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Dhairya Shah
Dhairya Shah

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How to start to learn code

Welcome πŸ‘‹,
Today I am going to talk about How you can start to learn code and this will be fun. So, make sure to read the whole article.

What is coding? - In simple words, it is about problem-solving

I have listed some important points, which may help you. So let's begin the journey πŸ”₯

I want to start


To start, the first thing that you have to think is you have to start, then and only you will be able to code easily without frustration.

Thinking positively helps you to love code which gets you new ideas for your news projects.

You are the best teacher for yourself

Self Teacher

Facing errors and issues and stuck. Don't worry you will teach yourself how to come out from the error. Search the internet, review your code multiple times and you will figure out where and why the error was coming.

This is how you will be able to handle errors and bugs and your brain will be easily able to solve problems that arise in future

Where to learn

Internet is amazing. Anything you want can be found on the internet.
You can say the internet will be your best mentor. There are a bunch of stuff you can find on the internet to learn code.

Check out some important sites to learn code:

You will learn to code from these sites.

Build simple projects

Build simple projects

Now you have learnt the basic things, congrats πŸŽ‰!
The best way to learn deep is to start building simple projects, this boosts up your confidence as well as experience.

This motivates you to learn new things. To build new simple projects after learning a new topic and your base will get stronger doing this repetitive.

Join Communities


Joining communities is the best way to discuss your code journey and helps you to get updated about the latest things running in the market.

There are a bunch of coding communities you can find on the internet.

Keep revising

Keep revising the older topics that you had practised before. This helps you to keep memorizing older topics and you will never forget about them.

I have covered all major topics which might help you as a beginner. I hope you have learnt something new from this article.

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Thank you! for reading this article πŸ™‚

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