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Dhruv Panchal
Dhruv Panchal

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πŸ’‰ VacCoWIN - Check Available Slots for CoWIN Vaccination right from your Terminal!


CoWIN Portal is used to self-register yourself for the Vaccination process in India. Here you can register yourself with your Phone Number and avail a slot from the available slots in various Vaccination Centres around the country.


VacCowin is a Python Script to find open slots for Vaccination in India based on your pincode (or multiple pincodes) or State and District. This script will recheck after every few minutes and as soon the slots open, inform you via Beeping sound & Desktop notification.

Since India has started the Vaccination Drive for those above 18 years of age, there is a very heavy rush and slots get booked soon. This script will come in handy for finding those slots as soon as they open.

The data is retrieved using the open public APIs at API Setu. It works on both Linux and Windows.

GitHub logo dhhruv / Vac-Cowin

πŸ’‰ One Stop Solution for Booking Vaccination Slots available in the CoWIN Portal directly from your Terminal...


  1. Install Python
  2. Clone this repository...
git clone
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
  1. Install, create and activate virtual environment. For instance we create a virtual environment named 'venv'.
pip install virtualenv
python -m virtualenv venv
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
  1. Install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode


Tags Actions
-h, --help Show the Help Message and exiting the program.
-p, --pincode Pincode(s) to look for slots.
-a, --age Age of the User(Default = 18).
-d, --date Date to check Vaccination(Format = DD-MM-YYYY).
-w, --wizard For a User Friendly Interface.
-i, --interval Interval in which to read Data from CoWin Website in Seconds. (Default = 300)
-s, --state The State you want to search for.
-t, --district The District you want to search for.


1. Using Pincode(s):

  • You can check the available slots by entering Pincode(s) using -p specified with age using -a.

Example: python -p 382150 -a 47
Method 1

2. Using State and District:

  • You can check the available slots by entering State using -s and District using-t specified with age using -a.

Example: python -s Gujarat -t Ahmedabad -a 19
Method 2

3. Using Wizard Mode(For Beginners):

  • If you're a beginner then you can specify -w in the Terminal or directly run the Script to enter the Wizard Mode for Beginners.

python -w


  • Enter the Information asked to check the Available Slots. Method 3

So, stay tuned for further updates on GitHub:

GitHub logo dhhruv / Vac-Cowin

πŸ’‰ One Stop Solution for Booking Vaccination Slots available in the CoWIN Portal directly from your Terminal...

Note:- Either Proceed through Pincode Method OR (State and District) Method for a reliable response.

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