Run "Create new Trysil multi-tenant API REST" from the Trysil menu.
Choose the folder, the name of the project, and whether to download the project template from HTTP (the template on the HTTP server is usually more up-to-date).
Enter the settings for your API REST: the base uri, the port, whether the API requires authentication, and whether it should write the HTTP traffic log to the database.
If you have decided to write the HTTP traffic log to a database, you will be asked for the type of database (you can choose between Firebird, Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSQL or SQLite) and all the other parameters for the connection.
Enter the settings for the Windows service: the service name, name, and description that will appear in the list of services.
Now you need to enter the settings for the root tenant database (localhost) of your API REST.
You're done, your API REST is ready.
Use Trysil to draw the Entity Model, create the scripts for the database, create the model and controller classes of your new API REST.
To learn more about "Trysil - Delphi ORM" visit the link to the Github project:
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Perfetto e chiarissimo!