DEV Community

Cover image for Introducing DEV++

Introducing DEV++

Ben Halpern on August 29, 2024

I'd like to tell you about a new membership you can take advantage of through DEV — and lock in today's Early-bird pricing for as long as you stay ...
roniardynt profile image

Cool, just joined ✨

thomasbnt profile image
Thomas Bnt ☕

Awesome upgrade! 🥳

ben profile image
Ben Halpern


andrewbaisden profile image
Andrew Baisden

Congrats, this has a lot of potential ++

recursivecodes profile image
Todd Sharp

Great stuff @ben! I can't wait to see how this evolves.

recursivecodes profile image
Todd Sharp

It would be super awesome to see some GenAI suggestions in the post editor for Dev++ content creators. Maybe simple suggestions for title or tag improvements based on the content in the editor?

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Good idea. A big reason for putting this in a membership is so that any GenAI integrations can leverage the highest quality models available vs if it were general-availability we'd have to go super minimal.

So look forward to some really great implementations of stuff like this!

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ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Of course this will also help real people write most effectively for the community with useful tools like this vs spam AI we hope to mitigate.

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recursivecodes profile image
Todd Sharp

Yes, exactly!

jonrandy profile image
Jon Randy 🎖️ • Edited

Oh god, please no

Study Finds Consumers Are Actively Turned Off by Products That Use AI

Researchers have found that including the words "artificial intelligence" in product marketing is a major turn-off for consumers.

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drewknab profile image
Drew Knab

Right? No, thank you.

recursivecodes profile image
Todd Sharp

One minor issue with the copy on the landing page:

For DEV++ members, we are adding a setting which allows you that bubbles up to you in our community — in natural language.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Nice spot, we'll fix that now.

juandadev profile image
Juanda Martínez

The deals are not in my interest for now, but I love this community and I'd love to see how this evolves. Acquiring this to support!

perssondennis profile image
Dennis Persson

I'm glad to see this initiative from DEV.

As other people here have pointed out, the current perks are of very limited value. Personally, I will not use any of the partner offerings.

However, every startup and initiative must start somewhere, and I think you have packaged it quite well for a first time tryout. I hope to see this growing, and that's my reason to subscribe to this, not only to support DEV, but also to support DEV++.

bobbyiliev profile image
Bobby Iliev

Awesome! 👏

ra_jeeves profile image
Rajeev R. Sharma

Dev++: So, is this another language we gotta learn? Or, is it the mythical 100X dev (10X is no longer the ceiling now).

Jokes apart, congrats on the launch. Wish it is a grand success. 🙏

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

1000000x developer actually

wadecodez profile image
Wade Zimmerman

Congrats on the milestone! Would be cool if members or organizations could gift memberships. Before the days of Twitter, a random gift of gold was inspiring.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Interesting idea!

heyeasley profile image
heyeasley 🍓🥭

@ben looking forword to see it. As I precedently mentioned, this platform helps me a lot. As I don't own developer background journey, I harness wisely main tasks here. Keep pushing up.

devarshishimpi profile image
Devarshi Shimpi

Great initiative! Kudos to the entire DEV team!

qainsights profile image
NaveenKumar Namachivayam ⚡

++ Any annual pricing :) will it go down further during Cyber Monday :)

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Interesting you should ask!

We don't have the annual price listed yet officially on the page, but it is live and can be accessed via this link.

The annual price — with early-bird special — is a reduced rate of $78 USD per year (or $6.50/month averaged out vs $8 for monthly). Just like the other early-bird prices, if you sign up with this you are locked in as long as you stay subscribed.

We will soon update the landing pages to have this as an option, but want to do so carefully so it is not confusing.

DEV++ will not go down further on Cyber Monday. This is the lowest we could go for a wide discount — the key is getting in now before the price increases, however we would like to work out a referral program where you could get a discount for referring others.

qainsights profile image
NaveenKumar Namachivayam ⚡

Thank you for the clarification.

darrenfj profile image

Sounds like a deal!

1geek profile image
SupermanSpace • Edited

Good Start 👌 All the Best keep going.

How I can share dev special deal with you guys.

nicolus profile image


Just my two cents about this : For me personally (as an employed senior developer) I really fail to see the value in this : I have zero interest in any of the 8 current deals, first because they don't align with our current infrastructure or my needs, but more importantly because if we need a SaaS it will have to be vetted and bought by my employer, not by me personally, so even if I had a use for Neon, Replit, Devzero or Neurelo I wouldn't be able to use those deals.

And if you take away the deals, it's really hard to justify the $8 a month for the perks alone. I just subscribed, but it's really only to support, not because of the perks.

I hope it finds it's audience though, I suspect it's much better value for hobbyists, indie devs and people trying to start a career.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

It looks like we are about to lock in our 9th Deal as of this morning, looking forward to adding it soon. 😊

jwilliamsr profile image
Jesse Williams • Edited

How do vendors get involved?

