DEV Community

Welcome Thread - v297

Sloan the DEV Moderator on October 09, 2024

Leave a comment below to introduce yourself! You can talk about what brought you here, what you're learning, or just a fun fact about yourself. ...
thevediwho profile image
Vaibhav Dwivedi


It's been a while, so I thought to reintro: myself!

My name is Vaibhav. I am formerly a Product Manager but informerly, I love to code.

These days, I am learning and sharing about SwiftUI and building iOS Apps because they're fun.

See ya' around! <3

giuliano1993 profile image

Hi there welcome again to the community, it's always great find new people learning and enjoying coding!
See you around 😁

thevediwho profile image
Vaibhav Dwivedi

Sure thing. Thanks for the welcome!

Thread Thread
micken_kasembeli_1d7589f3 profile image
Micken Kasembeli


Thread Thread
thevediwho profile image
Vaibhav Dwivedi

Hello there!

cornelius_kipkorirkilimo profile image

Looking forward to

thevediwho profile image
Vaibhav Dwivedi

Thank you for the welcome, mate :)

razal_bin_kabeer profile image
Razal Kabeer

Hey, Razal kabeer here. What specifically are you coding right now?

thevediwho profile image
Vaibhav Dwivedi

Hello, Razal. Nice to connect! I code on Swift and SwiftUI :)

daniel_mccallum_0e7a67117 profile image
Daniel McCallum

Nice to meet you! informerly… lol!

thevediwho profile image
Vaibhav Dwivedi

Haha, that's a good one!

iamsami profile image
Abdussami Arrkati

Hi 👋🏻

thevediwho profile image
Vaibhav Dwivedi

hey there!

luanmurilo profile image

Welcome back bro!!

thevediwho profile image
Vaibhav Dwivedi

Thank you for the welcome, mate!

glennturner profile image
Glenn Turner

Hello! Long-time lurker, first-time commenter!

I’m a full-stack developer with 20+ years of experience. Seen a lot, done a lot, but the bulk of my work has been with Ruby on Rails.

Also, if you’ve played a crossword puzzle on any device — even webOS or Windows RT/8 devices! — I probably had a hand in getting it there.

I’ve been writing online for years but never about dev matters, and I figured it was time to start.

Thanks y’all for being such a welcoming community!

jess profile image
Jess Lee

if you’ve played a crossword puzzle on any device — even webOS or Windows RT/8 devices! — I probably had a hand in getting it there.

@glennturner do explain please!!

jarvisscript profile image
Chris Jarvis • Edited

Welcome to commenting. We can't say if if we don't know you're here.

vinzsmok3 profile image
Kurt Russell Austero

Hi glenn. Is there a company that hires frontend dev even without experience in that field?

vaclav_prokop_02453acfbd7 profile image
Vaclav Prokop


I have just joined the community, Google brought me here when I was trying to understand Java EE bean annotations.

I am happy enough to code since my childhood, still enjoing it, even at work. My understanding of computing and software design comes from endless hours spent with code, trying to learn from mistakes, learning to optimize things, and solving problems.

Now I work in a corp as senior software engineer.

And have I found suitable answer to my problem here on DEV? I thing so, I try tomorrow morning :)

Happy to be here!

jess profile image
Jess Lee

Did your problem get solved?!

vaclav_prokop_02453acfbd7 profile image
Vaclav Prokop

Yes, it did!

manasajayasri profile image
Manasa Jayasri


I'm clearly a newbie and I do not know why I'm so late to join this community. This site has been very helpful in recent days as I occupied myself with Front-end dev. There are great resources and helpful insights that encouraged me to join and maybe contribute one or two things that I know.

I'm currently a full-time CS student who loves to build web based applications and over the last few months I have been learning 3D interfaces and VR development, which has been a cool but tricky ride.

Excited to join finally! Glad to be here. <3

thevediwho profile image
Vaibhav Dwivedi

You are never too late, my friend. More power to you and welcome to the community!

crisjaratoro profile image

Came here because I like to develop web pages from scratch, because I like to code, I like css and I like to learn/know how the things work from the beggining, and that's saying a lot. So, mainly, I landed here now because I need a Form to my webpage and I have to learn how to code it using html, css, php and sql without using cms or others enchantments. And I think (I want to believe) I found the answer (or the way to, at least).

multi_stores_a2babfac796 profile image
Morena Koaesa

Hello Everyone!

My name is Morena Koaesa, and I'm excited to join this community. As a newcomer to web development, I am currently focusing on learning HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. I am also exploring Gemini, a new tool that enhances my coding skills and project development.

