DEV Community

Cover image for Welcome Thread - v273

Welcome Thread - v273

Sloan the DEV Moderator on April 24, 2024

Leave a comment below to introduce yourself! You can talk about what brought you here, what you're learning, or just a fun fact about ...
thaisavieira profile image
Thaísa Vieira

Hello, everyone. My name is Thaísa and I'm refining my talk for a presentation about Linux to novices and beginners for Public Speaking Challenge

schalkneethling profile image
Schalk Neethling

Amazing! This is such a crucial skill to develop as a human being, but also as a developer. The ability to take complex topics and present them in an interesting and informative manner translates into so many areas of our daily work.

Being able to do that in front of other folks is scary, but it should not be. Sharing is caring as they say. 😃 Good luck with the talk! If you record it, you should share it here on and YouTube!

thaisavieira profile image
Thaísa Vieira

Thanks, @schalkneethling, I was really scared this week about the presentation but truly there was nothing to fear, also, I think I'll do it more often to improve this skill. I recorded it and I'll share the video and write about this experience.

Thread Thread
schalkneethling profile image
Schalk Neethling

Amazing! Looking forward to the video and the write up.

Thread Thread
thaisavieira profile image
Thaísa Vieira • Edited

Thanks for waiting! Here's the post: My experience on the Public Speaking Challenge

pavelee profile image
Paweł Ciosek

Keep it up! 👏

thaisavieira profile image
Thaísa Vieira

I'll do my best, thanks for the support, Pawel!

devarshishimpi profile image
Devarshi Shimpi

Greetings! Welcome to the DEV Community!

thaisavieira profile image
Thaísa Vieira

Thanks, Devarshi!

cacilhas profile image
Montegasppα Cacilhας

Hi Thaísa,

Cool! I think it’s always nice to talk about FOSS in public.

Good luck!

thaisavieira profile image
Thaísa Vieira

Thanks, @cacilhas! My goal was to make something for laypeople, novices, and beginners so I did my best to simplify as much as possible.

marcindigna profile image
Marcin Chudeusz

You're welcome!!!

thaisavieira profile image
Thaísa Vieira

Thanks, Marcin!

wizarddev038 profile image
James Stewart

Hi, Thaisa. Linux is very important part in development. Many web hostings involve linux OS. I hope you get a success in the talk. Best regards. James

lisamure profile image
Lisa Mure

Nice to meet you Thaísa. All the best on your presentation.

thaisavieira profile image
Thaísa Vieira

It's a pleasure to meet you! Thanks for your kindness! Be welcome to such amazing community

lisamure profile image
Lisa Mure

Hie everyone, I’m Melisa. Recently started learning how to code and it’s been amazing. Decided to join the Dev community so I can hear about other people’s experiences and share my own journey along the way. I’ve done mostly front end and I’m planning to start on backend soon😊

juanfrank77 profile image
Juan F Gonzalez

Hello Melisa.

Great choice you made joining DEV on your code learning journey. There are many career changers around here as well.

Do let me know if you need something along the way in your learning process.

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington


Welcome to DEV, Melisa.

My name is Michael and I'm a Community Manager here. If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to hit me up!

Hope ya enjoy being part of this wonderful community!

thaisavieira profile image
Thaísa Vieira

Hello, Melisa! Be welcome to this safe learning space of the internet! I'd love to read about your learning journey.

iamjitin_11 profile image
Jitin kumar chak

👋 Excited to Join the Dev Community! 👋

HELLO everyone,

I'm JITIN, and I'm thrilled to join the #DevCommunity! Passionate about #webdevelopment, #datascience, and #AI. Let's connect, collaborate, and code together! 🚀

Happy coding! 🎉


devarshishimpi profile image
Devarshi Shimpi

Welcome, Jitin!

schalkneethling profile image
Schalk Neethling

Welcome, JITIN!

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Hello there 👋 Welcome to DEV!

xenmars profile image
Xen Beliaeva

Hello, everyone
I'm Xen, and I just registered here. I'm a fullstack developer and interested in php, react, gatsby, I also do a lot of development on wordpress (i know), I also love the topic of cybersecurity.
I've currently decided to learn a bit about writing articles, I've only written four so far, so I'm just at the beginning.
I plan to post some of the articles here :)

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Hey Xen,

Great to have ya with us!