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Fill out this form and let us know it's about DEV++

integerman profile image
Matt Eland

Deals aren't incredibly relevant - particularly since Microsoft MVPs have a number of benefits at places, but I love supporting and the customized feed is interesting as well. I've signed up.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Thank you!

integerman profile image
Matt Eland

Ben, you know the difference dev has made to me the past half decade. Happy to support it.

steeve profile image

I'm glad to see involving to help the community, and adding a new financial channel to improve the platform.

As many comment noted, I don't see value on the current deal, but It will definitely help beginners and hobbyists. Personally I considered the subscription as the "Blue checkmark on Twitter" but for Dev. I'll not take it for the moment but definitely will, if it brings value that I need.

heyeasley profile image
heyeasley 🍓🥭

Great point.

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor

Congrats on the launch of DEV++!

BB-8 giving a thumbs up

avanichols profile image
Ava Nichols


ben profile image
Ben Halpern


monica_exists profile image
Monica Blake

This is pretty neat!
Though I'm also interested to know how you put some content in boxes. :D

ben profile image
Ben Halpern
{% card %}`
{% endcard %}
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Sorry this has not yet been added to the editor guide, but will soon.

gdebojyoti profile image
Debojyoti Ghosh

Btw, are there any other "tags" like this one?
This does not seem to be markdown. Could you tell me what this is called? I'll search for more (if any).

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ben profile image
Ben Halpern
{% cta %}
Visit my site
{% endcta %}
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Visit my site

We call these "embeds". They use liquid syntax but is not a full use of liquid which is a full templating language.

Not quite markdown, but markdown is a pretty loose idea and it's common to extend it in ways like this

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gdebojyoti profile image
Debojyoti Ghosh

Thank you for the info!

gdebojyoti profile image
Debojyoti Ghosh

Thank you for sharing this trick! 💗

nevodavid profile image
Nevo David

How can I not join? :D

jankapunkt profile image
Jan Küster

Do you plan to add other payment options than credit card (I don't own) and cash app (not available outside U.S.)?

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Yes, looking into it.

kimiesteban profile image
Kimi Esteban

Cool, I too just joined

alfianpr profile image
Alfian Pratama

Great Update!!. I hope the price adjusted too with the developing country.

drewknab profile image
Drew Knab

I hate to be negative, but what?

I'd be curious to know what other monetization structures were suggested and declined in favor of this. "Early-bird" pricing is $8/mo? What could you possibly raise that to based on the near-zero promised ROI paid features? Basic filtering, ex post facto permission to spam, and a badge. No timeline or roadmap of additional features.

paclarap profile image

Since this an early bird i want to propose an option for later-on subscription models. While, anyone would like to have a reduction on subscriptions, be it event-wise or due to longlasting yearly or n-year subscriptions, there is one specific type i very very rarely see in the wild, namely monthly subscriptions with almost the reduction of cost given in a yearly sub, namely for: disabled people and/or people with low-income status. I am happy that many service providers now at least consider it on direct request. But sadly almost no service provider offers this by default. The thing is this is not country-specific, as the cost of maintenance for severely disabled people is often not allowing to finance a yearly sub. I would like to see you considering this as a niche offer - requiring official actual documents is totally fine in this case. An awkwardly unexpected example is Amazon Prime doing such an offer for yearly subs at half the price. Still a monthly option would be very helpful. Hope that helps. In any case, i am eager to see how your program develops!

ajhalili2006 profile image
Andrei Jiroh Halili

Chiming in related to the Forem side of things, if I want to do a membership tier similar to Dev++ on a Forem instance, is the backend code relating to this available now under a source-available license (coughs in SSPL or GitLab EE license terms) or not yet?

Also, this is a must-have for me but currently, I can't afford it because of the currency conversion mess between PHP and USD, among other things, but congrats nonetheless.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Yup! It all works and is generalized. It requires stripe be hooked up.

Some parts of it are hardcoded for the moment but that will soon be generalized.

phalkmin profile image
Paulo Henrique


US$ 8 per month seems a nice deal. But this mean that non-paid users won't get notifications anymore? Mine haven't updated since tuesday....

manchicken profile image
Mike Stemle

Could y’all add an ad-free tier?

programordie profile image

So if I understand this, I just get a better free trail, but still have to pay when it ends, and have to pay on dev, and after that again on other sites (with -50%)

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Some of the deals are trials, some are forever discounts. It’s a deal-by-deal basis.

programordie profile image

I only see "extended free trail", "X time free" and "X free X" (correct me if I'm wrong)

st3adyp1ck profile image
Ilya Belous

Im new -ish to and am JUST getting used to this site... now there more!!!! AHHHHHH!

uicraft_by_pratik profile image
Pratik Tamhane


gdebojyoti profile image
Debojyoti Ghosh

I'm sceptical about the usefulness of the "exclusive partner discounts", but I'll keep an eye out.. 🤞🏼

venelouis profile image

Always improving uhn?

pixelmord profile image
Andreas Adam

Waiting for DEV# 😃

kumarasaman profile image
kumara saman

sounds cool