I look forward to connecting with all of you and sharing knowledge along the way! If you have any tips for a newcomer or if you'd like to chat, feel free to reach out!

Thank You!

fuzzy_c profile image


I'm Sharbel from Lebanon, 22 years old, a cs graduate, and here's my intro!

My first 'programs' were in plain HTML and a turtle-based Scratch in middle school, then visual basics in high school before solo learning about other languages.

I had a burning flame for coding simply because it was fun to see the computer bend to my will through the incantation of logic distilled into keywords.

The best part about coding, as a kid, was that I could 'communicate' with the computer via nothing but pure logic and it would respond accordingly. There were no emotionally driven conversations where I could not reach the other person's mind and convince them of something simply because they refused to listen to anything.

The computer read. The computer responded. Any error in this 'exchange' was guaranteed (at least to the young me) to be on my part, hence I could resolve it!

University was heavily focused on theory, and the first year was full of math and some physics, so I gradually lost my passion.

Now I'm trying to rekindle that flame to find back the joy in writing code.

I would welcome any advice or tips on finding back your passion for coding, or how to pick a path. (I hate frontend though, lol)

And so, that's me!

See you around, and shoutout to Windows XP detective dog, Rover! <3

sj_daniels profile image
Daniel Shaibu


My name is Daniel Shaibu, I'm a computer scientist, who loves Web development but is currently working as a social media manager.

I recently decided to take my coding seriously although I currently have no projects I'm working on.

Well that's all for now!
See ya around.

purvika profile image
purvika • Edited

My name is Purvika & i am a engineer & I have 3 yr of experience in my field. I am here for gain some knowledge and share some ideas and knowledge. I am always ready for new challenges & learning new things.

agitator profile image

Hi - I'm Andrew. These days I seem to mostly design projects for non-profits but my first love over the last 20 years has been old-school web development: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, MySQL. I think you get the idea ;) I hope that being part of this community will enthuse me to keep learning even when AI makes me feel deprecated!

vaclav_prokop_02453acfbd7 profile image
Vaclav Prokop

Hi Andrew, nice to hear about another senior programming enthusiast ;)

AI cannot make you deprecated, every machine needs an operator! Anyway, I find it interesting people even mention such feeling and I thing it is worth talk about it!

jarvisscript profile image
Chris Jarvis

Welcome to DEV, Andrew,

sleipner profile image
Antonio Rodriguez

Hello everyone!

My name is Antonio and I'm from Spain, but I've been living in Norway for almost 7 years. I've now been studying Python for about 3 months and I love it! I'm currently working as a system manager/financial employee, but I'm actually a nurse.

I know Excel and PowerBI thanks to my current job.

I've found a passion in coding and I'm considering starting to work as a developer when I've learned enough.

Don't hesitate to send me a message if you need anything or just want to talk!

zbradford profile image
Zachary Bradford

I'm Zachary! I'm currently studying web development at my local college and I'm really enjoying it so far! I thought I would just introduce myself real quick and I hope to make some real connections with ya'll going forward. Happy coding!

thevediwho profile image
Vaibhav Dwivedi

Glad to have you here, Zachary. Welcome welcome!

nozibul_islam_113b1d5334f profile image
Nozibul Islam • Edited

I am a Full-Stack Developer specialized in Front-end Development, passionate about algorithms, data structures, and coding challenges, and always ready to face new challenges. I have joined the DEV Community to both offer my support and to seek guidance when needed. On my profile, you'll find some of my best writings covering a wide range of topics. It’s a great place for anyone interested in deepening their knowledge and engaging with insightful discussions. Let's grow and learn together in this vibrant community!

bonheurne profile image
Ndeze Bonheur Emmanuel

Hi everyone!
I'm just starting web development with JavaScript and React through The Odin Project Bootcamp. On the side, I'm improving my machine-learning skills in Python by working on a car license plate recognition, extraction, and registration project using a centralized database. I am excited to learn and grow with the community!

tarvinder_singh_d41fa0c6a profile image
Tarvinder Singh

Hello World,
My name is Tarvinder, I am a software developer with 11 years of experience, I am currently brushing up my system design and software archtecture skills. Feel free to connect if you have some tips or resources to share.

Happy Learning!!!

prashasthaa profile image
Prashastha • Edited

Hello Everyone ,
I am Prashastha. I'm currently studying Information science and engineering at my local collage. I am Currently focusing on Web Development .

