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Divyesh Bhatasana
Divyesh Bhatasana

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What is Web Hosting - Web Hosting Explained

Web hosting is an essential service for the smooth running of your website. You’ve undoubtedly heard of the term more than once. But what exactly does it mean?

In this article, you’ll find out what web hosting is, how it works, and the different variants of the service.

What is Web Hosting?

Web hosting is a service featuring the tools needed to create, publish, and manage a website, ensuring it is accessible to visitors around the globe.

Web hosting comprises a complex network of servers that facilitates worldwide access to websites. These servers are connected to the internet through a high-speed data center, ensuring reliable and secure access.

Below, you can see a simplified diagram of how web hosting works.

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In addition to the hardware, web hosting companies equip their users with software services and tools to enhance their website’s performance. These range from email hosting, and e-commerce, to site builders and caching tools.

Various hosting plans offer different amounts of resources and computing power (such as shared hosting, virtual private servers (VPS), dedicated servers, and cloud hosting) aimed to answer specific demands for different websites.

Why Should You Use Web Hosting

You could theoretically use your personal device as a web server to serve your website to visitors. However, managing a website on your own is a lot of work. You need to maintain specialized software and ports, keep an eye on the website and the server 24/7 and own a powerful enough computer that must be always powered.

Web hosting service providers can relieve you of many responsibilities. They maintain a robust infrastructure of high-performance servers optimized for website hosting. Also, they manage the technical details, enabling you to concentrate on creating your website content.

Web hosting providers also offer technical support to assist you when you encounter issues. Uptime, speed, and security are vital for user experience and SEO ranking, making the selection of a web host essential for your website's success.

Beyond just hosting your website, web hosts supply features and tools to help you manage your online activities, such as:

  • Site builders
  • Email accounts
  • Database management tools
  • Auto-installers
  • SSL certificates

Wonder where to start? Take a look at the web hosting plans that SiteGround offers. Whether you are a newbie starting with a small blog or an experienced webmaster running large e-commerce websites, you can choose from a vast array of flexible and powerful solutions designed to meet your needs.

Web Hosting Types

Picking a web hosting service depends on several factors. Your technical expertise, website traffic, and budget will determine the hosting plan that best suits your needs.
Here are the common types that most companies offer.

Shared Hosting

Shared hosting involves multiple websites sharing a single server and its resources, such as CPU, RAM, and disk space. This type of hosting is pre-configured, making it suitable for those without technical knowledge. It's an economical option, ideal for startups or small blogs with limited budgets and low resource demands.


  • Cost-effective
  • Pre-configured server setup
  • Server maintenance managed by the provider


  • Performance dependent on other websites' traffic
  • Monthly bandwidth or traffic limits imposed by hosts
  • Limited customization options

Cloud Hosting

Cloud hosting utilizes multiple interconnected servers in a network, providing a flexible and stable hosting solution. It allows for on-demand scalability, adding or removing resources as needed. This type of hosting is suitable for online stores or larger business websites that attract high traffic.


  • Better uptime and performance stability
  • Scalability to add or remove resources on demand
  • More flexible customization than shared hosting


  • More expensive than shared or VPS hosting
  • Less customizable than VPS

Dedicated Server Hosting

Dedicated hosting allocates an entire physical server to a single website or hosting account, offering the highest level of control, performance, and security. This option is ideal for large-scale websites or applications with high traffic and resource consumption.


  • Higher performance and stability
  • Complete control over server configuration
  • Root access is usually available


  • Expensive
  • Requires in-depth server management knowledge
  • Limited technical support from the provider

VPS (Virtual Private Server) Hosting

VPS hosting splits a single physical server into multiple virtual servers, each with its own resources and operating system. This offers greater control and flexibility compared to shared hosting, making it a good choice for growing websites with higher traffic or resource-intensive applications.


  • A higher level of server customization
  • Dedicated server resources
  • Performance unaffected by other websites' traffic
  • Root access to the server


  • Requires technical proficiency for server maintenance

Managed Hosting

Managed hosting involves the web hosting company handling all server management tasks, including maintenance, security, and software updates. This is suitable for beginners or website owners who prefer to focus on content rather than technical aspects.


  • Lower prices
  • No technical knowledge required
  • Pre-configured server setup
  • Regular updates and patches
  • Auto-installers for various CMS


  • Limited access to server configuration
  • Customization options are limited

WordPress Hosting

WordPress hosting is tailored specifically for WordPress websites. It often includes pre-installed WordPress software, automatic updates, management tools, and specific support for WordPress-related tasks.


  • Tools for easier WordPress management
  • Cost-effective
  • Dedicated WordPress technical support


  • Limited or no options for managing other software types

Site Builder (Proprietary Hosting)

Site builder hosting provides an online drag-and-drop builder to create your website, offering an intuitive and user-friendly interface. This allows anyone to quickly build a functional website without technical knowledge.

However, these platforms are standalone and incompatible with other web hostings, making it difficult to transfer your website to other hosting companies.


