DEV Community

Cover image for Welcome Thread - v241
Sloan the DEV Moderator for The DEV Team

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Welcome Thread - v241

pixelated hello on a space background

  1. Leave a comment below to introduce yourself! You can talk about what brought you here, what you're learning, or just a fun fact about yourself.

  2. Reply to someone's comment, either with a question or just a hello. 👋

  3. If you are new to coding, want to help beginners in their programming journey, or just want another awesome place to connect with fellow developers, check out the CodeNewbie Org!

Top comments (151)

naveenkumar199901 profile image

I am thrilled to become a part of the DEV community as a Cloud Engineer. My main experience lies in deploying AWS and GCP Infrastructure using terraform, and I thoroughly enjoy actively participating in open-source projects in my leisure time.
I am eager to interact with this incredible community!
Naveen Kumar

dimuthuweerathunga profile image
Dimuthu Weerathunga

Hi all. just exploring the community here!👋. I am interested in web, distributed systems And AI. I’ll post if I encounter something interesting in any of those fields, 😅

Me on github

benjaminh profile image
Benjamin H

Sounds cool man! Looking forward to your posts.

meshclan1 profile image

Hey everyone! 👋

My name’s Ayo, and I’m a Full-stack Engineer from London, UK 🇬🇧

I am really excited to finally join the DEV community! I'm a big fan of all things JavaScript and in my spare time, I enjoy developing my vault

If you're interested in collaborating or connecting with me, feel free to reach out via GitHub or on my LinkedIn:

Really looking forward to writing some interesting articles for you guys - honestly keep an eye out!

sevda profile image

Hello guys I am still a student maybe you can help me in coding

mainarthur profile image
Arthur Kh

Welcome and feel free to check out tags👋
They're really handful to find what you need.
You can start from #beginners, #tutorial and #guide

giuliano1993 profile image

Hey Karrel, welcome to Dev!
Of course being in a community is really useful to grow and learn!
Take your time to read and engage; about the hashtag you could follow, @mainarthur already gave you them, you can also set your experience in your settings >customization page, so you can find articles accordingly!
Have a great time, and see you around 😃

mannu profile image

Sure Carrel just let us know when you need any help. Btw Welcome to the DEV

sevda profile image

Thank you.
I need help for my gallery page in uploading a photo using the vuejs a javascript framework and node js in back end. And I also use a multer in handling the uploading a photo.

And I also create a post about it. I hope you all can help me.

vanamraghu profile image

Hi all,
Currently working in automation, wanted to switch to full stack

giuliano1993 profile image

Hello Vanam, welcome on Dev!
That's great, automation and full stack integrates well, so you'll for sure have fun!
Have a great time and see you around :D

vanamraghu profile image

Thanks @giuliano1993

akdevcraft profile image
AK DevCraft

Hello Everyone, I’m little late in sending out welcome message but sometimes late is better than never. So here we go, please send warm welcome to new Dev community members!!

@korenkaplan, @nageshbansal, @workshoprepair, @shuttle, @sebastianconcept, @amitsingh6391

Welcome to community!!

sebastianconcept profile image
Sebastian Sastre

Thank you! o/

spacecowboy profile image
Corey Vladesov

Hello everyone!

I will be attending a full time, full stack coding bootcamp this month, so I figured why not join an online community for support and learning tips!

Coding has always interested me and being someone who loves puzzles, problem solving and critical thinking, I figured why not dive head first into the industry.

I am very excited to get going with the classwork, and I'm sure you all will hear from me soon enough with plenty of questions!

Corey Vladesov

billysutomo profile image
Billy Sutomo

Hello Everyone 😀!

New user here! I'm a software engineer that specialized at backend engineering. Although I've experience with client side. Primarily code in Golang and Typescript. Currently developing project that support three client side platform (web, android, and IOS) and also integrate with backend API.

Let's connect, either collaborating or just want to talks, feel free to drop message!


jarvisscript profile image
Chris Jarvis

Welcome to DEV!

ridgey28 profile image
Tracy Ridge

Hi Folks. Having read many articles on Dev I have finally created an account. Looking forward to meeting like-minded individuals for advice, inspiration and a blether.

My main interests are JavaScript, Tailwind and SvelteKit at the moment but I also like PHP, Java, Python, WordPress and good old fashioned HTML & CSS.

jarvisscript profile image
Chris Jarvis

Welcome to DEV, glad to have you here.

dumebii profile image
Dumebi Okolo

Welcome, Tracy!

njames profile image
Nigel James

Ha I have been on "dev" for 4 years apparently but it is high time I posted a post.

Let's start with an intro ...

G'day, I'm Nigel.

I am an Enterprise Software Developer.

That means I build or modify software for enterprises to help them run their business more efficiently.

To do this I have used platforms like SAP and Salesforce but have also build my own systems from scratch using open source tools like the Laravel Framework and PHP.

You will find me on Github, Gitlab, Twitter, Stack Overflow and probably a few other places too.

I also am a keen photographer and musician.

Have a great day.

poolsapk profile image
Vijay • Edited

Hello DEV community!

I'm thrilled to be a part of this amazing community and to share my passion for ChatGPT with all of you. My journey into conversational AI has been exciting, and I'm eager to learn from and collaborate with fellow developers, enthusiasts, and experts.

If you're as fascinated by ChatGPT as I am or have any related questions, feel free to reach out. Let's connect, share our knowledge, and explore the endless possibilities of conversational AI together.

Looking forward to some fantastic discussions and collaborations ahead! 🤖💬

shubhankarval profile image
Shubhankar Valimbe • Edited


export default const Greetings = ( ) => {
  return (
      <h1>Hello, Dev Community!</h1>
      <p>Happy to make your acquaintance!</p>
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

I'm a full stack developer and a fresh Comp Sci grad. I love working with all levels of the stack, and recently started getting into AI/ML. I feel most adept with the MERN stack as well as Django & PostgreSQL.

Don't be shy, check out my work -

I'm looking to contribute to open source projects as well as meet like-minded developers to chat with!

Let's connect ? LinkedIn/Discord : Nice meeting ya!

~ Shubhankar

jimmylee2021 profile image
Peter Itunuoluwa

Hi Jimmy here currently learning JavaScript

sattineez profile image

🙋‍♀️ Hi everyone!

I'm so happy to have found and joined the DEV community as a programmer and learner.🥰
I mainly programme in Python and do Figma mockups. I'm pacionate to learn codding and contributing to OPS projects when I'm able to.💻

These are my linkedin and github profiles if you want to connect :

Feel free to reach out to me and I do appreciate if you can help me learn(tutorials, guides...) 💕💕💕💕

benjaminh profile image
Benjamin H

Hi I'm Benjamin, I'm currently learning backend development and hope to journal what I'm learning while connecting with others here.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Hey Benjamin, great to have you!

benjaminh profile image
Benjamin H

Thanks Ben!