I look forward to connecting with you and sharing knowledge along the way!
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Thank You!!

martin_militello_5d55f563 profile image
Martin Militello

Hello, I am from Argentina, I am a programmer in a cosmetics company, I program in several languages like Python, .NET with C#, reactjs, node js etc, I use databases like SQL Server, MySQL(MariaDB) and PostgreSQL. I like programming, but I am also interested in the aspects of the soul and the integrity of our planet.

mrugankupadhyay profile image
Mrugank Upadhyay

Hey everyone,

I'm Mrugank and I'm a recent CS grad. While looking for work and working on projects on the side, I thought it'd be a great idea to write about my experiences and what I've learned along the way, and hopefully share my insights to help others. Alongside that, I also want to see what interesting topics are being discussed and hopefully join the conversation. I'm interested in a very wide range of topics, ranging from AI/ML to embedded systems to full-stack development, and I'm hoping I can contribute something meaningful to the platform.

See you all around! ✌️

kuzumeta profile image

Hello, Everyone.

I'm just your common internet goblin. Like most I'm interested in game dev and am currently working on creating visual novels with Ren'py as my very first project!

Along side trying to get my Comptia A+ cert and grappling with my nerves as I fiddle in matters beyond my comprehension, I'm very open to meeting new people and learning new things!

gimu profile image

Greetings to all the members of the community, I am Peppe and I am a webmaster, I am happy to be able to share my work experience and to be able to meet people who have similar work experiences to mine

alex_toropov profile image
Alex Toropov


I'm Alex.

As AQA I have to know several languages at some level, hopefully I can have one of the somewhat centralized hub where I can have some updates about the language world :)

Besides test automation I build tools and projects to help out the company's teams, to support our team's work, or just for fun.

JavaScript <3
also focusing more into Java + Kotlin recently with mobile automation. Having a python background and very interested in GO.

Jack of all trades, master of none :D

See ya!

deepak_mahato_b7d9c42bf39 profile image
Deepak Mahato

Hey Peoples, I'm a Laravel developer with 1 year of experience, specializing in advanced features like API development, OpenAPI integration, authentication using Sanctum, and building dynamic relationships in Eloquent. Passionate about clean code and efficient workflows, I'm always exploring new ways to optimize Laravel projects.

davisfs21 profile image
Davi Soares


My name is Davi, I'm from Brazil, and currently I am studying Database Technologist and I aim to work with Java in the future.

I mostly learn through projects and networking with the professionals in the field!

deepskyapps profile image
Pawel Dembski

Hello everyone,

I'm Pawel, and I'm diving headfirst into the world of iOS development. I always loved technology, and now I'm turning that passion into creating apps that hopefully you'll love using as much as I love making them :)

A bit about me

I'm an indie dev who's also got a soft spot for design. I'm pretty new to this coding gig, but I'm loving every minute of it. It's like solving puzzles, but way cooler because you end up with an app at the end! lol

I'm all about that sweet spot where code meets design. Because let's face it, an app should look as good as it works, right?

What I'm up to these days

Recently I've launched my first app to the App Store and now I'm working on design for my next app! Hopefully it won't take too long :)
So basically I'm trying to wrap my head around Swift and all those fun Apple frameworks and at the same time, I'm leveling up my design skills :D

I'm happy to be part of this community! Whether you're a coding wizard, a design guru, or just starting out like me, I'd love to connect. Let's chat about iOS, swap design tips, or just geek out over the latest tech.

Can't wait to get to know you all and see what awesome things we can create together!
Catch you in the comments!


spinner77 profile image

Hello everyone!
My name is Adele, I am currently studying CS online with Codeacademy and CS50. I'm a (very) mature student, my previous career was in Nursing, but I've always had an interest in computing and more recently AI.

My course has brought me here as I have to write a blog for one of my portfolio projects. I'm looking forward to becoming part of the coding community and learning from you all!

ragul_murugesan profile image
Ragul Murugesan

Hey, Myself Ragul.

A Developer who loves JS and loves to play around with it.
Working with React, Next JS building micro-frontend and monolith applications.
Came to to learn stuff and give back to the community something worthy.

RM :)

sunflower_dak profile image
Kwaku Asetena-Krah

Hey everyone,

My name is Kwaku!
A web developer, Technical writer, and product manager.

I look forward to making new connections, learning, and sharing my knowledge with the community.

With Love.

amanda_adoyi_f2bd48a49087 profile image
Amanda Adoyi

Hi. My name is Amanda. I am a backend developer from Nigeria. I use Python and JavaScript languages and their associated frameworks. I love learning new things and learning new ways to do old things... I'm particularly interested in ways to become better at backend development.

