTools for Chrome is also pretty handy to debug components

david_j_eddy profile image
David J Eddy

DevTools FTW! Nothing makes learning a new tool / language than a good debugger and trace tool.

valasek profile image
Stanislav Valasek

I prefer Quasar. Especially now when v1 is released. I was surprised how big is the Quasar team.

I recommend you to have a look at its amazing documentation or you can spend 12$ on Udemy - Cross-Platform VueJS Vuex & Firebase Apps.

Subscribe to the newsletter to receive monthly expert tips and tricks to extend your Quasar expertise.

bbrewder profile image
Brian Brewder

I liked Quasar for the UI components. I haven't used it for a while and they've rev'd a few times since, but it was great back then and probably better now.

thebiggergeek profile image
atanda rasheed ayomide

It's only Vue UI framework I use every time.

lauragift21 profile image
Gift Egwuenu

Nuxt, Vuelidate, Vuepress

ralmaz profile image
Roman Almazov

Element UI

david_j_eddy profile image
David J Eddy

That Element UI looks nice!

jsheridanwells profile image
Jeremy Wells

We've got a fairly forms-heavy app, and I've found Vee-Validate and Vuex-Map-Fields to be an enormous help.

sduduzog profile image

Vuex-persist or vuex-presistant. Either one you use. I still don't know why persistance has to be a plugin

nuculabs_dev profile image
Nucu Labs

Because HTTP is stateless

sduduzog profile image

I don't understand

ignoreintuition profile image
Brian Greig

Not a library but I think it is worth noting how awesome the Vue developer tools are for Chrome 🔥

tfutada profile image
Takashi Futada

Besides that, i like vue2-hammer, which is a wrapper for hammer, and vue-lazyload, which defers image loading until they come above the hold.

phortx profile image
Ben Klein • Edited

Vuex-ORM with Plugin-GraphQL is amazing :)

And Vuetify of course.

janpauldahlke profile image
jan paul • Edited

this helped me a lot and made life so much easiger.

david_j_eddy profile image
David J Eddy

Oh, thats pretty neat. Thank you for the share jan.

bhermans profile image
Bart Hermans

I'm looking at Vuetify and Quasar to use as UI framework, but I need IE11 support.
Both frameworks say they have, but can anyone confirm that it's actually properly supported?

thebiggergeek profile image
atanda rasheed ayomide

Yeah quasar supports IE, I'm not sure vuetify because I don't use it.

aturingmachine profile image

Vuetify works in IE11, you just run into normal IE problems when using it.