My name is Michael and I'm a Community Manager here at DEV. In any case, I hope ya enjoy DEV and if ya have any questions, feel free to hit me up!

xenmars profile image
Xen Beliaeva

Hi Michael,

Thank you for the warm welcome! I'm looking forward to exploring, contributing, and connecting with fellow developers here. Should I have any questions or need assistance, I'll definitely reach out.

Appreciate the support!

abhimanyuk profile image

Welcome @xenmars . I am new here too.

xenmars profile image
Xen Beliaeva

Hello, @abhimanyuk
Glad to see another newcomer here. How are you doing on your new path?

itsmemabz profile image
Muhammad Ahmed

Hey everyone! It's Muhammad Ahmed here. I'm back on YouTube after a long long break, taking on a challenge from my cousin to hit 1000 subscribers and 5000 views in 30 days. The reward? A fancy pizza dinner! I'm pumped for this challenge, focusing on Python, Django, and Cyber Security. Stay tuned for updates and collaborations. Got any project ideas? Let's chat (! Appreciate your support and advice!

juanfrank77 profile image
Juan F Gonzalez

Fancy pizza dinner sounds like a worthwhile reward.

itsmemabz profile image
Muhammad Ahmed

Yep @juanfrank77 am very excited for this.

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Hello to all those new folks here on DEV! 👋

Whether you're a seasoned developer or a newbie to programming, we encourage everybody to write and share posts in our community! You might walk folks through how to do something by writing a #tutorial, ask for assistance by posting under #help, or share a discussion prompt under #discuss to get folks talking!

For all those who do share a post, you'll be rewarded our awesome Writing Debut badge!

A GIF of the Writing Debut badge... The badge is circular and depicts a cartoonish pencil writing in a web browser. The colors are primarily pink and yellow. As for the animation, the circular badge appears to roll onto the page from left to right before stopping dead center, pausing, and then rolling off the page. It repeats!

sofiawagner profile image
Sofia Wagner

I'm Sofia, a tech consultant based in Switzerland. I work at STS Software GmbH - A software development company in Switzerland. I speak German and English. I like pink unicorns and long walks on the beach.

jarvisscript profile image
Chris Jarvis

Welcome to DEV!

schalkneethling profile image
Schalk Neethling

Haha! Love that. Welcome!

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Greetings Sofia! Much welcome to the DEV community!

l-blondy profile image
Laurent Blondy

Hey there,

I am Laurent, Full Stack Dev from Italy, I'm thrilled to join the comunity 💥!

Looking forward to writing articles on #typescript and #webdevelpment here.

Check out my first article "Writing a fetch wrapper with typescript: in depth guide" 😊

Happy coding! 🎉

juanfrank77 profile image
Juan F Gonzalez

Congrats on making your first post having recently joined DEV.

Enjoy your stay here. 😉

charliet1802 profile image
Carlos Talavera

Hi Laurent! Glad to meet you and thanks for the article!

doki_kapoki profile image
Alec Clark

Hi Y'all!

My name is Alec and I have a varied history with C#. I currently work in local government. I'm here to help and grow where possible!

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Welcome to the community, Alec!

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Hey Alec!

It's awesome to have ya with us. 😀

iamspathan profile image
Sohail Pathan

Welcome New Devs 👋

This is Sohail Pathan - I'm currently dev advocate @ ApyHub

My expertise lies in working with APIs and help developers with anything related to API :)

I'm here to learn from you - share my leanings as well. You can connect with me @iamspathan [ Twitter/LinkedIn]

aliyousuf profile image
Yousuf Ali • Edited

Hello Everyone,
My name is yousuf. I joined today. Have 14+ YOE into software development, primarily into backend side. Currently looking for lead / architect positions in India. Excited for the wonderful journey ahead.


anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Hello there. Welcome to DEV! I hope you will enjoy it here!

aizik profile image
aizik • Edited

Happy to join the community.
My goal is a full stack, I'm on my way ✈️
In my spare time I make music and listen to podcasts about philosophy and software development.

erinao profile image
Erin A Olinick

You're in the right place, @aizik! It sounds like you might like (among many other things here on DEV) our Music Monday and Podcast Palooza threads. Check 'em out!

aizik profile image
aizik • Edited

Oh thanks!
Such a warm welcome does not exist in any internet forum...
I'm sure I made the right choice.