  • Easy to use
  • Quick website creation
  • No technical knowledge required


  • Incompatible with other hosting platforms, making transfers difficult
  • Basic features with limited customization
  • Extra features cost more

Features to Consider When Choosing a Web Hosting

Selecting the right web hosting provider is crucial for your website's success. While price is an important factor, you should also consider what additional features your website needs. Some providers include extra features in their standard packages, while others charge for them separately. Here are the essential factors to look for when choosing a web hosting company:

Uptime Guarantee

A high uptime guarantee, typically 99.9% or higher, ensures that your website is accessible to visitors at all times. Uptime refers to the amount of time your website is online and available over a year. High uptime is crucial for your website’s success.


Website speed is critical for user experience and search engine optimization (SEO). Users tend to leave pages that don’t load within 2 seconds. Choose a web host that provides fast and stable loading times and offers speed optimization features like server caching and content delivery networks (CDN).

Storage Space

Storage space refers to the amount of disk space reserved on a web server for your website files, database, and content. Look for a web host that offers ample storage space and the ability to upgrade your hosting account as your website grows.

Easy-to-Use Control Panel

An intuitive control panel simplifies the management of your website and hosting account, even for those without technical expertise. Look for features like one-click installs, file manager, FTP accounts, email management, and caching options.

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24/7 Support

Technical issues can occur at any time. Your hosting provider should offer 24/7 support through multiple channels, such as live chat, phone support, and email, to address emergencies promptly.

User Reviews

Customer feedback is an effective way to gauge the quality of a web hosting service. Reading user reviews can provide honest opinions on a provider’s speed, reliability, and customer service. Review websites often offer insights from current customers, helping you set realistic expectations.


Website security is vital to protect against online threats such as hacking, malware, and cyber-attacks. A reliable web hosting provider should offer robust security features like SSL certificates, firewalls, and regular backups.


As your website grows, you may need to scale up your hosting resources. A good web hosting provider should offer flexible and scalable hosting plans that can be easily upgraded or downgraded.

Additional Services

Many providers offer additional services such as email, domain hosting, SSL certificates, and dedicated IP addresses. Some include these features in their standard plans, while others charge extra. Evaluate what your online business requires and compare the offerings of different web hosts.

Domain Registration

In addition to web hosting, you need a domain name to make your web pages accessible to visitors. Look for a hosting provider that offers domain registration and management services. Managing all website-related services in one place is convenient and reduces maintenance overhead.


When choosing a web hosting service, it's important to balance cost with the quality and range of services offered. By understanding the fundamentals of web hosting and thoroughly researching and comparing different options, you can find a hosting plan that enhances your website's performance and online presence.


How Does Web Hosting Impact My Website’s SEO?

Web hosting can influence your website's search engine optimization (SEO), though it is not the primary factor. The most critical elements for SEO ranking are your website's content and structure.

However, search engines do consider your website’s speed, uptime, and security, which are influenced by your hosting provider. For instance, Google favors websites that load quickly and have high uptime, as these factors contribute to a better user experience.

Additionally, websites with SSL certificates, often provided by hosting services, are typically ranked higher.

Therefore, selecting a reliable and secure web hosting provider with fast loading speeds and high uptime can positively impact your SEO. Nevertheless, SEO requires a comprehensive approach that extends beyond web hosting.

What’s the Difference Between Web Hosting and a Domain Name?

Web hosting and a domain name are both crucial for running your website, but they serve different functions.

A domain name is your website's address, allowing internet users to find and visit your site. It holds administrative information about your website address and owner details but does not contain your website data.

Web hosting, on the other hand, provides the physical space on servers where your website files and data reside. By purchasing a web hosting service, you rent space on a server to make your website accessible online.

While some hosting providers offer domain registration, you can also purchase a domain name separately from a domain registrar. However, having a domain name alone won't make your website accessible; it must be connected to a web hosting server that stores your website files.

Free vs. Paid Web Hosting

Free hosting options are available but often come with significant limitations and drawbacks. They might be suitable for personal websites or small projects with low traffic but may lack the features and resources needed for larger, more complex websites.

Free hosting typically offers limited storage space and bandwidth, which can lead to slow loading times and potential downtime during traffic surges. Additionally, free hosts may impose content restrictions or display ads on your site, which can be off-putting to visitors.

Conversely, paid web hosting services provide greater control, flexibility, and resources. With a paid plan, you can expect higher storage and bandwidth limits, faster loading speeds, and additional features. Paid plans also usually include technical support and enhanced security measures to protect your website from threats.

Ultimately, the choice between free and paid hosting depends on your website's scale and purpose. For small, personal websites, free hosting may suffice, but for larger business websites, investing in a paid plan is generally advisable.

How Much Does Web Hosting Cost?

The *cost of web hosting varies widely depending on the type of hosting, additional features, technology, and service quality. *

Shared hosting plans are typically the most affordable, starting at just a few dollars per month. In contrast, VPS and dedicated server hosting plans are more expensive but offer more resources, better performance, and greater customization options.

Generally, you can expect to pay anywhere from a few dollars to several hundred dollars per month. It's essential to evaluate your website's scale and resource requirements before selecting a hosting plan. Additionally, many web hosts offer promotional prices or discounts for new accounts.

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