Happy to be here.

exterminalus profile image
Daryl Crucke

Greetings, I'm Daryl from Belgium. I had front page with office XP at 10 years old. I have play around and view html source code as well but it hit me I was willing to do dynamic website and started PHP with MySQL snippet right away. Never have been into css too much I was using style balise and that was for the fun of building something for users like banner exchange then I stopped. Becoming later more experienced with bash script and python, using my creativity allow me to be able to make better work. I'm focus on machine learning and cyber security because I need to catch up.
My projet is a cybersecurity solution for linux and python using ml and ai for others projets that require my solution.
Others then that I have talent for creativity and innovation. It's easy for me to add features and forgot the core.
I value education and ai as for now is something we can't escape, this is a must. I code because I can give birth to my sometimes over brainstorming but I find usually easy to problem solved being a self learner
I consider myself having a intermediate level. I'm just outdated with J's framework. I'm still in 2.0 web development.
I can understand others programming code but less easier that python.
Happy coding

ramonmulia profile image
Ramon Mulia


My name is Ramon, and I've been developing for a while :) Although I'm not very active on forums, I have experience in leadership roles and hands-on coding with Node.js.

It's a pleasure to be here!

abdelaziz_99 profile image
Abdelaziz Mohsen • Edited

Hey everyone,
I am Abdelaziz you can call me Zizo too, I am thrilled to be here in a great dev community like this and I hope us to do our best for this community to getting bigger and bigger
Thank you in advance.

yared_12 profile image
Yared Brihanu

Hello , my name is Yared from Ethiopia
As a passionate Python developer, I specialize in creating efficient and scalable applications that solve real-world problems. With a strong foundation in software development principles, I have honed my skills in various frameworks and libraries, including Django, Flask, and Pandas, enabling me to build robust web applications and data-driven solutions.

My experience includes working on diverse projects, from developing RESTful APIs to implementing machine learning algorithms that enhance user experiences. I am adept at collaborating with cross-functional teams, ensuring that projects meet both technical specifications and client expectations.

shaharyar_dev_e284bc4143a profile image
Shaharyar Dev

Hi everyone!
I'm Sheheryar, a MERN stack developer who loves building web applications and writing clean code.
It's my first time here on, and I’m excited to connect, learn, and share with you all!

frog_this profile image

Hey there,
I am Yura , and i am here to connect with people of same interest , since i don't have many friends from computer science background.

I am currently learning C++ .... almost done with the basics ...
I love singing

bookofodot profile image

Greetings, my name is Odot. I am a techie at heart who enjoys the world of embedded systems, micro controllers and game dev. I came to to learn more show knowledge gained through my self taught journey. Hope all have a great day!

benjaminagbong profile image
Benjamin Agbong

Hi, its my pleasure to be here, i look forward to tapping from you wealth of wisdom and experience in the development space. But i am expecially looking forward to connecting with any test engineer with cypress as specialty.

luanmurilo profile image

Hey, it's really great to find a community focused on devs.

My name is Luan, I'm 26 years old, and I'm currently studying Internet Systems. I started in the programming field not long ago with RPA projects in Python. Gradually, I consumed more content and expanded my view of the possibilities in software development; from then on, it became a passion. Each day that passes, I learn something new that draws me even more into this world and makes me even more curious. Since I'm new to the development area, I hope to learn a lot here and also share my knowledge (the little that I know lol).

luanmurilo profile image

Hey, it's really great to find a community focused on devs.

My name is Luan, I'm 26 years old, and I'm currently studying Internet Systems.

I started in the programming field not long ago with RPA projects in Python. Gradually, I consumed more content and expanded my view of the possibilities in software development; from then on, it became a passion. Each day that passes, I learn something new that draws me even more into this world and makes me even more curious.

Since I'm new to the development area, I hope to learn a lot here and also share my knowledge (the little that I know lol).

neo0077 profile image
Dimejesi Ifeanyichukwu

It's a very challenging world, the Tech world especially Software Dev. It's bigger than the world itself and this just the beginning. I wish I started this in my early days but am loving and living it. I have an upcoming project and i pray it blossoms, GOD'S doing

razal_bin_kabeer profile image
Razal Kabeer

Hi Everyone,

I am Razal Kabeer. I am a Front-End Developer, specialized in React.Js. I joined this community to network with liked mined people and help out each other in their journey as a developer.

Lets all keep supporting each other and build together.

Thank you.

dynohackula profile image
Moshtak Al-bayati


lemma introduce myself!

My name is Moshtak Al-bayati i am aspiring webDevelper am still very much new in my journey, i love to code i am currently using the platform scrimba which is an awesome community and teachers!

I have much to learn and looking forward to gain the skills to build awesome projects and give back to the community!