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Hi there. Welcome to the community!

jurus profile image
Osman Mohamed

Hello everyone 👋,my name is Osman and I'm glad to join the #DEV Community.😊
I'm new to software development and I like first to become a fullstack web developer,
then go through other software development!!

schalkneethling profile image
Schalk Neethling

Welcome, and good luck on your journey. Seeing that you are new to this world, you may find this thread a good one to get some help along your journey.

kingbino profile image

Hi Guys ,My name is Wisdom , I,m a student who is on the road to being a full stack dev , joined the community to eet like minds and learn from others at the same time ,Very open to new things and challenges , Currently Learning React ,FEEL free to network

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Hello and welcome to DEV, Wisdom! Good luck on learning React!

oluwakayode_20 profile image
Oluwakayode Alabi

I'm Oluwakayode,
Being here for me is so as to learn more, interact, connect and develop my programming skills here. I'm a new developer.
I hope to have a nice time here.

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Hi there! Welcome to DEV!

devarshishimpi profile image
Devarshi Shimpi

Hey! Welcome to the community.
Hope you have a nice time here!

bvplaten profile image
Bernd von Platen

Hi all-together. I am a C# developer with full-stack ambitions. Currently i am starting to work with Godot 4.2 for fun. Have a nice day and good ideas :-)

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Heyo! Good to have ya with us, Bernd. My name is Michael and I'm a Community Manager here at DEV.

I've heard a lotta good things about Godot. A friend told me they have a pretty active Discord channel too... if you're on there I recommend it. Here's a link!

bvplaten profile image
Bernd von Platen

Thank you for the link. I will check it out today

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Hello there! Welcome to the DEV community!

run-a-bit profile image

run-a-bit checking in.
Thank you for having me.
I am doing the Harvard CS50 Course online and I am on Python week.
I stumbled on looking for python re and credit card validation info.
It is so cool to be amongst the professionals, it gives me a sense of pride!!
Thank you.

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Woot! Great to have ya with us, Silvana. Hope you dig being part of the community! 🙌

puffblende profile image

Hi !

My name is Dennis, i am a SAP application developer from germany. I work mainly with UI5, JavaScript, CAP and NodeJS. My imposter-syndrom works flawless and prevents, that i comment on most of the posts. Sorry in advance.
I came here by accident, as i was browsing some developer news. Then i decided to stay :)

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Hey Dennis! Welcome to DEV.

My name is Michael and I'm a Community Manager here.

It's awesome to hear ya landed on DEV because of a news article and decided to stick around. 🙌

I totally understand your imposter syndrome comment too. I think that's a common feeling in this industry (and probably beyond), I def see lotsa folks writing on it here #impostersyndrome.

Anyway, hope ya enjoy being part of the community and find other good reads here!

codekrypton0 profile image

Hello folks,
I am Nishant. I hadn't joined any dev community before this was my first time. I am glad to be a member of this community. I'll be happy to learn from your experiences and tips for tech.
Thank you so much.

erinao profile image
Erin A Olinick

Welcome! We're glad you're here!

jotafeldmann profile image
Jota Feldmann

J, dev, here to share, learning AI :)

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Much welcome to the community!

mgbdev profile image
Matias Barzaghi

Hello everyone! My name is Matias. I'm a aspiring Backend Software Engineer and super excited to finally meet the DEV comunity!
I always read DEV articles for entertainment and educational purposes. These comunnity has helped me countless times.
Thanks for all the oneliners, "Here is how I do X", etc.
I hope to meet you all. You can definitely count with me to help in whatever I can.
Thanks to everyone who has share their nugget. You are making these place a better one. One article at a time.

erinao profile image
Erin A Olinick

Welcome, @mgbdev! So glad to have you in the community. Soon you'll be writing articles and sharing your expertise, too! 😊

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Hello there! Welcome to the DEV community! We are lucky to have you!

safebytelabs-jgonf profile image
Jonathan González

Hi there,

I am Jonathan, from Spain. To define me somehow, let's say SecDevOps specialist, but be warned that's more an easter egg than reality :)

My preferred tech stack is Python, Rust, Timescale, Redis, EMQX, RabbitMQ, Kafka, NATS, Docker, Nomad, Consul, Vault, Vultr, Dokku, AWS.... but I'm in constant learning mode.

