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Deepak Yadav
Deepak Yadav

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5 Trending and Free AI Tools You Should Know in 2023

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1. β€” CopyWriter β€” CopyWriter
Imagine you have a magical writing helper called Copy.AI. It's like having a super smart robot friend. All you have to do is tell it what you want to write about, and it will create special and original words for you.

You can use Copy.AI for lots of things, like making cool Instagram captions, writing stories for your blog, describing things you want to sell, coming up with interesting ideas for Facebook, or even brainstorming ideas for a new business. It's like having a creative assistant that makes writing easy!

β€” Microcopy
β€” Speedwrite
β€” Hemingway
β€” Jarvis AI

2. DALL-E 2 β€” Image Creator

DALL-E 2 β€” Image Creator
Have you heard about DALLΒ·E 2? It's a fancy computer program made by Open AI, and it can do something pretty amazing. You know how you can describe something with words, like a purple elephant with wings? Well, DALLΒ·E 2 can take those words and turn them into pictures that look like real things!

It's like having a magical artist friend in your computer. You can tell it what you want, and it will make a cool picture for you. You can mix up different ideas and styles too, so it's really fun to play with. Plus, you can check out lots of examples on the website to get inspired, and guess what? It doesn't cost anything to use. It's all free! So, go ahead and try it out if you want to see some magic pictures come to life.

3. Lumen5 β€” Video Creator

Lumen5 β€” Video Creator
Have you heard about Lumen5? It's like a special website that helps you make videos super easily. You don't need to be a video pro to use it. They have all sorts of cool designs and shapes you can use to make videos for places like Facebook, Instagram, and other social media.

But here's the really cool part: when you give Lumen5 your words (like a script or something you want to say in your video), it's like magic. Lumen5 turns your words into a whole video! It finds pictures and puts everything together for you.

So, if you want to make videos for your social media quickly and without a lot of fuss, Lumen5 is your friend. And guess what? They have a bunch of pictures and videos you can use too, so you'll have everything you need to make awesome videos. Easy, right?

4. JADBio β€” AutoML

JADBio β€” AutoML
Have you heard of JADBio? It's like a computer tool that's really easy to use, even if you don't know how to write fancy computer code. It's super smart and can help you learn things from data.

Even though it's mainly made for biotechnology and lots of information (they call it "multi-omics"), you can actually use it for all kinds of data you have. It's especially great for students who want to learn about computers and how to make predictions, like figuring out which potato makes the best french fries (that's like a yes or no question).

The best part is they let you use it for free forever, and it's not too hard to figure out. So, if you want to learn about computers and data, it's a good place to start!

5. β€” CopyWriter β€” CopyWriter
Notion is trying out something new called Notion AI. It's like having a smart helper in the app. You just have to tell the app what you want, like a blog post or an email template for hiring people, and guess what? The app makes the content for you, right there on the screen.

People really like using Notion to take notes, and this new feature makes it even cooler. They're still trying it out, so some people, like us, are waiting to give it a try. But it sounds pretty exciting!

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