1. ACID vs. BASE Properties
ACID Properties (SQL Databases)
ACID stands for Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability. These properties ensure that database transactions are reliable and maintain data integrity.
- Atomicity: Ensures that a transaction is either fully completed or not executed at all. If one part fails, the entire transaction is rolled back.
- Consistency: Guarantees that the database remains in a valid state before and after a transaction.
- Isolation: Ensures that concurrent transactions do not interfere with each other.
- Durability: Once a transaction is committed, it remains stored permanently, even in case of system failures.
BASE Properties (NoSQL Databases)
BASE stands for Basically Available, Soft state, and Eventual consistency. These properties prioritize scalability and availability over strong consistency.
- Basically Available: The system guarantees availability even if data is not fully consistent.
- Soft state: The database state may change over time due to eventual consistency.
- Eventual consistency: Data will eventually become consistent across all nodes, but it might take some time.
Key Difference:
- SQL databases ensure strong consistency and reliability (ACID), making them ideal for financial applications.
- NoSQL databases prioritize scalability and availability (BASE), making them suitable for large-scale distributed systems.
2. Types of NoSQL Databases
NoSQL databases are categorized based on their data model:
Key-Value Stores: Data is stored as key-value pairs.
- Examples: Redis, DynamoDB
- Use case: Caching, real-time analytics
Document Stores: Data is stored as JSON or BSON documents.
- Examples: MongoDB, CouchDB
- Use case: Content management systems, e-commerce catalogs
Column-Family Stores: Data is stored in a column-oriented format.
- Examples: Apache Cassandra, HBase
- Use case: Big data applications, real-time analytics
Graph Databases: Data is stored as nodes and relationships.
- Examples: Neo4j, ArangoDB
- Use case: Social networks, fraud detection
3. SQL Query Optimization Techniques
Optimizing SQL queries improves database performance and response time. Here are key techniques:
- Use Indexes: Indexes speed up data retrieval by avoiding full table scans.
- *Avoid SELECT **: Select only the necessary columns to reduce memory usage.
- Use Joins Efficiently: Choose appropriate join types (INNER JOIN, LEFT JOIN) to avoid unnecessary data retrieval.
- Normalize Tables: Reduce redundancy and improve consistency.
- Denormalization for Reads: In read-heavy applications, denormalization can improve performance.
- Partitioning and Sharding: Distribute large tables across multiple storage units.
- Use Query Caching: Frequently executed queries can be cached to improve response time.
- Optimize WHERE Clause: Use indexed columns in WHERE conditions to avoid full scans.
4. What Are Indexes and How Do They Improve Performance?
What Is an Index?
An index is a data structure that enhances the speed of data retrieval operations in a database by reducing the number of rows to be scanned.
Types of Indexes
- Primary Index: Automatically created on the primary key.
- Unique Index: Ensures unique values in a column.
- Clustered Index: Determines the physical order of data storage.
- Non-Clustered Index: A separate structure from data that improves query performance.
- Composite Index: Created on multiple columns for complex queries.
How Indexes Improve Performance
- Faster Search: Reduces the need for full table scans.
- Efficient Sorting: Helps with ORDER BY queries.
- Optimized Filtering: WHERE clause operations become more efficient.
- Improved Joins: Joins on indexed columns run faster.
Downsides of Indexes
- Increased Storage: Indexes take up additional disk space.
- Slower Writes: Insert, update, and delete operations are slower due to index maintenance.
5. When to Use Event Sourcing in a Database
What Is Event Sourcing?
Event sourcing is a data storage pattern where changes in data are stored as a sequence of immutable events rather than updating the current state directly.
When to Use Event Sourcing?
- Audit Logs & Compliance: Financial and healthcare applications require a detailed history of data changes.
- Microservices Architecture: Helps in maintaining data consistency across distributed services.
- CQRS (Command Query Responsibility Segregation): Works well with event-driven architectures where writes and reads are handled separately.
- Undo/Redo Functionality: Applications requiring rollback and recovery features benefit from event sourcing.
- Event-Driven Systems: Systems that need to react to real-time data changes.
Benefits of Event Sourcing
- Historical Data Retention: Complete history of changes.
- Scalability: Efficiently processes large-scale distributed data.
- Fault Tolerance: Recovery and rollback are easier.
Challenges of Event Sourcing
- Complexity: Requires careful design and handling.
- Storage Overhead: Maintaining event logs increases storage requirements.
- Querying Difficulty: Retrieving the current state requires replaying events.
Understanding SQL and NoSQL concepts is crucial for software engineers, especially in database design and performance tuning. ACID vs. BASE helps in choosing the right database model, NoSQL types define their use cases, and query optimization enhances efficiency. Indexing speeds up performance, and event sourcing is useful for auditability and microservices. Mastering these concepts will help you excel in technical interviews and real-world applications.
Happy Learning! 🚀
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