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Handle notebook

import streamlit as st
import boto3
import json

# AWS Lambda client
lambda_client = boto3.client("lambda", region_name="your-region")  # Replace with actual region

# Function to fetch active Jupyter notebooks (Mocked List, Replace with actual API call)
def get_active_notebooks():
    return ["notebook-1", "notebook-2", "notebook-3"]  # Replace with actual source

# Function to invoke Lambda
def trigger_lambda(notebook_name, action):
    payload = {"notebook_name": notebook_name, "action": action}
    response = lambda_client.invoke(
        FunctionName="your-lambda-function-name",  # Replace with actual Lambda function name
    return json.loads(response["Payload"].read())

# Streamlit UI
st.title("Jupyter Notebook Manager")

# Dropdown for active notebooks
notebooks = get_active_notebooks()
selected_notebook = st.selectbox("Select Notebook:", notebooks)

# Action selection
action ="Action:", ["Start", "Stop"])

# Trigger button
if st.button(f"{action} Notebook"):
    result = trigger_lambda(selected_notebook, action.lower())
    st.success(f"Lambda Response: {result}")
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