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What was your win this week?

Gracie Gregory (she/her) on June 12, 2020

👋👋👋👋 Looking back on your week -- what was something you're proud of? All wins count -- big or small 🎉 Examples of 'wins' include: Getting a p...
torianne02 profile image
Tori Crawford

After searching for a job for 444 days, I finally accepted an offer and will be working as a remote software engineer at

Tina Fey running excitedly

zacharysarette profile image

Congrats! I know it must have been tough. 444 days is crazy. Looking at some of your articles now.

graciegregory profile image
Gracie Gregory (she/her)


amorriscode profile image
Anthony M.

Congrats Victoria! Must feel nice. :) Were you looking specifically for remote positions?

torianne02 profile image
Tori Crawford

I was, but not exclusively. My fiancé and I plan on moving within the next year and I didn’t want to have to search for another job a few months from now haha. Remote just made more sense for my current situation.

jeremy profile image
Jeremy Schuurmans

Congratulations! I'm so happy for you!!

chakrihacker profile image
Subramanya Chakravarthy

That's a long time, congrats

peter profile image
Peter Kim Frank


vaibhavkhulbe profile image
Vaibhav Khulbe

Haha, love that parrot! 🦜

My 'win' would be getting selected for a Senior level position! However, due to time differences, I declined the offer. But yes, I cleared 4/5 rounds :)

redux_atop profile image

That’s amazing, congrats!

vaibhavkhulbe profile image
Vaibhav Khulbe

Thank you! :)

omarkhatib profile image
Omar • Edited

The win is that I got an email for an part time job interview!
why it's important , because our country is collapsed every thing is priced x5 , It will be a good support for my family.

bernardbaker profile image
Bernard Baker

That's great 🌞

graciegregory profile image
Gracie Gregory (she/her)

Congrats, Omar!!! Wishing you all the luck.

amjadmh73 profile image
Amjad Abujamous

Congrats Omar

waylonwalker profile image
Waylon Walker


bernardbaker profile image
Bernard Baker

My win this week was 2️⃣ happy clients. I improved the reach of a brand through an advert by 300% +. And delivered an MLP (minimum loveable product).

But it was in their tone that I could hear the satisfaction 🤸.

waylonwalker profile image
Waylon Walker • Edited

I got a new url domain Its mostly for some side projects that I have subdomained on it, but there is now at least a landing page for the root url.

I started learning MDX, and am going to try to build it with MDX since it is greenfield.

varaprasad_gudi profile image
Gudi Varaprasad • Edited

My win is that I started building INTRUDER ALERT SYSTEM using Open CV and Raspberry pi.....
Wish me good luck !! :)

manojmaracheeacko profile image

I was thinking of something like this, please keep us updated on how it goes for you.

Thank you

Keep it up mate, and good luck.

Never touch OpenCV, yet have to start looking into it.

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor

We're getting close to finishing the Preact upgrade for DEV. The Preact upgrade itself was simple, but the testing tools we use are not compatible with Preact 10.x. We've moved to preact-testing-library, the cousin of react-testing-library which is the recommended testing tool for React alongside jest.

We're almost finished migrating all the tests. So close! Hopefully early next week we'll get this merged and then we can start using new React features in Preact like fragments, hooks, context etc.

thomasbnt profile image
Thomas Bnt ☕ • Edited

Not this week but 2 weeks ago I've got a job ! 🙌🏼

Edit : Nothing about dev, too bad 😕

graciegregory profile image
Gracie Gregory (she/her)


thomasbnt profile image
Thomas Bnt ☕


itsjzt profile image
Saurabh Sharma • Edited

I'm procrastinating writing a language of my own, for a while. 😅

waylonwalker profile image
Waylon Walker

Writing a language sounds like procrastinating 😅

theycallmemac profile image
James McDermott

My win this week was a very successful refactor across three different language specific SDKs! We can all agree to love lightweight libraries :D

s_aitchison profile image
Suzanne Aitchison

I reached the quarter-of-the-way-done milestone on my 100 day project: Suzanne makes 100 things in CSS

Can't believe how much I've learned already!

graciegregory profile image
Gracie Gregory (she/her)

Awesome!!! Congrats, Suzanne!

wobsoriano profile image
Robert • Edited
bobbyiliev profile image
Bobby Iliev • Edited

I helped with the release of the new redesigned website 🔥

serveradict profile image
Server Enthusiast

Looks good!

bobbyiliev profile image
Bobby Iliev

Thanks! Happy to hear that you like it!

ekafyi profile image

Finished gatsby-theme-web-monetization, which I'm submitting for the GftW Hackathon.