Long time reader of, finally, I'm thrilled to join the community! Hopefully one day I would be able to minimally contribute to this amazing group. Thank you!


anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Welcome to DEV, Jonathan! Awesome stack you got there! I am very much into Python myself. We are happy to have you! 😃

safebytelabs-jgonf profile image
Jonathan González

Thank you :)

andrijzyn profile image
Andrij Zyniuk

Hi everyone, I`m a student from Ukraine, I warn you that I am not trying and will not try to draw attention to the current geopolitical situation in my country
I have not yet figured out which direction I'm interested in, so still translating modifications and doing microscopic projects

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Hello! Welcome to the DEV community. I hope you will love it here!

diamond profile image
Diamond Bishop

Hey everyone! I'm Diamond, I work on a small startup building developer tools and AI collaboration software. Our first product is a "smarter Loom for devs" that worked to understand what you're sharing/recording from your screen so we can extract knowledge from it, not just a video. It even writes docs for you if you show and tell, mostly because I don't like writing SOPs and other docs myself :)

I'm a big Python guy, having worked on things like Pytorch in the past, and we also use a lot of Rust.

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Hello Diamond! 👋 Most impressive! I am into Python as well. You are much welcome to the DEV community! I hope you will like it here ☆

sakshi111 profile image
Sakshi Aggarwal

HELLO NERDIES , I'm Sakshi ,I'm currently learing web development .a fact abput me is im a very undecisive person ,but when my decision is made and i have enough time to execute it , i can do well but when there is a chaos and pressure and i feel not learned enough to be out there , i cant bring myself to interact with people . how should i overcome this?

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Hi Sakshi 👋 You should just put yourself out there as practice makes perfect! A little by little every day. Welcome to the community!

sakshi111 profile image
Sakshi Aggarwal

Okay ! I will follow your advice ☺️

gmalheiro profile image
Gabriel Malheiro

Hello everyone! My name is Gabriel, but you can call me Gabe😉! I'm a software developer aiming to enhance my skills.

I have experience with the following technologies: Java, .NET, Angular, and Node.js.

I'm here seeking coding best practices, committing, architecture, and career tips.

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Hello Gabe! Awesome ★ I truly hope you will enjoy it here! I love being on here!

sachin_sofdev profile image
Sachin S

Hello everyone, I'm Sachin and currently pursuing Bachelor's of Engineering. I'm very interested in learning new things. So I joined this community to expand my knowledge in Engineering and to connect with new people.

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Hello there! 👋 Welcome to DEV!

gaael-dev profile image
Gaël Dubois

Hi everyone :)
My name is Gaël and I'm currently following the TechYourselfCS recommandations to change careers and become a software developer.

I've been an environmental activist and advocate for the past 4 years and I'm hoping to someday build software that makes sense in that aspect.

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Welcome to DEV, Gaël! Good luck on changing careers, how exciting!

shohrat_durdyyev profile image

Hi there, my name is Shohrat, and i'm happy to join ya'll. I'm a novice React developer, hoping to get as much fun as possible!😊

mikemcdtech profile image

Hi and welcome to Dev! I am new as well my name is Mike and I own my business M.C.D. Tech(nologies) link is and I want to learn coding to either self design or help and participate in the development of a cycle of the software for my business.

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Hello Shohrat! Welcome to the community, we are lucky to have you!

kavitha271 profile image
kavitha271 • Edited

Hello everyone 👋,my name is Kavitha and I'm glad to join the #DEV Community.😊
I'm Devops engineer and learning new technologies.
Looking forward to writing articles on #Devops and #cloud here.
I'm here to learn and connect, contribute to the community.

