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What was your win this week?

Gracie Gregory (she/her) on November 06, 2020

Happy Friday! Looking back on your week — what was something you're proud of? All wins count — big or small 🎉 Examples of 'wins' include: Star...
bobbyiliev profile image
Bobby Iliev

Reached 250 subscribers on my small YouTube channel 🎉

calinzbaenen profile image
Calin Baenen

Well, guess you have to append '+1' to that, now.

bobbyiliev profile image
Bobby Iliev

Thank you Calin! Appreciate that 🙌

filipeqm94 profile image
Filipe Marques

My new win this week is DIVING BACK INTO CODING! Hahaha
2020 has been a challenging year and It was the year I actually started coding, but had to stop due to personal problems. Now I'm back at it and really excited! Especially because now I found communities to interact with and platforms to share my code ideas, improve and contribute!

fennecdjay profile image
Jérémie Astor

I had my first zoom meeting, to possibly prepare a future DEV podcast 🍾 Huge win overall: that's the first time I'm asked to talk about my work.

I also improved this project:

  • added final and abstract, for both classes and functions.
  • added #require to improve how plugins are handled.

I should merge this during weekend, there's a tiny thing in arguments handling I can/want to improve.

Less important, but also sparks joy: I made it to the 7th place in the only online game I play 😄

luispeerez profile image
Luis Perez Bautista • Edited

I presented a demo to an audience of ~60 people, this was improvised, as I was chosen to give the presentation 5 mins. before the meeting. It was cool given that the main language of the team is English, and I am not a native-english speaker, so it felt proud of how I did in the presentation.

foresthoffman profile image
Forest Hoffman

Saving our democracy. :D

adrianbdesigns profile image
Adrian Bece • Edited

Released a font loader plugin for Gatsby that got almost 500 downloads! Someone even submitted a bug report. Really happy about it!

shhdharmen profile image
Dharmen Shah

Published an Angular library (rather debugging tool) called 'Inspector', which allows you you to...

✅ Inspect Angular 9+ components on the fly
✅ Change component properties without touching the code
✅ Simulate Angular events
✅ See the results in realtime

GitHub logo ngneat / inspector

🕵️ An angular library that lets you inspect and change Angular component properties

inspector logo

MIT commitizen PRs styled with prettier All Contributors ngneat spectator

An angular library that lets you inspect and change Angular 9+ component properties

Inspector demo


  • Inspect Angular 9+ components on the fly
  • Change component properties without touching the code
  • Simulate Angular events
  • See the results in realtime

Table of Contents


This library supports Angular 9+ projects and should only be installed using Angular CLI.

Angular CLI

ng add @ngneat/inspector
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Above command will do following for you:

  1. Add and install following dev dependencies
    1. @ngneat/inspector
    2. ace-builds
    3. tinykeys
  2. Import environments from ../environments/environment.ts in projects root module. This can be skipped with --skipImport.
  3. Import InspectorModule from @ngneat/inspector in your project's root module's imports section. This can be skipped with --skipImport.

👉 Please note: @ngneat/inspector is a debugging tool and it helps you to develop faster. So, it shouldn't be part of your production deployment. When you install it using ng add

nop33 profile image

I learnt how to use scoped component slots in Vue.js in order to control the rendering of the list items in the child component from the parent component. I even went a bit further and managed to do this recursively from any parent level up! I need to write a blog post about this :XD

dana94 profile image
Dana Ottaviani

Voting in the U.S. election. 😄

sandordargo profile image
Sandor Dargo

I improved the tooling behind Daily C++ Interview, now it's much easier to add new questions.

joelbonetr profile image
JoelBonetR 🥇

I really can't tell you at the moment 😇, you'll need to wait till the next week to know so I can see if it's a win or not

graciegregory profile image
Gracie Gregory (she/her)

Fair enough!!! Good luck!

joelbonetr profile image
JoelBonetR 🥇


michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Last week I said that we were working on something special for COVID safe-ing our trick or treating experience...

Well, I'm really quite happy with how it turned out and am still flying high on that whole experience.

And at this moment, I'm generally optimistic about the way the US election is going. 🤞

msfjarvis profile image
Harsh Shandilya

Lots of things!

  • Finished some commits to the wireguard-android repository that I had been putting off for a couple months now.
  • Started work on porting my Android app for to Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile
  • Thanks to new contracts signed for the product I work on, my company was able to get rid of the salary adjustments for Corona, resulting in a 35% raise for me.
  • Started looking for a new job, because the 35% raise came with a 6 day work week that I can't do without burning out :D
lukeocodes profile image
@lukeocodes 🕹👨‍💻 • Edited

Sold our house 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

kdev291 profile image

I Earned the AWS SysOps Associate Certification 🥳 I’m still ecstatic for this achievement haha

metalmikester profile image
Michel Renaud

I got some mix of TailwindCSS and Gulp working despite a lot of useless error messages.

Now I just need to figure out what I did to get it to work. :)

kdien profile image
Khoa Dien

I got my first ever professional IT certification - Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) DevOps Engineer!

agathebadia profile image
Agathe Badia

I'm preparing a lightning talk for an Online Ember Meetup, and I realized how much I learned for the past 6 months! It felt great :D

aneeqakhan profile image
Aneeqa Khan

Delivered our office project to the client after 7 sprints of work

warengonzaga profile image
Waren Gonzaga

I just published my 3rd NPM open source project called fork corner!

zimlearn profile image
Dr Abstract

Made an Angry Birds type physics game with images and large world in 15 minutes with ZIM's Box2D helper - - cheers!

jessrichmond profile image
jessrichmond • Edited

taking part in the collective deep breath so many of us experienced saturday morning & being another week closer to the end of coding bootcamp - only two weeks left!

peterwgacek profile image
Peter Gacek

I'm in General Assembly's immersive software engineering boot camp and I JUST figured out a tricky Express lab problem I was having with the help of another student.

peterwitham profile image
Peter Witham

Officially passed Hacktoberfest, had a blast.

liyasthomas profile image
Liyas Thomas

Our project Hoppscotch crossed 100,000+ all-time users and 25,000th star on GitHub.

GitHub logo hoppscotch / hoppscotch

👽 A free, fast and beautiful API request builder used by 100k+ developers.

crimsonmed profile image
Médéric Burlet

Reached more than 5 stars on my boilerplate

GitHub logo crimson-med / react-prisma2-graphql-boilerplate

Simple React, Prisma2, GraphQL, Boilerplate

React Prisma2 GraphQL Boilerplate

Quick start boilerplate leveraging various recent technologies.


Open two terminals and follow the following commands:

Terminal 1 Terminal 2
cd backend cd frontend
yarn install yarn install
yarn dev yarn start

That's it you are up and running!

For more detailed documentation check the other readme:

Wanna help?

Check out as well as the project board on GitHub.

Accessing Datatabase

For this boilerplate Prisma2 is connecting to a SQLite file in the following folder backend/prisma.

To access and explore this file you can use a Database Manager like TablePlus which supports SQLite.

You then just need to point to the file:

table plus connection

If you want to change the database to use you can simply update the datasource in backend/prisma/schema.prisma.










devmalik7 profile image

well I started working on my first open source project.
i have my improved my skills in java and took another step towards being an Front end developer.

anja profile image

I reached 500 subs here on dev 😊

blanchloe profile image
Seonyoung Chloe (she/they)

Succeed to recover my energy back to coding :)

mlock profile image

writing more code :D

highcenburg profile image
Vicente G. Reyes

I figured out how to do an odd even cycle in Django templates. Been occassionaly finding a way to do it and finally did it!