DEV Community

Cover image for Welcome Thread - v239
Sloan the DEV Moderator for The DEV Team

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Welcome Thread - v239

Hello on a blue background

  1. Leave a comment below to introduce yourself! You can talk about what brought you here, what you're learning, or just a fun fact about yourself.

  2. Reply to someone's comment, either with a question or just a hello. 👋

  3. If you are new to coding, want to help beginners in their programming journey, or just want another awesome place to connect with fellow developers, check out the CodeNewbie Org!

Top comments (202)

jburky15 profile image
Joe Burkhart

Hi everyone! 👋
I'm Joe, I do a lot of small, fun projects using React and Python.
I'm happy to be a part of this community and hopefully finally make a career change into web development!

codeguage profile image

Welcome to DEV! 👋

Making a career change into web development is a great decision if you're bored with your current work and the logic and profound world of web dev amazes you. There's a long way to go but with dedication and practice, you'll reach it sooner than you think.

Good luck with all your future endeavors. 😊

giuliano1993 profile image

Hi Joel, welcome to Dev 😃
I like your approach is really alike mine, i will check out your github profile, it will sure be interesting 😊
Enjoy your time here and best of luck with your change of career!

adiatiayu profile image
Ayu Adiati

Welcome, Joe! 👋🏼

jarvisscript profile image
Chris Jarvis

Welcome to DEV Joe!

vulcanwm profile image

welcome to the community Joe!

thecheapaudiophile profile image
Griff Polk


praise002 profile image
Praise Idowu

Hello Joe

godsent_coder profile image

ok what language do use for ur web development

jburky15 profile image
Joe Burkhart


adiatiayu profile image
Ayu Adiati

Welcome everyone!
I'm Ayu, tech blogger & frontend dev based in the Netherlands 👋🏼
I'm also part of moderators here on DEV and CodeNewbie 😄

hichemtab-tech profile image


loganatsea profile image

Welcome aboard. My Mom travels to the Netherlands on Monday and will be visiting family in Nijmegen.

adiatiayu profile image
Ayu Adiati • Edited

That's very far from my place -- about 2.5 - 3 hours by train 😂
Hope your mom enjoys Netherlands! 🇳🇱

stevenzhang2023 profile image
Chao Steven Zhang • Edited

Hi there, I am Steven, frontend developer, based in New Zealand.
What brought me here: React official websitec, community page.
What I am looking for: Anything about React, tech skill post, thoughts, questions, etc.
What I like to do: Get connect with people, talk about React and anything frontend related.

Feel good to be here.

Your friendly neighborhood Steven

mitchiemt11 profile image
Mitchell Mutandah

Hey Steven,

Welcome, welcome! 🌟 Great to have a talented frontend developer like you here, all the way from New Zealand. Your passion for React is spot on, and this is the perfect spot for all things React and frontend. Whether you're sharing skills, thoughts, or just connecting with like-minded folks, you're in good company.

stevenzhang2023 profile image
Chao Steven Zhang

Hi Mitchell, thanks for this warm reply, a bit surprise to see a reply to my comment this soon!
Indeed this is the place I am looking for, glad to meet you (online, hopefully one day in physical world😁).

codeguage profile image

Welcome Chao to DEV! We hope you'll get to learn a lot from this vibrant community of developers and learners.

Since you are interested in React, we'd humbly like to say at this point that we have a course on React on our website,, so don't forget to check it out if you want to brush up your skills on the foundations of React! 🙂

rafapaludo profile image
Rafa Paludo

Hello everyone!
I'm frontend developer. Today I work mainly with Vue and I want to master it, maybe one day 😸.
I enjoy consuming new contents and helping other people to evolve to the next level as well.
I hope that I can learn and contribute to this community.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Welcome Rafa!

tiptophelmet profile image

Good luck on your way to master Vue, Rafa!

tribhuwankumar profile image

Heyy, I'm new here. can anyone tell me how can i turn this site to dark mode ?