Best regards,

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Hello Kavitha! 👋 Much welcome to the community! I am looking forward to see your future articles on here!

charliet1802 profile image
Carlos Talavera • Edited

Hi everyone. My name is Carlos, I'm from Mexico and I'm a fullstack web developer currently working with the MERN stack and also with Laravel on the server side. I'm here to learn from others, to share what I know, enhance my communication skills. I just love programming and I'm so glad that there's a wide community here to support each other!

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Hello Carlos! Welcome to our wonderful community of developers. I hope you will like it here!

madeelchaudhary profile image
M Adeel

Hello friends,
I'm M Adeel. I'm a Full-Stack developer, blockchain, and deep learning engineer. I'm here to learn about new things happening in Web Development and AI, and share my experiences with fellow developers.

acroshubham profile image
Shubham Sharma • Edited

I think I am the perfect example of "tutorial-hell" coder. But just recently when I decided to take this red pill and read as much docs and articles as possible brought me here. So I am here for learning Linux and AI. Saying by to the old me, practicing tutorial hell for 4 years of b tech Computer Science to a new me to stick to docs even if it gets worst or take my full energy. This pain is worth. This skill is best, as a CS student it'll help me a lot to learn at a new pace, level and understanding. I was like why the hell I waisted my 4 years but nvm, it's never too late.

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Welcome to DEV and best wishes on your exciting journey!

zen_warrior profile image
Abir Hasan • Edited

HI! I am Abir, trying to find patterns in the different aspects of the computation methods!
RIght now practising Zen with programming which trains the mind to be calm and enter into the flow state.

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Welcome Abir! Zen with programming sounds awesome! I hope you will like it here 🙂

ashmahdhi profile image
Achraf Mahdhi

Hello world!
I'm Achraf, a DevOps & Cloud Consultant and I'm happy to join #DevCommunity!!

Passionate about software architectures, Automation and Managing infrastructures

Feel free to connect with me!

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Hi there! Welcome to DEV!

nyllegriffiths1 profile image
Nylle Griffiths

Hello everyone, I’m on my self taught journey and what actually brought me here was actually a react course on Scrimba, Per the ceo of Scrimba actually advised to blog on here to cement what you learn every day. I should’ve done my post when I signed up 30 days ago but I’m currently travelling and have non stop been busy and coding each day. So to sum it up, before I left for travelling I was not confident in my skills at all as all new things are difficult, anyway one day react just clicked for me I’ve made a few projects and published a typical quiz application with a few extra features and right now I’m making a react native budget app for myself to learn a few more things also. sorry for the long speech lol. Looking forward to interact with you all.

zenmanage-ben profile image

Hello everyone!

My name is Ben. I have been a developer for almost 25 years (but I don't feel that old). I have primarily focused on web applications. I wanted to reach out and meet new people and talk about my journey toward starting my software app after working for other companies for that entire time.

What is everybody else doing for side projects these days?

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Hello Ben! Welcome to the community! I am making visual novels nowadays. Happy to have you!

quik_reflection profile image
Quick_reflect • Edited

First time , to meet with developers on board:)) my name is Celestin , you can call me celé . I like software development as career and open to new connections over the 🌎!!

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Greetings celé! Welcome to the DEV community!

quik_reflection profile image

Thank you 😊 💓

sameerthebigo profile image
Sameerthe-Big-O • Edited

Hello, everyone. I'm the sameer it's so good to be here and I love doing challenging things that's why I just love doing coding.I also love learning about new things(especially when it comes to ** astronomy ** haha aside form coding I love this stuff). currently, I'm studying computer science at the same time I've just started as a junior software engineer

daymannovaes profile image
Dayman Novaes

Hi everyone. My name is Dayman, working on mobile web development for over 10 years, focused on the health and education industry. I'm currently helping web developers to grow in their careers. If you know any junior dev who wants to become a senior, please reach out!

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Hi there! Much welcome to the community, Dayman!

rshailja27 profile image
Shailja Rajpoot

Hello everyone, I am Shailja and I'm learning full stack web development and now I've reached backend I've done with the front end part.

