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Ben Halpern for The DEV Team

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Hacktoberfest Has Finished. Thanks to All Those Who Took Part!

Another great Hacktoberfest is concluded. Jump to the bottom of this post for important info about profile badges.

This was the first time that DEV got to be co-presenters of the event. It was great to work with DigitalOcean to make the event as inclusive and community-oriented as possible.

Contributing to open source is a tremendous chance to learn, meet new people and challenge one's self. It's also such an important part of maintaining accessibility to the most powerful software in the world. We sometimes take for granted that anyone can use some of the most remarkable software ever created. This was not always the case, and might not always be the case if we don't sustain this environment.

Open source is only possible because we get together and do it. No technology endeavor is a universal good, but open source is an area where a lot of good can happen if the right people get involved. We're so happy to pushing the best parts of open source.

This Hacktoberfest, the DEV repo saw 500 pull requests opened in the month. We merged 276 of them, and continue to work through a backlog of non-merged pull requests. Of course, some were closed along the way for one reason or another and those PRs were still very much appreciated.

The DEV Team will be publishing an update on our roadmap towards providing this platform as re-usable community-building software which we hope will eventually empower thousands of positive, constructive communities across the web.

Straightforward pull requests like this one march us towards the goal...

Add ability to set favicon through environment variable #4665

What type of PR is this? (check all applicable)

  • [ ] Refactor
  • [x] Feature
  • [ ] Bug Fix
  • [ ] Documentation Update


For generalization of the platform, technical administrators would now be able to provide a URL to a custom favicon of their choice.

Related Tickets & Documents

Resolves #4659

Added to documentation?

  • [ ]
  • [ ] readme
  • [x] no documentation needed

Thanks to @nadiyaka for making that happen.

Another small pull request I really liked was this one which adds a custom focus outline to the site's main search bar, which improves accessibility and design. Only a couple new lines of code and we have brand new functionality.

Adds border styling for homepage search bar on focus #4668

What type of PR is this? (check all applicable)

  • [ ] Refactor
  • [x] Feature
  • [ ] Bug Fix
  • [ ] Documentation Update


As described in #4663, the homepage search bar should be styled when it's focused in order to better indicate that fact. The example in the issue suggests using a different background color, however i want to propose a solution where we use the border for on focus styling. This i think is more in line with the default browser styling and the styling found in many websites (so it's a pattern familiar to users). I used the same color used in the border for the nav controls. Screenshots below.

Related Tickets & Documents


Mobile & Desktop Screenshots/Recordings (if there are UI changes)

  • Default Theme: Oct-30-2019 22-23-08

  • Other Themes:

Screenshot 2019-10-31 at 11 57 48

Screenshot 2019-10-31 at 11 59 28

Screenshot 2019-10-31 at 12 00 15

Screenshot 2019-10-31 at 12 02 16

Added to documentation?

  • [ ]
  • [ ] readme
  • [x] no documentation needed

[optional] What gif best describes this PR or how it makes you feel?


Thanks to @emi_codes for that one.

Of course, these are only a couple of the 276 merged pull requests this month, but we have plenty more to do.

One new issue ripe for many contributions is this project from our team member @molly_struve.

Move All Cache Keys From Memcache to Redis #4670

Why We Are Moving To Redis

Memcache is a bit of a black box when it comes to caching. It is very hard to tell what is in it and how we are using it. For this reason, we have chosen to switch to using Redis for our application cache. Redis will allow us more insight into how we are using the cache and give us more control over our cache keys. It also has nice features such as background deletion and Lua scripts to handle complicated logic. Plus, if we ever want to use a worker/job service such as Sidekiq it can act as a datastore for that.

Strategy For Moving Keys

In order to move to Redis, we will be doing it one key at the time for the most part. This will ensure that a large cold cache doesn't slow things down. This will also help us to evaluate how we are using the cache and ensure that each use is still needed.

In this PR I set up a second cache store RedisRailsCache that behaves just like Rails.cache but instead points to Redis. The goal will be to replace all Rails.cache calls with RedisRailsCache and then eventually switch Rails.cache to point at Redis.

How You Can Help!

There are a lot of cache keys that need to be moved and I would rather move them one by one to minimize risk which is why I would love help with this project. Feel free to grab a cache key and roll it over to Redis!

Considerations for moving a key

These are just a general guide to get you thinking as you are writing the code. If you are unsure about any of these, open a PR and let the DEV core team weigh-in. Feel free to tag me(mstruve) or the SRE team in your PR when you open it!

