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Dhairya Shah
Dhairya Shah

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How to extract year from a string

Hello Folks πŸ‘‹

What's up friends, this is SnowBit here. I am young passionate and self-taught developer and have an intention to become successful developer.

Today, I am here with a quick tutorial. So, let's get started.

Extracting year from a string

Let use take a date,

24 February 2006
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Now, we have to extract year from the string, so here's how you do it

const extractYear = str => str.match(/\d{4}/)[0];
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Works with any layout of date

const extractYear = str => str.match(/\d{4}/)[0];

console.log(extractYear("24 February 2006"))
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Try Now,

Thank you for reading, have a nice day!
Your appreciation is my motivation 😊

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