Much love x

abinaya_ramaswamy profile image
Abinaya Ramaswamy

Hi- This is Abinaya. Am a Data Engineer who loves to explore tools and technologies that helps the data world. I love coding Scala and right now Python is my new friend. Would like to explore more into cloud technologies .. And ML, AI ? Everwhere its ML/AI now.. I would like to stay updated though..

Happy to be here !!!

bazil_cp_a55d479827f5470f profile image
Bazil Cp

Hey Abinaya what was your first step to Data engineering or can you share a road map..always curious of that part of the world.... : )

abdulafeez_abdulafeez_e6a profile image
Abdulafeez Abdulafeez

Hello everyone! 👋

I'm excited to join this community and connect with like-minded individuals. My name is Abdulafeez Abdulazeez, and I'm proficient in JavaScript one of my favorite tools for creating dynamic and interactive web applications.

While I've gained a strong understanding of JavaScript, I'm always eager to learn more and deepen my skills. Currently, I'm exploring advanced concepts like asynchronous programming, promises, ES6+ features, and diving into frameworks like React and Node.js.

I'm here to collaborate, share knowledge, and pick up new tips and tricks from others. Looking forward to engaging with all of you and contributing to this awesome community!

Feel free to reach out if you'd like to chat or work on something together.


Abdulafeez Abdulazeez

akhil_varma2505 profile image

This Akhil
I am giving an intro regarding its my first post

I am student at Indiana Wesleyan University pursuing Masters in Artificial intelligence
I am interested to be a part of your community and to contribute myself.
I passionate to make blogs and get to interact with People.
Looking forward with great pleasure 🤩

hopeyounger profile image

Hi everyone! My name is Hope. I am the co-founder of WinByWorking, which is a 3D multiplayer game based off an agile sprint. My dad and I were inspired to make this when my dads agile team felt isolated/unmotivated working from home during Covid. Would love to get to know all of you better and share what I have been working on with you all.
WinByWorking demo here:

saugata profile image
Saugata Roy Arghya

Hello! I'm Saugata, a senior at KUET, studying Computer Science and Engineering. I joined this platform to stay updated with the latest trends in the CS world. Currently, I’m learning PyTorch and NLP as part of my thesis research.

colin_kemp_57c9db19c41c41 profile image
Colin Kemp

TRIXMIXING1AI*Tweaking🎼Beasts is my new startups and this game is new for me so I'm so ready to learn a lot for one track mind to create the best apps humanity has ever seen already try hard to do so

Image description

supratip profile image
Supratip Bhattacharya

Hi everyone! I’m Supratip, a Frontend Engineer with 4 years of experience turning bugs into features. I’m excited to share my journey and contribute to this amazing community—let’s make the web a better place together!

aeon_roamer profile image
Aeon Roamer

Hey everyone! 👋 I’m Aeon, a newbie here! While I’ve coded a few projects for myself, I’m really looking forward to working with others who share the same passion. I believe collaboration can lead to some amazing experiences, and I can’t wait to learn and grow together. Let’s create something awesome! 🚀

gurpreets_11 profile image
Gurpreet Singh


I’m Gurpreet Singh, Android Application Developer and Flutter Developer with a strong foundation in Java and Kotlin for native Android apps and Dart for cross-platform mobile development.
Currently I'm focusing on the Spring Boot and integrating cloud technologies through AWS.

iamsami profile image
Abdussami Arrkati

Hello everyone , so I thought I'd introduce myself. I'm Abdussami , I've found my passion for DevOps field. Lately I've started to learn Linux, Scripting Languages, AWS, DevOps tools! So please help me to become an DevOps Engineer. Looking forward to connecting with all of you and sharing this journey. See ya' around! ❤️

DevCommunity #DevOps #StartingDevJourney

abees profile image

Hello There,

Hope you are doing fantastic. Exited to learn about the cool new things that are happening in the dev community and also sharing the knowledge that I have accumulated over the years.

See ya around.

algora profile image

Hello all! Thrilled to be a part of this vibrant community. Our team is currently developing a cutting-edge Telegram bot known as Algora Call Bot. For more details, visit

We are seeking backend developers proficient in telegraf APIs, algorithms, and filters. If you fit the bill, please shoot a DM over to X for further conversations or here if that's possible.