  • Can this cache safely become cold?
  • Does this cache key make sense? Is there a better/more clearer one?
  • Should this be a cache at all? There might be places where we can live without a cache and simply removing it might be the best move rather than switching it to Redis.
  • Does the current expiration make sense?


When moving any keys with a timestamp in them, can you please reformat the timestamp to use .rfc3339 so we dont have awkward spaces in our cache keys. Please and THANK YOU!

Example PRs

Moving Keys: (note there is a corresponding delete command!) Removing Keys:

If you are looking for more ways to contribute to DEV, that one has lots of surface area.

Badges Coming

Hacktoberfest Badge

Participation in Hacktoberfest 2019 will result in DEV profile badges! These will ship as soon as the waiting period for pull request validation is over in a few days. If you authenticated to DEV via Twitter, you need to add GitHub authentication as well in your settings in order to get credit for your participation.

I repeat: You need to add GitHub authentication to your profile in your settings in order to get your participation badge.

Of course, if you participated in Hacktoberfest and are not yet a registered DEV member, sign up with GitHub authentication. πŸ˜„

Happy coding!

Top comments (32)

presto412 profile image
Priyansh Jain

Hacktoberfest was great for me this time. Would like to specially appreciate the website and logo design - love the cyberpunk like theme!
I also contributed to an npm library for the first time!
Thanks, DEV and DigitalOcean, for providing this opportunity!

glebkema profile image
Gleb Kemarsky • Edited

Thanks for the timely and effective push forward.

Thanks to the Hacktoberfest I dared to interact with teams of unfamiliar projects. To do this, I had to study their rules, install a lot of new programs on the local machine, learn how to work with branches, make improvements to my PRs and correspond with people I have never seen. There was not enough time and determination for all this earlier.

In just 4 weeks I managed to solve many auxiliary problems that seemed incomprehensible and overwhelming. Now I felt that the doors of GitHub really opened, and before me appears a universe of new opportunities.

Many thanks!

My conributions in the last year

felixhaeberle profile image
Felix HΓ€berle


nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor

It was the first Hacktoberfest I participated in. Lots of fun. Thanks for co-sponsoring this DEV!

Here's my recap for those interested.

saurabhdaware profile image
Saurabh Daware 🌻

It was my first hacktoberfest and contributing to DEV was super fun! Shoutout to Jess for allowing me to work the color preview feature and rhymes for reviewing my PR :D

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Congrats on the contributions! They were really great.

jscooksey profile image
Justin Cooksey

Thanks for giving me a nudge to try contributing to open source. I didn't make enough this time (first time) but I enjoyed it and I'll try again next year. Regardless I'll get involved and contribute until October 2020 anyway.
Hacktoberfest - What a great idea!

binyamin profile image
Binyamin Green

Thanks Ben!

geeksesi profile image
Mohammad Javad Ghasemy

i have an T-shirt and i can't get it. ( because i live in iran ) :)
anyone want this ? ( just i want to gift it to someone )

conankzhang profile image
Conan K. Zhang

Hi Mohammad! I'd love the shirt if you're still looking to gift it. :) I finished at the end of the month so I'm pretty sure I didn't make it under the first 50,000.

geeksesi profile image
Mohammad Javad Ghasemy

sry conan. i promised it to someone :(
you said 1 day late :(

Thread Thread
conankzhang profile image
Conan K. Zhang

No worries. Thank you for offering to give the shirt to someone else!

geeksesi profile image
Mohammad Javad Ghasemy

and alo digital ocean said they can't send T-shirt.
they just have stickers for me :)))

lautarolobo profile image
Lautaro Lobo

Can't wait for that badge boiii

rhymes profile image
rhymes • Edited

Thank you everybody! It was a learning experience for me helping out reviewing Hacktoberfest PRs!

I definitely didn't realize that as DEV team we had our collective pairs of eyes on over 500 PRs!

That's amazing!!

andrewbrown profile image
Andrew Brown πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦

I could not sadly participate this month but congratulations to all who took the time to help out on open-source. πŸ’ͺ

henrysabio profile image

Maybe I signed up to too late but I must say it was wonderful contributing for my very first time. It made the whole process so much less intimidating and the community was extremely welcoming and helpful.

junlow profile image

Yay!! Can't wait for my first badge. Thanks DEV!

axelledrouge profile image
AxelleDRouge • Edited

Thanks for co-sponsoring the event, I discovered a whole new world. Even if I wasn't able to complete the event (mostly because I overcame my fear a little too late) I'm now focused on the opensource world and ready to do my part :)

codenutt profile image

That badge is freaking sweet. I didn't contribute to DEV this year because I don't know anything about Rails, but that's gonna change soon...

lucasprag profile image

I completed it as well, it was a lot of fun =)