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Hello Shailja. Welcome to DEV! I hope you will like it here! :)

rshailja27 profile image
Shailja Rajpoot

Thank you Anita. I really like it. I hope I will learn good coding skills with the help of the Dev community.

jorhett profile image
Jo Rhett

Hello. I'm returning to being an active blogger, but disassociating from X/Twitter, Facebook, and all those other "black holes" so aptly named by Ben Halpern in Fending Off Data Black Holes

I'm the author of 3 books published by O'Reilly:

My previous blog posts are at

I'm looking forwarding to participating in the quality content ecosystem that the DEV community has created.

pockar19 profile image


anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Welcome to the community.

yowise profile image

Welcome! 👋

kondapalli19 profile image
K Koyal

Hello everyone👋, my name is Koyal. I'm a frontend developer learning Next.js. I'm joining this community to learn and grow.
If anyone would like to connect LinkedIn

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Hello Koyal! Welcome to the DEV community!

polaco88h profile image

hola a todos soy nuevo en este sitio y estoy queriendo practicar lo que fui aprendiendo en el instituto donde estudio que me apunte para desarrollo de software y las materias que tengo y quiero seguir mejorando son: c Sharp y sql server ! ademas tendria que practicar para dar una charla delante de mis compañeros y eso me pone muy nervioso (hablar en publico). gracias

j1234mac profile image

Hello, world. I have just gotten started with a programing course on Codecademy. Presently, I am taking a course on open-source projects. Learning through contribution seems like a solid way to learn and become apart of the community. Looking forward to meeting everyone.

abhimanyuk profile image

Hi everyone, my name is Abhimanyu , I am going to start a personal project for my portfolio. I have learnt basic front end technologies and have basic fundamental knowledge of react. please give me some suggestions.

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Hi there, Abhimanyu. Welcome to the community!

codelikesean profile image
Sean Mhike

Hey everyone! My name’s Sean and I’m currently learning front end web development👨🏾‍💻. So far I’ve gotten a decent grasp on html and css and I have started my JavaScript journey as well. I’m learning through the Odin project as of right now. Looking to make some friends through networking :)💕

imranyahya69 profile image
Imran Yahya

"I have experience with Laravel and Python development and am eager to further refine my skills through this platform while also assisting and mentoring junior developers."

  1. GitHub.
  2. LinkedIn.
anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Hi 👋 Welcome to DEV!

marcindigna profile image
Marcin Chudeusz

Hello everyone, My name is Marcin and I will be discussing and following all topics on Data Quality. Data Warehouse, Data Architecture, and Databases. I look forward to sharing ideas with like-minds here!

onoskaro profile image

Hey! Am new here. Am Jude Okaro. I am just entering into Software engineering 😀 I have been a hardware person more than 12 years. I hope I will learn here from you all.

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Hello! Much welcome to the DEV community!

devarshishimpi profile image
Devarshi Shimpi

Hey! Welcome to the community.
Hope you have a nice time here!

mstwan profile image
Antwan Grant

Hello!! My name is Antwan and what brought me to this forum was a willingness to learn and connect with others. As a former developer and having sat down for a few years to take care of a parent, it's been difficult to get back into the field. Even with trying to pivot to front-end web design from backend development is proving challenging. I hope to learn how others have done it so I can get an idea of what to do next. I'm excited to be a part of the Dev community.

iammanish profile image
Manish Yadhuvanshi

Hello everyone, I am Manish from India. And I've just completed school and I am going to start college soon any suggestions or warnings you wanna give me from your experience book? That will be helpful for me.

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Hello and welcome to the DEV community!

jarvisscript profile image
Chris Jarvis

Welcome to DEV!

timawake profile image

Hello everyone.

marklouisalter profile image
Markme Dev

Hello everyone, I'm Mark, a full-stack web developer. Right now, I'm focusing more on data analytics and big data because I love analyzing it and creating visualizations. Happy to have joined here.

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Welcome to the DEV community, Mark! I hope you will enjoy it here!

adamgonda profile image

Hi guys, I like to reignite my passion for coding. Plan to learn by teaching new and interesting stuff 🤠

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Hello there! Welcome to the community. May you have a lot of fun here! 🙂

stefandoesfilm profile image
Stefan Wanigatunga

Hello all. My name is Stefan. I started a coding bootcamp at UC Berkeley. I am eager to learn from this community and start my journey as a developer. I have a background in filmmaking.