Backend Developer needed:

  • Node.js
  • NestJS (with Prisma ORM)
  • TypeScript (TS), JavaScript (JS)
  • PostgreSQL
  • Redis
  • Telegraf
jenjen7981 profile image
Jennifer Smith

Hi, Jen here. I'd love to say this is for fun...I'll get there someday. I'm currently needing to learn SQL and C# and be advanced with it. Becasue I'm new it's not fun, hurts my head designing lol. I'm excited for the day programming is something that will come naturaly. Thanks in advance for anyones help and guidence on my journey!

thierry_trouillet_0eca809 profile image
Thierry Trouillet

Hello every body I am newbie on Mac Os Big Sur and trying to manage with environment variables, paths, export command and zsh shell for now. By example some difficulties in understanding Mac Os system boot and O.S. loading. it seems many environment variables must be set up in different files but wich one. Homebrew installed, nvm too but Path is not right for it. After that I could start web3 programming on Mac.

pr1ncepandey profile image
Prince Pandey

🌟 Hey there! I'm Prince Pandey, a frontend developer passionate about crafting sleek and responsive websites. With a solid foundation in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Bootstrap, I thrive on turning creative ideas into functional and visually appealing web experiences. I’m constantly learning and exploring new technologies to enhance my skills and bring innovative solutions to the table.
Follow my journey as I share projects, tutorials, and insights on web development. Let’s connect, learn, and grow together! 🚀

egrojleinad profile image
Jorge Colmenares

Hello everyone!

I'm Jorge Colmenares, born in Lima, Peru, now living in San Jose, Costa Rica for 10 years. I'm a Growth Manager and BizDev. I love Web3 and the Open Source ecosystem.

All these weeks I'm focused on two main things: an Ethereum Costa Rica Hackathon and Conference and a Bio Diversity project on Blockchain.

Excited to meet you soon!

juds profile image
Jordan Gregory-Wallis

Hi all, my is Jordan but most people call me Juds. I've been a software engineer for 10 years now. I've predominantly worked in the web space, using C# and dot net with a sprinkle of Javascript and Typescript as my go to languages. I'm joining this community but I recently asked ChatGPT how to stay up to date with some of the latest tech trends and ideas and this site was suggested. Hopefully I can learn some things here but also contribute too.

dev_silva profile image

Hi everyone! 👋 I'm excited to join the community! I'm currently learning Python and working towards a career in DevOps and backend development. I'm passionate about tech, cars, and motorcycles, and I love connecting with like-minded developers. Looking forward to learning, sharing, and growing with you all!

fidal1990 profile image
Fidal Castro


My name is Fidal. I am working as a DevOps Engineer for 13+ years, little of my experience goes also into Web development and that was long time ago.

As being DevOps Engineer, I live mostly on terminal land which I love a lot along with scripting and automation. Recently got attracted to charmbracelet/bubbletea and started writing small go programs.

Why stop there? convinced myself to dig deeper into go programming which may also benefit me in improving my knowledge around DevOps tools (because some/most of them are built with go).

My internet search led to DEV Community multiple times and the blogs are awesome and very helpful. So, I am here and starting my Odyssey again into programming/software development.

pacoke profile image
javi ruiz

Hi everyone.
I'm Javier and I'm working as DevOps engineer in a bank company.
I'm pretty excited to join to this community and I would love to help and participate as much as I can.

As a good engineer I love to code and create apps so I hope in a non distant future to create something that help people live better.

See you soon!!

saintvictoria profile image
Victoria Umoh

Hello! I'm Victoria, a passionate software developer with 4 years of experience in crafting web applications. My journey in tech has been fueled by a love for solving complex problems and a commitment to continuous learning.

I specialize in full-stack development, primarily working with PHP | Laravel for backend and React.js for frontend development.
Thrilled to join the community ✌️

tunkstun4me profile image

Hello coders!

I’m Yahya, a Network Engineer by day, with a passion for cloud gazing by night. I spent most of my dopamine building, coding and automating, especially in C#. Right now, I’m busy studying php, devops and system designs for fun, bringing ideas to life, and yes, I absolutely love .NET!"

Stay Awesome! ♥♥♥

bazil_cp_a55d479827f5470f profile image
Bazil Cp

Hi all Bazil here a Front-End Dev with 2 years of experience with angular from mama India ,Great to be part of this awesome community and would really like to connect with people who explore in this digital era for making this world a better place...!!!

devslm profile image
Sergey Mareychev

Hello! I'm Sergey, a senior software engineer. I love to code in JAVA and Kotlin and I love to learn new technologies.

sarah_6f profile image


bhuwan71 profile image
Bhuwan chettri


costin_lucian_7901f6e16ba profile image
Costin Lucian


My name is Lucian and Im a beginner self-taught frontend developer. Im trying to learn HTML,CSS, Javascript and all I need to be a successful developer!

mohammed45680 profile image

هل من الممكن ان ابد مبرمجي من لا شئ

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Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode


jarvisscript profile image
Chris Jarvis

Welcome to DEV!