cicirello profile image
Vincent A. Cicirello

Welcome to DEV. I'm in the Android app, so this might be a little different if you are on the website, but probably similar.... To switch to dark mode, click your profile image (top right in app). In the drop-down, select customization. You can switch to dark mode there.

tribhuwankumar profile image


Thread Thread
cicirello profile image
Vincent A. Cicirello

You're welcome

mannu profile image

You can click his link to customize themes, fonts etc. I hope it helps

tribhuwankumar profile image

Thanks 😊

stevenzhang2023 profile image
Chao Steven Zhang

Go settings page
Go theme, select dark theme.

jarvisscript profile image
Chris Jarvis

Welcome to Dev!

its_amila profile image
Amila Kalansooriya • Edited

Hello all,
Its Amila here. I am a dev. who mainly works with front-end JS and PHP/Laravel stack. I just wanted to join here and share things with the community in the hope that it'll keep me motivated and help me escape my not-so-occasional boredom with the day job.

mateusabelli profile image
Mateus Abelli

Hello Amila! Welcome to DEV :)

mannu profile image

Hii New Fellows 👋 , Welcome to DEV community.
Don't hesitate to drop a nice introduction about your self in the comment section.
Add any project of yours to show off your skills. We will be glad to talk and know about you.

aalemanyz67 profile image
Albert Aleman • Edited

Hello Everyone,
I'm Albert Aleman and I am new to the community. Looking forward to learning and grow with you all. I will be starting my coding/web development program with UT Austin mid September.

mitchiemt11 profile image
Mitchell Mutandah

Hey Albert Aleman!

Welcome to the community! 🎉 We're thrilled to have you aboard as you kickstart your coding/web development journey with UT Austin in mid-September. Get ready to learn, share, and grow together with fellow enthusiasts. If you ever need assistance or want to chat about coding and web development, this is the perfect place to be. Here's to an exciting and successful journey ahead!

aalemanyz67 profile image
Albert Aleman

Thank you @mitchiemt11!

I will most definitely do that! :)

idodav profile image
Ido David

Happy to have you here :) And good luck!

aalemanyz67 profile image
Albert Aleman

Thank you @idodav

highcenburg profile image
Vicente G. Reyes

Welcome to DEV, everyone!

the_sky_fire profile image
Akash A Benki • Edited

Hi everyone!
I'm Akash A Benki, I Recently started my Blogging journey based on what i learn and explore about the Tech world. I have written 4 blogs on medium based on Cloud Technology you can check-out :
I am also Upskilling myself across various tech-stacks as well, currently preparing for AWS Cloud Practitioner Exam.
Happy to be part of this community as well. And yeah, I have shared my first blog which i wrote before, on this platform as well go check-it out and give it a like if felt good.

pfonseca profile image
Paulino Caiaia Cassinda da Fonseca

Hello 👏 everyone
My name is Paulino Fonseca and I am studying Computer Engineering in University.
I currently work on personal projects using Flutter(Dart) and Laravel(PHP).

I'm looking forward to immerse myself in communities

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Welcome Paulino!

balagmadhu profile image
Bala Madhusoodhanan

Welcome to the platform

const welcomeElement = document.getElementById('welcome');
welcomeElement.textContent = `${welcomeMessage}, ${newJoinerName}! Welcome to our team.`;

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
lov111vol profile image
Marcin Szolke/Scholke

Hi everyone
I do lot of projects using c#
I'm happy to be a part of this community and "this world?"
in my free time I develop my private project LOV111VOL

this is my first community so far i've only used google :)

renancferro profile image
Renan Ferro

Hello everyone, welcome everyone!

My name is Renan and I'm a Frontend Developer in love with angular! If you need help let me know 😁

tech_plygrnd profile image

Hi everyone 👋

I am a software engineer, love to experiment and currently start to deepen my knowledge into data science and artificial intelligence field.

I will share my journey and knowledge in the form of blog and YouTube video. Right now, I have a tutorial series about NumPy, and if you are interested, feel free to check it out.

Thank you, and have a nice day!

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