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Sachin πŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸ’»
Sachin πŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸ’»

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Graph and Trees: List of useful resource to help you understand and master Graph and Tree Data Structures

The Graph and the Tree Data Structures are one of the most important concepts which are frequently asked in interviews of product-based companies. Questions based on graphs and trees can seem to be daunting at first and understanding and mastering graphs and trees requires lots of practice and patience.
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But with the right resources and enough practice, graphs and trees can be tackled with ease in the interviews and you can gain confidence to deal with problems based on them in the interviews.

Here is a list of resources I compiled for myself that I am pretty sure can help you as well.

Also you will find most of the solution written in C++ or Java because most product-based companies hiring Software Developer Engineers(SDEs) require you to have a good knowledge of either of the two.

  • Heaps and Priority Queue

This is a wonderful video which would clarify all your concepts regarding heaps, heap sort, priority queues.

Yet again, you can practice question from HackerEarth

Heaps/Priority Queues Practice Problems Data Structures | HackerEarth

If you have made it this far, Kudos to you πŸ™‚

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You are now more than prepared to face graph and tree based problems for your interviews.

Thanks for reading! Stay tuned

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