giuliano1993 profile image

Hello everyone and welcome to Community!
Is great to see you all around!
I'm sure you'll find many great connection and interesting content, can't wait to read yours too😁
See you around 🤓

aerabi profile image
Mohammad-Ali A'RÂBI

Hi amigos! 👋

I'm Mohammad-Ali, based in Freiburg, Germany. I'm a backend engineer, Docker Captain, and content creator. 🐳

I blog on git and Docker, and am writing a book on container security. 📚

viralsweet profile image

Everyone My name is Sadik and I'm on learning phase of Game Dev

jameslaif profile image

Hello 👋🏾
This is me,am new here

kawaljain profile image
Kawal Jain

I am full stack developer.. working in React and Node.. Now I started learning python

abiodun_rotimi_80595683d3 profile image
Abiodun Rotimi


fhermi profile image
Lekan Oluwadare

Hi 👋,
My name is Femi, I'm a Data Analyst..
I'm happy to be here with great minds

kgnet88 profile image

Hello, my name is Kai and I am a professional developer for more than 10 years now. These days I am mainly interested in C++ (game programming, rts) and AI and its possible usage in rts applications.

payan_0 profile image

I'm Payan and I'm quite new to this world but I'm hoping to learn new things form all of you and explore different topics.
That's it I guess...

micken_kasembeli_1d7589f3 profile image
Micken Kasembeli

Hello am micken am delighted to learn web design

ramon_montagut_16b66b8ac2 profile image

Hi everyone,
Nice to join to this community, in a simplified way im a senior developer, software , infrastructure, security, ... architect, i forgive a PM to..

Engineering is fun.

See ya ;)

hraifi profile image

Hello everyone!

My name is Sewiko and I'm from India.I've now been studying Python for about 5 months and I love it! I'm currently working as a junior developer.

adedeji_kadiri_0d744d69e2 profile image
Adedeji Kadiri

Hello great people,I am new here ,I believe it will be a great learning and fun to be here .much of love.

chex_garry_a4564b2625a441 profile image
Chex garry

Hey guys,

My name is Chex. I am a full-stack developer with experience in DevOps.

I’m looking to avoid social media apps and would rather follow this platform to stay up to date with tech.

damofd profile image
Damion Voshall

Hello! My name is Damion.

Been programming for about 3 years now. (still a newbie).

I love Laravel, PHP, and React. But Go is slowly growing on me.

BTW arch n vim BTW

abcs5proxy profile image

Hello everyone, I'm glad to join the community, I'm sure I'll grow and get useful help here!

0xranquest profile image
ranquest nnadi

HI my name is ranquest and im new to coding i would appreciate if i have a study buddy or a coach, my email is

lashyadev23 profile image
Lakshya Joshi

Hi I am Lakshya, I am software developer but also a fitness enthusiast .

As of now I am learning aem backend stuff

ashfaq_hussain_788292caf1 profile image
Ashfaq Hussain


Well, I am Mohammed Ashfaq and working as a SDE-2 in one of the prestigious organisation.

It's always great to connect with community.

peter_joseph_64917e27d296 profile image
Peter Joseph


coumbs profile image
Coumba Tandian


supple_mentor profile image
Supple Mentor

hi to all.

supratip profile image
Supratip Bhattacharya

Hi everyone. I am Supratip, a Frontend Engineer with 4 years of experience turning bugs into features. I’m excited to share my journey and contribute to this amazing community.

lawal_habeeb_a9f1d456b1de profile image
lawal habeeb

Hello everyone am habeeb lawal and am new here I need someone to show me around I have experience in web development

crazyaayush_fit_mess_0407 profile image
crazyaayush fit_mess

I'm youtuber fan video

  1. And gym video ****
dracula1960 profile image

i am 64
not ready to die
ready to learn

algora profile image

Hi there! Is there a place to post what we need and that we are hiring for a project and what that entails?

danitellini profile image

Hello! I'm Dani, a new(ish) stay-at-home mom, ESL tutor, and freelancing project manager. I've finally taken the time to learn to code, and am here to supplement my Codecademy learning.

daniel_mccallum_0e7a67117 profile image
Daniel McCallum

Howdy, I’m Daniel. I’m fairly new to coding and I’m excited about learning and growing community here.

autoclips__ai profile image
Autoclips_ AI

Hi Everyone

kkfneela profile image
KK Ferdousi

Neela here. I am a technical lead. I like to exchange knowledge and experience. I love to play with data, code, and logic.

Thank you

michay profile image

Helping business to move away from tedious manual testing to automated attacks that exposes real proven API threats, before hackers do.

