The finite state machine is one of the oldest models of computation in computer science. It's older than the web, older than any programming langua...
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I've always liked the idea of using coroutines and tail-calls to represent state machines. Each state is a function and transitions into another by simply tail-calling it. Input/Output is done by yielding the coroutine.
Sadly, not many languages have the tools needed for this: Tail call elimination and stackful coroutines.
Yeah, I didn't mention coroutines/generators because the article would be twice as long!
<3 Kotlin
I've had a quick look at kotlin "coroutines" and they seem more like light threads to me than actual coroutines.
Coroutines in Kotlin use threading strategies, so for example you can have a common pool for greenthreading, you can have a main thread for UI, a dedicated thread for IO, or no threading for environments like web that don't support it. Threads are a part of it, but kotlin coroutines at their core is really just a way to do parallel work without callbacks.
That's... not what coroutines are though...
Ok, get into that debate with them then.
It's not really a debate. If they want to call their green threads coroutines, that's their choice. I just find it confusing, because I'm used to coroutines being actual coroutines.
I started my FSM/Statechart journey rolling my own as well. I now have a go-to micro-fsm I use for personal projects. Because I followed the same object structure as above I can quickly move to XState as the logic becomes more complex. tritarget.org/Micro%20State%20Machine if anyone is interested.
I just added the xstate lib on my react project to control things...
I done three comparisons:
But for me, it's not the best approach, yet... maybe the old immutable objects approach should be a better solution. I'll try it also.
Thanks for your article, it was awesome to read.
and what is missing here is the possibility to go back in time and reprocess the whole journey when you want to debug something (looking at you, beautiful redux).
I too love event sourcing
My answer to this is directed acyclic graphs. When you organize your state-and-behaviour into a DAG, you get an application that's intuitive (methods live with the state they modify), rigorous (a graph traversal ensures something like one way data flow) and easy to reason about (your graph can be visualized).
Octopus, which I wrote, implements this for js apps. As far as I'm aware it's the first reusable implementation of a DAG for app development.
Thanks David 👏 Great article. I am a big fan of this approach 🔥
XState versus Object approach

There is a more Object oriented approach using the State design pattern. It helps to have a cleaner code (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/State_pattern)
Right; if you want to use OOP, you can. It's basically the same thing as switch-case + functions (substitute methods for functions).
This looks like how redux works
Sort of... Redux doesn't completely embody this pattern though: dev.to/davidkpiano/redux-is-half-o...