Check if the requirements like npm and node are installed in your system
if it is preinstalled check for the version as given below
Now run a command npm install -g create-react-app
Now run a command npm create vite@latest
Now run the following commands:
cd Deepika react
npm install
npm run dev
By following the link that has been generated we will be redirected to this page
Now create a S3 Bucket
Amazon S3 -> Bucket -> Create Bucket
Provide a unique bucket name as mentioned below
Block Public Access
Now Click Create bucket
Click the bucket and Enable static webpage hosting
Edit the buckect policy
Now go to the dist folder and upload the filea and folders separately
and them one by one
Now you can view the index.html file and the output is as shown below
Link :
Open cloud front and create a Distribution
The Cloud front output is as shown blow
Cloudfront Link:
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