A few days ago I tested how Pillow works with Python and I liked so I decided to write a little application with Pillow and Tkinter.
Here there are explications of how I started a project.
In a project, I create a file pillow_essaies.py where I put all code from main.py.
In main.py I start my project:
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import *
window = Tk()
window.title("Pictures transformer")
I add also an icon, for this, I have to import Pillow:
from PIL import Image, ImageTk
and I create an icon:
# icon
window.iconphoto(False, image_icon)
One icon is added now I add an image to the interface. The order is very important because of ImageTk.PhotoImage has no method resize :
# logo
image = Image.open("./images/tulips.jpeg")
img1 = image.resize((70, 100), Image.ANTIALIAS)
logo = ImageTk.PhotoImage(img1)
Label(image=logo, bg="#fff").place(x=10, y=10)
I add also some text:
Label(text="Pictures transformer", font="arial 30 bold", fg="#313715", bg="#e2f9b8").place(x=90, y=50)
Now I create a space where I will import an image:
# selected image
selectimage = Frame(width=400, height=400, bg="#d6dee5")
selectimage.place(x=10, y=120)
f = Frame(selectimage, bg="black", width=380, height=320)
f.place(x=10, y=10)
lbl = Label(f, bg="black)
lbl.place(x=0, y=0)
Now I need to import an image from the computer. For this I create a button:
Button(selectimage, text="Select image", width=12, height=2, font="arial 14 bold", command=showimage).place(x=10, y=340)
I need to write a function showimage. For this I import os and filedialog:
from tkinter import filedialog
import os
def showimage():
title="Select image file", filetypes=(("PNG file", "*.png"),
("JPG file", "*.jpg"),
("JPEG file", "*.jpeg"),
("ALL file", "*.txt")))
importedimage = Image.open(filename)
importedimage = ImageTk.PhotoImage(importedimage)
lbl.configure(image=importedimage, width=380, height=320)
Here I will add some filters. I start with buttons:
# transformation section
transformationsection = Frame(width=440, height=510, bg="#939f5c")
transformationsection.place(x=450, y=10)
Label(transformationsection, text="Filters:", font="arial 20 bold", fg="#fff", bg="#939f5c").place(x=10, y=10)
Button(transformationsection, text="BLUR", width=12, height=2, font="arial 14 bold", command=blurimage).place(x=10,
Button(transformationsection, text="CONTOUR", width=12, height=2, font="arial 14 bold", command=conturimage).place(x=155, y=50)
Button(transformationsection, text="EMBOSS", width=12, height=2, font="arial 14 bold", command=embossimage).place(x=300, y=50)
Here I create some functions:
def blurimage():
image1 = Image.open(filename)
bluredimage = image1.filter(ImageFilter.BLUR)
bluredimage = ImageTk.PhotoImage(bluredimage)
lbl.configure(image=bluredimage, width=380, height=320)
lbl.image = bluredimage
But a function like this will not work because filename is not yet a global variable and from PIL I don't yet import ImageFilter so I do it like this:
from PIL import ImageFilter
and I define in function showimage filename like glonal:
global filename
filename = filedialog.askopenfilename(initialdir=os.getcwd(),
title="Select image file", filetypes=(("PNG file", "*.png"),
("JPG file", "*.jpg"),
("JPEG file", "*.jpeg"),
("ALL file", "*.txt")))
And now it works:
Other functions are very easy to create:
def conturimage():
image2 = Image.open(filename)
conturedimage = image2.filter(ImageFilter.CONTOUR)
conturedimage = ImageTk.PhotoImage(conturedimage)
lbl.configure(image=conturedimage, width=380, height=320)
lbl.image = conturedimage
def embossimage():
image3 = Image.open(filename)
embossedimage = image3.filter(ImageFilter.EMBOSS)
embossedimage = ImageTk.PhotoImage(embossedimage)
lbl.configure(image=embossedimage, width=380, height=320)
lbl.image = embossedimage
That's good, but what if I want to suppress all changes?
So in the section selected image, I create a button to restart:
Button(selectimage, text="Restart", width=12, height=2, font="arial 14 bold", command=restartimage).place(x=260, y=340)
And here is its function:
def restartimage():
restartedimage = Image.open(filename)
restartedimage = ImageTk.PhotoImage(restartedimage)
lbl.configure(image=restartedimage, width=380, height=320)
lbl.image = restartedimage
but more efficace will be that function:
def restartimage():
lbl.configure(image=importedimage, width=380, height=320)
lbl.image = importedimage
Now I would like to rotate my picture so I create a slider:
# rotate section
Label(transformationsection, text="Rotate image:", font="arial 20 bold", fg="#fff", bg="#939f5c").place(x=10, y=100)
rotateimage = Scale(transformationsection, from_=0, to=360, orient=HORIZONTAL, bg="#313715", length=420)
rotateimage.place(x=10, y=140)
and function which goes with it:
def rotate(var):
image4 = Image.open(filename)
rotatedimage = image4.rotate(rotateimage.get())
rotatedimage = ImageTk.PhotoImage(rotatedimage)
lbl.configure(image=rotatedimage, width=380, height=320)
lbl.image = rotatedimage
Now I want to change some colors so I create a vertical slider for each color:
# color change
Label(transformationsection, text="Color change:", font="arial 20 bold", fg="#fff", bg="#939f5c").place(x=10, y=190)
redimage = Scale(transformationsection, from_=0, to=255, orient=VERTICAL, bg="#313715", length=180, command=changered)
redimage.place(x=40, y=230)
Label(transformationsection, text="RED", font="arial 12 bold", fg="#fff", bg="#939f5c").place(x=40, y=420)
greenimage = Scale(transformationsection, from_=0, to=255, orient=VERTICAL, bg="#313715", length=180, command=changegreen)
greenimage.place(x=200, y=230)
Label(transformationsection, text="GREEN", font="arial 12 bold", fg="#fff", bg="#939f5c").place(x=200, y=420)
blueimage = Scale(transformationsection, from_=0, to=255, orient=VERTICAL, bg="#313715", length=180, command=changeblue)
blueimage.place(x=350, y=230)
Label(transformationsection, text="BLUE", font="arial 12 bold", fg="#fff", bg="#939f5c").place(x=350, y=420)
And I create some functions to change colors:
def changered(var):
image5 = Image.open(filename)
r, g, b = image5.split()
r = r.point(lambda i: redimage.get())
coloredimage = Image.merge("RGB", (r, g, b))
coloredimage = ImageTk.PhotoImage(coloredimage)
lbl.configure(image=coloredimage, width=380, height=320)
lbl.image = coloredimage
def changeblue(var):
image5 = Image.open(filename)
r, g, b = image5.split()
b = b.point(lambda i: blueimage.get())
coloredimage = Image.merge("RGB", (r, g, b))
coloredimage = ImageTk.PhotoImage(coloredimage)
lbl.configure(image=coloredimage, width=380, height=320)
lbl.image = coloredimage
def changegreen(var):
image5 = Image.open(filename)
r, g, b = image5.split()
g = g.point(lambda i: greenimage.get())
coloredimage = Image.merge("RGB", (r, g, b))
coloredimage = ImageTk.PhotoImage(coloredimage)
lbl.configure(image=coloredimage, width=380, height=320)
lbl.image = coloredimage
Voilà the result:
All code of this little application you can find here
This is an example of how you can use the Pillow and Tkinter.
Have a nice weekend and get some rest.
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