Join us!

shravan_2073 profile image
Shravan • Edited

hey guys, I'm Shravan. im kinda new to this place. i wish have fun and gain knowledge here

vtf_media_7e6ce3b613cc2be profile image
Vtf Media


akashjana profile image
Akash Jana

Hello Everyone, pretty new to open source contribution and blogging. Looking forward to learning and enjoying a lot!

webworx profile image
Adamu Abubakar sadiq

Hi, please need someone that will teach me frontend development for free. Thankyou

veddevv profile image
Matheo Alexander

Hello, My name is Matheo and im a slightly-novice programmer. I program in Python.

emmanuel_adeyeye_7273819e profile image
Emmanuel Adeyeye

My name Emmanuel Adeyeye from Nigeria,I am system administrator but I love code. I believe this community with support my journey to switch to coding

desksnowie profile image
Manuel Enrique Reyes


mishan_savalia profile image
Mishan Savalia

Hi there it's always great find new people learning and enjoying coding!
See you around 😁

runtime_terrors profile image

Hey everyone! I’m here to tackle MERN and React! Fun fact: I tried to build a dog-themed app, but my pup kept hitting the keyboard with his paws and now it randomly fetches cat videos! 🐶🎥😄

sarah_6f profile image

am here to learn more about the program

thayer_alsafadi_f76af2ab9 profile image
Thayer Alsafadi


vinzsmok3 profile image
Kurt Russell Austero

Hi guys. I'm new here. Just starting up at frontend dev career, but I have knowledge in html, css and js. Just want to ask if there is a company/companies who hires even if no experience in resume.

ekuyik_etim profile image
Ekuyik Etim

Trust me it feels so good to be here!

aiden_reeves_bfd4e969d21a profile image
Aiden Reeves


shamama_tarif profile image
Shamama Tarif

Hi, I’m Shamama Tarif, a MERN Stack Developer and a Machine Learning beginner. I love building web applications and exploring new technologies.

Let’s connect!

vinzsmok3 profile image
Kurt Russell Austero

Hi guys. I'm new here. Is there a companies that hires a frontend developer even if no experience?

jasonagi profile image

Hey guys

New round here. 15 y/o saas builder.

Check out my latest post on my new tool!

I go into why I built it and what I learned

sharonoliva profile image
sharon oliva

Hy i am sharon oliva

prem_sahu_c7e9a62c6cad572 profile image
Prem Sahu


vidhi_srivastava_22544be2 profile image
Vidhi Srivastava

Hiii, I am Vidhi
Currently a college student. I am a flutter enthusiast with not so much knowledge about the same😅. Joined here to know more about the same😆

praisedotdev profile image
Praise Wuche

Hello im new

heather_forester_300391aa profile image
Heather Forester

Hello everybody, I am brand new to coding! Looking to learn more and see if this would be a good fit for me.

greaterminds profile image
Frankie Rothstein

What's going on everyone, glad to be a part of like minded individuals. "Illuminate".

bluepythedeer251 profile image

My name is Paul, but you can call me BluePy, I'm in love with learning how to code, I have a GitHub profile if you want to check it out.

rakesh_kumar_107a666b8fac profile image
Rakesh Kumar

Hello all,

Rakesh Modi here. I'm high level design architect, who wants to always be in hunt to explore new tech.

md_yeamin_21c613a27aeaee8 profile image
Md Yeamin

Hello. This is Yeamin Mia

jemal_seid_2cc47f6d1a731b profile image
Jemal Seid


astro_stuck profile image
Astronaut Stuck in Space

Hello all,

a junior dev here, looking forward to learning from you all.
Mainly interested in gen AI and related tools and software.

purvika profile image


amiro_ali_de681d16a36b126 profile image
Amiro Ali

My name is Amiro and had thrown coding to pursue other ventures. A silent voice is inviting me back, lol

kawaljain profile image
Kawal Jain


I am a Full Stack Developer. I’m passionate about coding and developing new things.My expertise spans across full-stack web development, project management.

zeethebeast profile image
chima samuel

hello everyone, it feels good to be here. My name is Chima Samuel and i am a software Engineer

shubham_barnwal_02 profile image

Hi everyone.
I'm Shubham and I'm working as Software engineer in a FinTech company.
I'm pretty excited to join to this community and I would love to grow as community.

See ya' around

adamsky profile image
Adam Skyfall


employee_0581794638f0ba9e profile image


dede_rizky_ab4b94b586b90a profile image
Dede Rizky


This is awesome !!!

frans_placido_561517b3ee2 profile image
Frans Placido

My name is Frans and I like to code

cornelius_kipkorirkilimo profile image

I am Cornelius Kipkorir Kilimo and am here to learn.

konokcse profile image
M M Muraduzzaman

Hello There. Hope you all are doing great.
