This is collections/ways to configure mac for development
Iterm2/Terminal configurations
- Zsh plugins
- Install Fonts
- Get better version of man pages
- Install Ruby
- Make ls, ll commands colorful
- Smart cd command
- Optional powerlevel10k Configuration
- iterm2 color theme
- Terminal File Manager
- Terminal Git Gui
- Terminal Git Diff Tool
- Use Idea As Default Command Line Merge Tool
- Uniform Commits for git projects
- fig autocomplete
- nushell
- Python setup
- GO setup
- Groovy setup
- IntelliJ idea settings
- Multiple java versions in mac
- Postman Configs
- Keychain-password
- video tutorials
- Basic Mac setup
- Softwares
- Application Initializers
Iterm2/Terminal configurations
Iterm2/Terminal configurations
Note: Make sure you have local admin rights before you proceed with the following installations.
Following site will help you setup your mac.
Install iterm2 from https://www.iterm2.com/ and Install Homebrew from https://brew.sh/
Install software listed in file brew-leaves.txt(export
brew leaves | xargs brew desc --eval-all
,brew ls --casks |
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