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What was your win this week?

Gracie Gregory (she/her) on August 14, 2020

👋👋👋👋 Looking back on your week -- what was something you're proud of? All wins count -- big or small 🎉 Examples of 'wins' include: Getting a p...
milantenk profile image
Milán Tenk

Made one of my hobby projects open source and deployed it to npmjs. It's an Angular component:
ngx-interactive-paycard gif

simonholdorf profile image
Simon Holdorf

looks a lot like what Muhammed Erdem made a few months ago:

milantenk profile image
Milán Tenk • Edited

Exactly, my goal was to have a similar Angular alternative for that. This is why I reference that project at the end of the README and my LICENSE file contains the license of the original version as well.

Thread Thread
simonholdorf profile image
Simon Holdorf

Cool, didn't read that file. Good job and glad you gave him credit.

jacktoolsnet profile image
Christian Wagner

Very nice.

thekhaledyassen profile image
Khaled Yassen

This is absolutely beautiful!!

milantenk profile image
Milán Tenk


codemouse92 profile image
Jason C. McDonald

Very nice!!

milantenk profile image
Milán Tenk

Thank you!

briancodes profile image
Brian • Edited

That is top class!

Splitting the string and animating each character - great use of Angular animations

milantenk profile image
Milán Tenk

Thank you for the feedback Brian! 🙂

davey profile image

Amazing. How long did it take you to develop that?

milantenk profile image
Milán Tenk

Thank you! Well it is not easy to tell this. I started it roughly half year ago, but there were several months when I did not work on this project. My estimation is 40 hours. 🙂

prafulla-codes profile image
Prafulla Raichurkar

This is Awesome!

milantenk profile image
Milán Tenk

Thank you! 🙂

geektrovert profile image
Samnan Rahee

Started learning React Native while on a 49 days coding streak! 🥳


mdhesari profile image
Mohammad Fazel

is it open source? ;))

geektrovert profile image
Samnan Rahee

Not yet but I wish to make it OpenSource!

Thread Thread
mdhesari profile image
Mohammad Fazel

nice! Keep me notfied!

g33knoob profile image

Wow 49 days streak

geektrovert profile image
Samnan Rahee

Thank you! ❤️

ehsan profile image
Ehsan Azizi

Added dark mode feature to my project ReactWeather.

dana94 profile image
Dana Ottaviani

The design is beautiful. ❤️

ehsan profile image
Ehsan Azizi

Thank you! Dana

lucianowebdev profile image

This looks amazing! The shooting star animation in the dark mode switch is awesome!

ehsan profile image
Ehsan Azizi • Edited

Thanks Luciano,
To be honest the dark mode switch used in the app is from an NPM package (react-dark-mode-toggle). It's not what I built from my own.

rachelagnihotri profile image

In the past week, 2 things happened that felt like a win.

I got my first badge 😎😍


And I made it to the Top 5 DEV Comments in the Past Week!

I'm new to DEV, so this feels amazing 🌻

haizstudio profile image
Haiz Studio • Edited

Did a new app => Pomodoro

bobbyiliev profile image
Bobby Iliev

We released a new beta feature on the DevDojo site a couple of days ago. It’s called DevBlog. It lets you setup a fully functional blog with custom domain name for free in less than a few minutes 🙌

gcgbarbosa profile image
George C. G. Barbosa

Got my first tattoo


terabytetiger profile image
Tyler V. (he/him)

Did my first coding stream on Twitch Monday night!

It didn't go very smoothly at all 😅 but I have a few ideas to make it go better next Monday!

stereoplegic profile image
Mike Bybee

My last tech talk was an absolute train wreck - barely got there on time, only got to rehearse driving 4 hours there, had to redo my slides from scratch when I got there (leaving a typo in my company name and two major points missing, only one of which I caught while presenting) - but it was still very well received (save for the one guy who closed his laptop, put it in his bag, and walked out, when I said, "If you're looking for code samples, you've come to the wrong place. This is a philosophical/architectural talk").

amourycodes profile image

Wow that's awesome 👏

shadowphoenix profile image

I've survived another week of summer camp as staff! The heat definitely cracked me yesterday, but all is going well now. Kids are going home tomorrow, only need to stay up as late as I can tonight to close the last night with a banger. ^^

jkimexploring profile image

I got a request to do a code assessment! I did the practice one they sent over and am currently reviewing the parts I didn't know before I attempt the actual assessment. I also got three rejections and an email back about what I should improve upon! It's all part of the process.

phantas0s profile image
Matthieu Cneude • Edited

📙 Finishing the outlines of my book.

I wanted to write a book since I'm 10, I'm so happy I have finally time to do it. 🥰

amourycodes profile image

I just checked out the site. Can't wait for it to launch. Very interesting topic for the book.

phantas0s profile image
Matthieu Cneude


stereoplegic profile image
Mike Bybee

From last week's win:

I gave constructive criticism of the latest episode of a podcast I listen to (it was on a subject I've focused on pretty intently for the last year+) which, in hindsight, could have been taken much differently (text is dry, especially since my email was a freaking Tolstoy novel).

Instead, one of the hosts emailed me back thanking me, admitted that they were in a rush and winged it without show notes, said I'd be getting a shout-out in the next episode, and asked if I'd like to be a guest doing another episode on the subject!

Got my shout-out:

And the other host also emailed me to confirm that he really wants me on the show to talk about React Native persistence and sync solutions.

huddlespith profile image
Amy Hudspith

Wrote a post about being autistic, something I've been wanting to write but have been scared to publish 😅

shaijut profile image
Shaiju T

Participated in Tech Gig - Microsoft Azure Hackathon

Last week I Participated in Microsoft Azure Hackathon which was hosted by

Among approx 10000 registrations , my team was chosen in semi final and then in top 10 finalist.

