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Jess Lee Subscriber for The DEV Team

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Join Our First-Ever WeCoded Challenge – Celebrating Underrepresented Voices in Tech Through Stories & Code!

We're excited to announce the launch of our first-ever WeCoded Challenge—a new way to celebrate diversity, inclusion, and empowerment in the tech industry!

The Evolution from SheCoded to WeCoded

Since 2018, DEV has celebrated International Women's Day with SheCoded, a call to action for the community to share powerful stories from women in tech about their journeys, challenges, and triumphs. What began as a platform for women's voices naturally evolved into WeCoded in 2023 —an inclusive space that amplifies all underrepresented and marginalized voices in our industry.

This evolution reflects our commitment to creating a community where everyone can see themselves represented, share their experiences, and find inspiration. WeCoded builds on the foundation of SheCoded while expanding our celebration to embrace the rich diversity of perspectives that make our community stronger.

WeCoded 2025

For 2025, we're taking WeCoded to the next level by transforming it into a DEV Challenge format for the first time. We hope this allows even more community members to participate, whether by sharing personal stories or showcasing technical skills—creating more opportunities for voices to be heard and the overall importance of diversity and inclusion to be recognized.

Running through April 6, the WeCoded Challenge offers two distinct prompts for you to showcase your creativity, share your experiences, and see your work featured as part of our permanent celebration!

Our Prompts

Echoes of Experience

Share your personal journey or the stories you've witnessed in the tech industry—highlighting challenges, triumphs, and insights.
Your reflections should inspire and empower underrepresented individuals on similar paths or educate allies on how to foster a more inclusive industry.

Here is the submission template for anyone that wants to jump right in:

Echoes of Experience Submission Template

Celebrate in Code

Create a dynamic and engaging landing page for — a permanent home for our annual WeCoded celebration.

Your design should highlight past WeCoded and SheCoded submissions, pulling in important and inspiring stories from underrepresented voices in tech. You are welcome to include additional information around the history of WeCoded, International Women's Day, additional resources, and anything else that may be applicable to our celebration topic.

We encourage you to use the DEV Articles API to dynamically display content and craft an experience that celebrates the ongoing impact of these stories.

Example of how to access wecoded posts from the API:

  .then(response => response.json()) // Parse the JSON from the response
  .then(data => {
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Outside of the DEV API requests, your submission should be frontend only.

The winning design (with potentially some minor modifications) will be used as the official WeCoded landing page after the challenge wraps! Be sure to take that into context and include your own information on the page so you are properly credited.

Check our challenge landing page for access to WeCoded assets and additional resources.

Here is the submission template for anyone that wants to jump right in:

Celebrate in Code Submission Template

How To Participate

In order to participate, you will need to publish a post using the submission template associated with each prompt.

Please review our full rules, guidelines, and FAQ page before submitting so you understand our participation guidelines and official contest rules such as eligibility requirements.


Winners of each prompt will receive:

All participants with a valid submission will receive a completion badge on their DEV profile.

Important Dates

  • March 5: WeCoded Challenge begins!
  • March 08: International Women's Day
  • April 6: Submissions due at 11:59 PM PDT
  • April 17: Winners Announced

Questions about the challenge? Ask them below.

Good luck!

Top comments (10)

aortega profile image
Alverto Ortega-Garcia • Edited

I love this sooo much. Especially today, we need to spread more of this diversity and inclusion . Underrepresented voices can make their voices heard through tech in these ways.
It's hard finding projects to do that involve these aspects and aligns with my values.
Great idea whoever came up with this!
Thanks again :D is the best!

ben profile image
Ben Halpern


gem_hell profile image
Jim Hill

So happy to see this <3

phalkmin profile image
Paulo Henrique

Let's Fitzgerald Go!

Image description

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Really looking forward to some of the great stuff we see this year. I think we need it. ❤️

avanichols_dev profile image
Ava Nichols • Edited

Love this

riya_marketing_2025 profile image


uzondu9 profile image

This Challenge is amazing; its so diverse. I will have to put in extra effort into this, given that I haven't touched code since this year. Good luck every coder and writer

nadeem_zia_257af7e986ffc6 profile image
nadeem zia

Keep it up, God bless

mibaza profile image


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