Also did a complete refactor of another Gatsby theme I made last year.

And clear all of my backlog at work this week!

liyasthomas profile image
Liyas Thomas

I recorded my first podcast 🎙️ with Abdul Majed Raja from Atlassian recently - I'd lotta fun making it.

I started writing a short book on building successful side projects and making multiple passive income. I already sold 13 copies 🎉

And also: Today was great! My project crossed 60k+ returning users, 300k+ one-time users and 20k+ GitHub stars ✨

GitHub logo liyasthomas / postwoman

👽 A free, fast and beautiful API request builder used by 60k+ developers (web alternative to Postman)

camdhall profile image
CamDHall • Edited

A repeat of a win I had a few weeks ago. A couple friends and I tore down another side of my fence and replaced it. 134ft this time. I had to do most of the demo work myself. The fence leans a little bit, but we had to use the existing holes which were anything but straight. We're both fortunate and unfortunate to have the fiber optic cable box for our neighborhood in our backyard. It's unfortunate because the wires are buried parallel to our fence line on three sides. It was also over 100F the whole weekend... Definitely waiting to replace the next side until a colder season.


kerldev profile image
Kyle Jones • Edited

Added a bunch of new functionality to my personal portfolio and blog including:

  • Automated "Last Updated On" date on my /now page
  • Tag navigation and filtering
  • RSS feed
  • Offline service worker
  • Unit testing using Jest I'm also currently working on some other featured including...
  • Renaming "master" and "master-source" branches to "production" and "production-source"
  • Adding end-to-end testing using Cypress
  • Adding internationalization and localization
  • Improving SEO by adding an ld-json
thongpham profile image
Thong Pham

This week I was failed in a job interview due to my bad English (I come from Vietnam where not speak English and I did not learn it properly before), then I made a plan to improve it and start right the way. I guess this is my win :))

pancy profile image
Pan Chasinga

I feel you there. It is awkward when you know you aren't accepted by your English not your skill. Keep it up, the point is to communicate effectively not to speak fluent English! To inspire you, check out Eric Yuan, Zoom's CEO. He communicates extremely well despite his strong accent.

thongpham profile image
Thong Pham

thanks so much!

pancy profile image
Pan Chasinga

Overcame the learning curve of Db'ing in Rust, which brought me to 60% of my payment app's prototype.

Got +30 points on Rust answers on StackOverflow.

Figured out a way to live paycheck-free in the Bay Area only working on my app.

Paris is Burning

brodan profile image

I finally got a new Dev post out! It didn't really get any readers unfortunately, but I'm still happy to have published something! Check it out!

dmahely profile image
Doaa Mahely

Had a lowkey week at work and was able to catch up on sleep.
I also published an article on enums and how to use them specifically in GraphQL 💯
PS: I’m still in need of a frontend mentor 🕺🏼

jonnyeom profile image
Jonny Eom

I took a mental health afternoon. It was definitely a win for my soul

devindford profile image
Devin Ford

I sold my first website yesterday! I’ve only been coding 2 months, and did it fully in just html/css! Super happy about it :)

huncyrus profile image

After of years, I started to drawing again (digitally and w/ paper & pen), and now I'm working on new assets and on my own webcomic.

Also, I had my very first twitch stream, where I got one (1) viewer what made me happy, because someone enjoyed what I tried to share.

ashleyjsheridan profile image
Ashley Sheridan

I finally got a big ticket through to pull request stage for implementing the whole front end of an enable/disable 2fa for an account, with all the UI in Angular. I also reached 49 consecutive days of learning German on Duolingo. Biggest achievement of all of this is doing it from home whilst also looking after my boys (with my partner, not alone) at home due to lockdown. And managed to write up an article for my blog.

hinasoftwareengineer profile image

I have completed my first React js, redux Project named Covid-19 Tracker. I am so happy today 😃 😃 . I have completed my one project before this. But in this, I fully worked hard.
Demo :
Github Repo :

bobnudd profile image
Ash Grennan

Finally finishing multi tenancy in a web application, required a infrastructure re-write and different architecture since data importation had to be abstracted out into an Azure function implementing durable orchestration pattern.