Hackathon helped me to Learn something new in few days.


dana94 profile image
Dana Ottaviani

I started learning about three.js. Currently I'm struggling to understand why my 3D object isn't being displayed but I'm getting there!

vonheikemen profile image

Publishing that article I had on draft for months now. It's here on DEV.

Applicative functors in javascript.
English | Español

Now I can go back to not having a clue what to do next.

jbruton profile image
James Bruton • Edited

This week I finally "got" JavaScript. I even started to enjoy it!

I taught myself HTML and CSS 16 years ago, as a kid just starting secondary school. I never wanted to be a developer. I just wanted the skills to build my own website. That was until those skills landed me a sweet front-end job... with no knowledge of JavaScript. I was lucky. I started studying it a few months ago, but convinced myself nothing was sinking in. I was NEVER gonna get my head around JavaScript...

Until this week, when I solved a tricky challenge effortlessly... and then another... and then another... and then another. I found myself seeking challenges out, looking for problems to solve just because I knew I could.

Turns out I was learning all along, and things were sinking in. My low self-esteem just wanted me to give up. :D

matttunney profile image
Matt Tunney

This week I managed to build out a small news and press release site using a combination of google docs, google sheets and php (using the google php api client) to collect the data and then store it locally as json. 🙌

Twilio has a great tutorial for interacting with google sheets

thtmnisamnstr profile image

Got a simple build-deploy GitHub Action working for my personal website, and got my first by-line on my company's blog.

karnak19 profile image

Deploy my first package to NPM 🎉
This is a CLI for React (like create-react-app but lighter), with Parcel, ask for few extra deps, basic configuration for Caprover deployment, and 2 GitHub action for linting and building 🤓

thisismahmoud profile image
Mahmoud Abdelwahab

Published a video on my YouTube channel! 🚀 I document my progress building an open-source project called tailwind-snippets 🤩. It's layout and component snippets for TailwindCSS.

ixartz profile image
Remi W.

Two big launch for me:

fayaz profile image
Fayaz Ahmed

Got my 10th sponsor today, for a side project which was inspired by my article.

Just wrote about it here

190245 profile image

My win, was that 9 days after hiring 2 juniors they (despite never talking to each other before employment with us):

  • completed a Greenfield project, devising their own work strategy, test coverage, approach to several problems and "team" communication style. All with zero input from me. The code was good enough that other than nit picking at a few typos, I couldn't fault it, and it made me smile to read it.
  • Succesfully delivered 2 bug fixes (before being included in a Sprint), including learning our development kit.
  • Succesfully participated in their first Sprint Planning.

When I hired them, considering one has never worked as a dev, I told PMO "don't expect to even be talking to them for a month after they start."

Boy, do I look daft. 🙂

fennecdjay profile image
Jérémie Astor

Got a few starts on some on my projects, more collaboration on Gwion, and hopefully more to come!

Also completed some scoring (as in make musical score) job, and just started a new arrangement gig along with a new band.

So a nice week overall.

ephraimduncan profile image
Ephraim Duncan

I can say I overcame my laziness. a bit. And also, I learnt how to use Vim.

lucianowebdev profile image

I made a small break thru in understanding react routes a little better. And i finished my second round of #100daysofcode this tuesday! 👩‍💻

a0viedo profile image
Alejandro Oviedo

Finally published that article I've been working on for about two weeks! I deferred some things for another new article...but hey, it's still a win.

andrewbaisden profile image
Andrew Baisden

I fixed an annoying scrolling bug on my website and refactored some code for an app that I created making it cleaner.

explorer14 profile image
Aman Agrawal

Remote pairing session with a recently hired junior dev- coaching and problem solving! Feels like a win!

gabriela profile image

This week I could not read the news, had the privilege of taking time off that. And working on our household pantry web app.

pomfrit123 profile image

That is over.

madyanalj profile image
romainluffy profile image
Rom' / Hikari Rom' • Edited

This week was a little storm of events but happy to have my sandwich course for September 😄

titanhero profile image

I finished a repo, and I started to finish another 😉

huseyinturkmenoglu profile image
Hüseyin Türkmenoğlu

I learned Figma 😁

davey profile image

I started doing 30 Days of CSS. The first week is coming to a close and, although I’ve a long way to go, I’m loving it and learning lots.

prafulla-codes profile image
Prafulla Raichurkar

Started my own tech youtube channel :)

liyasthomas profile image
Liyas Thomas
spksoft profile image
Sippakorn Raksakiart

Set the new sprint period from 2 weeks to 1 week for my team. Is it winning ? 😁

delta456 profile image
Swastik Baranwal

75+ followers on GitHub

scrabill profile image
Shannon Crabill

I'm a Ruby on Rails Thinker of the Year Nominee!



amjadmh73 profile image
Amjad Abujamous

I wrote another blog post, which is something I have only started very recently. I'm loving it!

bashirk profile image
Kóredé Bashir • Edited

Started relearning Python, by reworking and going through (again) some of the Python exercises I've solved

zapbampow profile image
Clayton Ingalls

I got to delegate a project that I wasn’t interested in so that I could work on one that I am interested in.

kaleigh profile image
Kaleigh Scruggs

Finished up my first week at my new job!

waylonwalker profile image
Waylon Walker

I successfully made 10 posts in two weeks. 🎉

studio_hungry profile image
Richard Haines

Got my side project devpack into Alpha. Lots still to do but going well!

It's a web app to keep your online branding consistent across multiple platforms.

metaskills profile image
Ken Collins

Moved another Rails app to AWS Lambda for Custom Ink.