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Hi there, Stefan 👋 Welcome to the community! I hope you will like it here!

cylis profile image
Cy Dixon

Whats up, i'm Cy. I'm a comp sci student at WKU looking to learn more about the world of development!

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Welcome to DEV, Cy! I hope you will like it here!

toddljones profile image
todd jones • Edited

n00b here, just joined, hi everyone!

i've got a friend who is trying to break into containerization and k8s. any good guides, blogs, how-tos you'd recommend for them to help get started?

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Greetings! Welcome to the community!

toddljones profile image
todd jones

Thanks Anita!

9auloandre profile image
Paulo André de Andrade

I have some experience programming in VBA; however, I am a full rookie in Python!
Besides all I am a Brazilian and English is my second language.
Therefore, please be patient with me.

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Welcome, welcome! I am a non-native English speaker and I am into Python as well. I just made my very first visual novel today! I spent all night to learn how to make one and then went ahead non-stop making one. I slept until noon! I am sure your English is good and that you will be doing well on here, we are a very welcoming community and please feel free to ask if you have any questions!

jamescardona11 profile image
James Cardona


omareldery profile image
Omar Khaled Ammar

Hello everyone, This is my first post, I am a Flutter developer and I hope to get benefits from every one of you and also be a positive influence and help all ...... thank you ♥️ ♥️

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Hello! Much welcome to DEV!

georgegabriel profile image
George Gabriel

My name is George Gabriel, I am new here, I am her to learn and learn
Waiting for all your guidance

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Hello George Gabriel. Much welcome to the community!

georgegabriel profile image
George Gabriel

Thank you

techrohitb profile image

Hello, I am Rohit, new to learning JavaScript and React, please guide me to learn and improve.

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Hi Rohit. Welcome to DEV!

techrohitb profile image

Thank You Anita!

kehindeonifade profile image
Kehinde Onifade

Hello, everyone. My name is Kehinde, a cloud computing engineer.

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Hello Kehinde 👋 Welcome to DEV!

josephvibes profile image

Hello everyone.
My name is Joseph and I'm learning programming and code applications to start my career as a developer and a programmer.
I'm so excited to join this great community.

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Welcome to the community, Joseph! We are happy to have you!

michael_kuseh profile image
Kuseh Michael Akidewe

Hi fellow devs, I am Michael Kuseh a beginner in Vue and hopping to connect with great minds I can share ideas with.

bob01 profile image
Murenzi Bonheur

Hey everyone, I'm Murenzi! Passionate about coding, I'm on a mission to become a top software engineer. Let's connect, learn, and inspire each other on this exciting journey!

ottopic profile image

Hello, everyone. I'm Lorenzo from Italy. Fullstack server side developer I am now training on frontend, specifically on Angular.

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Hello Lorenzo! Welcome to DEV!

maniee profile image

Hello world!
I am Manya , a BTech Student who loves to code . I want to make friends with simlar goals like who loves to solve questions on Leetcode or do web development . Let's connect .

lyarmor profile image

My english is not so good,我选择说中文~

ali69 profile image
Ali imran


fransanto profile image

Hola a tod@s.
Estoy viendo una colección de ejercicios de JavaScript en ''

bridgetmwavita profile image
Bridget Mwavita

Hello everyone,, Im Bridget. Nice joining this big community. Am very fond of colours, therefore passionate about front end developing and ui /ux developer, system designer ❤️

ruslan_hrytsak_1756007eaf profile image
Ruslan Hrytsak

Hello, everyone. My name is Ruslan. I am a Frontend Developer

narumy profile image


chisom218 profile image
Nwankwo Charles Chisom

Hello everyone I'm new here and here to learn from you guys who are the best
Thank you for accepting me and I promise to learn

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Hello there! Welcome to the community! I hope you will like it here!

ratha_an_97a689ba3d549821 profile image
Ratha An


anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen


tribeshare profile image
Leonard • Edited

Hey peeps! Leonard here, looking for a tech cofounder in the Atlanta, GA area to impact the manufacturing workforce space. Hit me up if you are interested in chatting further.

guppie88 profile image
Andrea Sveinsdottir

Hi there🎭 Here is a newbie. I am a java developer-integration student from Iceland whom lives in Gothenburg.