Definitely a happy Friday 🎉!

mohammedasker profile image
Mohammed Asker
ctcoleman profile image

This is the farthest I've ever made it trying to learn web development. I always drop out after learning HTML and CSS. Once the tutorials start with JavaScript I give up. I'm into my second week with Lambda and have made it into JavaScript and OOP. This is a milestone for me.

msfjarvis profile image
Harsh Shandilya

Oh well, I guess this counts. I finally finished the large refactor I was working on for the past month and landed it just a few hours ago :)

Break down PGP Activity into focused sections #776

📢 Type of change

  • [x] Bugfix
  • [ ] New feature
  • [x] Enhancement
  • [x] Refactoring

📜 Description

This PR is a concentrated effort to break PgpActivity down to more logical parts that will allow this to be more maintainable and logical going forward. Also opens up the possibility to finally get rid of kotlin-android-extensions and replace it with ViewBinding.

💡 Motivation and Context

PgpActivity is a blackbox of arcane logic and bad design choices that stump contributors and maintainers alike and reducing development friction by bringing this up to standards is an important goal of mine.

💚 How did you test it?

Generating a password both from the FAB as well as the Autofill action works as expected.

📝 Checklist

  • [x] I formatted the code with the IDE's reformat action (Ctrl + Shift + L/Cmd + Shift + L)
  • [x] I reviewed submitted code

🔮 Next steps

📸 Screenshots / GIFs

botanical profile image
Jennifer Tran

I've started learning Vue! So far, I've built a blog with a search feature. 😊 👩🏻‍💻

igneel64 profile image
Peter Perlepes

Well after a month of working on it, I released The Home of Web Automation, which at least to me is kind of special in its own way 😄

You can read about it at

aemiej profile image
Aemie Jariwala

My win this week is that I resolved an issue that has been bothering me for long and currently implementing designs for the repo I am working on. But the biggest win I considered is that now I am flexible with the use of git rebase and I also created a blog on it - at last. I tried to explain it in layman terms hoping it will help others to understand rebase the way I do.

noelie_roux profile image

I reached 50 suscribers at my first product

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor

That's awesome! 🔥

Yes, that's awesome!

amlana24 profile image

My win will be writing and posting on for the first time..

netanelmohoni profile image
Netanel Mohoni

I helped one open-source developer to get the fund he needs to keep working on his repo!
He is generating +$500/m with my platform!
Big win!

amjadmh73 profile image
Amjad Abujamous

I figured out how to bundle and minify static assets in ASP.NET Core to reduce response times and increase performance.

itsjzt profile image
Saurabh Sharma • Edited

I peeked into the code, even I have forgot most of c, you have added nice comments

gabrielecimato profile image
Gabriele Cimato

Finally got started with a daily routine focused on improving my mobility!

ctannerweb profile image
Cory Tanner

Building a React component for our app that shows and hides text but is actually accessible. Surprisingly all the public show more react packages are nowhere near accessible :)

eloi profile image
Eloi Simard-Quesnel

Setting up auth0 web authentication in a NativeScript Angular app! Might write about it too since I had to piece together multiple articles, guides and documentation pieces to make it work 😄

dmahely profile image
Doaa Mahely

Authentication can be complex, an article would be very helpful if you had the time

tan profile image
Tan • Edited

After five years, I've graduated (sort of haha)! My university is currently closed, but when it returns I'll issue my BSc Computer Engineer degree :)

Love the parrot!

Kind regards,
Tancredo <3

barbaroja19 profile image

Learned how to bring our Dev environments down and bring them back up for patching!

memitaru profile image
Ami Scott (they/them)

I started learning Java this week and created my first small project using it. I also cleaned my entire work space up so I can go into next week with a little less distracting clutter.

abhay676 profile image
Abhay Goswami
  • Wrote my first article on DEV about Why we need docker, which has an awesome response.
  • I had a chance to learn about RabbitMQ and
pontakornth profile image
Pontakorn Paesaeng

Get to the 4 kyu in CodeWars. It's so difficult for me haha.

mithil467 profile image
Mithil Poojary • Edited

I finally started blogging! I'll be writing daily for at least some time. Today is my 5th day.

zbmarius profile image
Marius Zaharie

Read a new chapter of The Rust Programming Language book, after I left it aside for 2 or 3 months :)

vickyktk profile image

I have added social logins to my chat applications built with nodejs.

j_mplourde profile image
Jean-Michel Plourde

My internship which told me was cancelled due to covid-19, called me to propose a one month project.

marianorenteria profile image
Mariano Rentería

Starting to be more active on social networks to build my personal brand, I look forward to speak up more about the things I’m passionate about

thebleshbanz profile image
Ashish Banjare

Starting new project of online education app

louisefindlay23 profile image
Louise • Edited

Published my first article here which is a beginner's guide to creating their first database.

sjellen profile image

Applied for my first Dev job. So that’s huge for me. I was worried that I’d never think I’m ready.