DEV Community

Ben Halpern Subscriber for The DEV Team

Posted on

Some JavaScript Leaders You May Want to Follow on DEV

Our community is wonderful in that anyone's voice can rise and help someone with a coding problem. We've elevated a lot of developers right here on DEV.

But we are also a place where existing industry leaders have come to share and be a part of this, and we hope to attract more folks like this (without becoming too elitist). Industry "leadership" isn't easily defined, but it usually means that either you invented something that took off, or you became notable for teaching and developed a big Twitter following. 😄

Here are some notable JavaScript folks who have begun posting recently that you may want to follow. This is an incomplete list, but here are some folks who come to mind as having posted lately.

I probably have some of these folks' titles wrong. Feel free to correct me.

Rich Harris, creator of Svelte

Ives van Hoorne, co-founder of CodeSandbox

Kyle Mathews, founder of Gatsby

Charlie Gerard, notable JS demo artist extraordinaire

Kent C. Dodds, notable JS teacher

Max Lynch, co-creator of Ionic

Still waiting on Ryan Florence to show up and make his first post, he has the right idea with this recent tweet. 😄

Feel free to check out his empty profile

In addition to elevating the voices of anyone from the community who wants to weigh in, teach, and build their professional identity here, having some of these industry leaders hanging around is really special. We hope they'll keep it up and invite their friends. Of course, we accept and encourage crossposting for folks who have an established blog. We also strongly encourage tapping the community for discussions, as Kent has begun doing.

Top comments (18)

nans profile image
Nans Dumortier • Edited

I think you can add

dan_abramov image

who has a good social media presence and who gives great talks (mostly about react hooks at the moment if I'm not mistaken)

(EDIT: he has some other great achievements with redux and stuff, but I wouldn't be able to list them all 😅)

stefandorresteijn profile image
Stefan Dorresteijn

Dan's React Hooks introduction talk is legendary

tiffengineer profile image

I've watched that talk several times. Probably won't stop

nans profile image
Nans Dumortier

Yup, I totally agree 😄

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

@richharris @compuives @kylemathews @devdevcharlie @kentcdodds @maxlynch @ryanflorence @dan_abramov @benlesh @john_papa @bnb

To the folks mentioned so far in the post and comments: Keep letting us know how we can adjust the mechanics of our platform to best serve the JavaScript community, and always feel free to weigh in on our general direction and open source initiatives.


maxart2501 profile image
Massimo Artizzu

I'd like to add these to the list:

benlesh image

john_papa image

bnb image

And I'm sure I've missed many more 😄

thekashey profile image
Anton Korzunov

Always the same faces around 😩

moopet profile image
Ben Sinclair

Yeah, for me it's more about finding people who are interesting for reasons other than "is popular elsewhere".

But the Venn diagram of those people and people who are interesing here does have a decent overlap.

jeromehardaway profile image
Jerome Hardaway

Cold game homie.

nataliedeweerd profile image
𝐍𝐚𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐞 𝐝𝐞 𝐖𝐞𝐞𝐫𝐝

Thanks for the list Ben! Followed a few :)

offendingcommit profile image
Jonathan Irvin

Done. :)

robinaspman profile image
Robin Aspman

Thanks for the list Ben! Followed some :D

begueradj profile image

What about me ? :)

indrasla profile image
Indra Susila • Edited

hey don't skip Dan Abramov. it's a Joke!