alexanderqatezt profile image

Hi Friends :)

mrbxclusive profile image
Bawo Edawa Obayendo

Hello Everyone, I'm Bawo Obayendo by name a computer enthusiasts. I'm here to learn more about App Developer and more.

bii profile image

Hey Everyone one.. I'm Bii.. I'm new into technical writing and I'd really like to improve my skills

cybersage5 profile image
Terfa John

Hi everyone i'm terf john a front-end engineer nice meeting y'all

funwieblaise profile image
Funwie Blaise

Hello am here to learn

beti profile image


ireneaguiar profile image

Hi, everyone! My name is Irene, I'm Brazilian, and I'm new to the DevOps culture. I hope to learn a lot more about new technologies through this channel. Sorry for my bad English. <3

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Hello Irene! 👋 Welcome to the DEV community! I hope you will find much happiness here! 🙂

drypsylog profile image

Hello everyone. My name is Rohit and I am a student actively learning web development currently and machine learning. I love linux.

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Hello Rohit! Welcome to the DEV community! I hope you will like it here!

lawrence91 profile image


abhi_singha profile image
Abhinab Singha

Hi All, my name is Abhinab and I am here to explore and learn more about MuleSoft… Thank you @devalexmartinez

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Hi there! Welcome to the community!

shubhsk profile image

Hello, everyone.
My name is shubhanshu, I have a decade of experience building scalable B2B SaaS and B2C platform.

Currently working on orchestration platform for Gen AI apps -

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Hi there, shubhanshu! Welcome to the community! I hope you will like it here!

joyjohnson18 profile image
joyjohnson18 • Edited

Hi everyone my name is joy Johnson I am new here , hope I am welcome

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Greetings, joy Johnson :) You are much welcome to DEV!

rdxvet profile image


anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Hi, welcome to DEV!

smaug87 profile image
Bo Tobias Olsson

Hey guys, smaug is here, glad to be part of this community. Floating on and maybe i see u in between Hr z and stuff

.. Stay safe and wish u all the best!

itzserag profile image
Serag eldein Mahmoud

Suppp everyone every programmer and every ai reviewing this comment... I'm new here
I'm a backend dev btw

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Hello. Welcome to DEV!

cos_sim profile image
Hammed Qazeem Adedolapo


anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Hi there, welcome to the community!

beatdrum23 profile image

Hello world.

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Hello and welcome to DEV!

kuntara516 profile image

Hi, everyone. My name is Nonthaphon from Thailand. I just started coding after my retirement.

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Hello Nonthaphon from Thailand! Welcome to the DEV community!

shjalili profile image
Shahram Zaalpour

Hello everyone. I just joined your group. I am also eager to know how I can offer something to everyone that will really work and catch things that I didn't know before. I hope you will be receptive.

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen • Edited

Hello there! 👋 Welcome to the DEV community!

_johnny profile image
Nentui John

Hello everyone
My name is John,I just started learning web development and am looking forward to learning more from here, hearing about other people experience and sharing my experience too

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Welcome to DEV, John!

dexter_2397 profile image
Jaskaran Singh

Hey Everyone! My name is Jaskaran and I am looking forward to learn from this community regarding java and software development stuffs.

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Hello Jaskaran and much welcome to DEV!

monganio profile image

I’m Miao. I’m beginner😵‍💫🙇🏻‍♀️

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen • Edited

Hello Miao. Much welcome to the DEV community!
◦ 。* ・★・ 。 ◦ ° ˚ ° ◦ 。 ・★・ 。 ◦ ° ˚ ° ◦ 。 ・★・ *。

digitalwizardmasud profile image
Digital Wizard Masud

Hello I am We-Masudi, Full-stack web developer, new to dev community.

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Hello We-Masudi! Much welcome to DEV! ★

tameem profile image

Hey there! Tameem here. I'm an Engineering student currently pursuing my degree in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.
I'm here to learn and connect.

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Hi there, Tameem! Welcome to the community!

elegeiz profile image
Andrew Ziegele

45 years in IT field, still trying to keep up with the latest tools and ideas!

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Wow! Welcome to the DEV community. We are lucky to have you! ★