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Divya Subscriber

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AI Based 24*7 Study Guide πŸ‘©πŸ»β€πŸ’»πŸ““βœπŸ»πŸ’‘

This is a submission for the Challenge: Assembly of Agents (See Details)

What I Built

I created a Study Guide Agent to make learning smarter, easier, and more engaging. Users can input a topic, choose their education level or purpose (exams, academics, research), and get a detailed explanation tailored to their needs. To help retain information, the agent generates fun stories, and learning tips customized for better understanding and memory.

It doesn’t stop there 😁! Users can create a custom quiz to test their knowledge. The agent assesses their answers, providing personalized feedback, model answers, and actionable learning suggestions for improvement. This all-in-one guide is designed to simplify learning and make it enjoyable!

I built this because I had long wanted to, and this is closely related to a project I built this December as well:- AI-Study-Guide


My agent is live at:- Study Guide

A video demo showcasing my working agent:- Experience

πŸŽ‰ So, here it isβ€” my 3rd agent on the platform! πŸŽ‰

This one took a lot more planning compared to my first, but guess what? It’s totally worth it! ☺️😁

The process boils down to these key steps:

1️⃣ Start with the basics: Collect the user's education level and the topic they want to learn or revise.

2️⃣ Generate detailed explanations: Use an LLM agent to create a comprehensive, well-structured explanation of the topic tailored to the user’s needs.

3️⃣ Add a storytelling twist: Ask users if they’d like a story to make the topic memorable.

4️⃣ Bring in the Story Maker: Call the Story Maker Agent to craft a fun, engaging story based on the topic to help with retention.

5️⃣ Boost learning: Offer learning tips to simplify and reinforce the topic.

6️⃣ Create custom learning aids: Use an LLM agent to generate some learning tips, ensuring they’re tailored for the user as per the topic.

7️⃣ Quiz Questions Count: Let users pick how many quiz questions they’d like to assess their grasp of the topic.

8️⃣ Quiz time: Use an LLM agent to create a subjective quiz and present it to the user.

9️⃣ User input: Provide a text area for users to type their answers for each question based on their understanding.

πŸ”Ÿ Feedback and growth: Call an LLM agent to evaluate their answers, provide personalized feedback, model answers, as well as actionable suggestions for improvement.

πŸ”’ Final output: Present everything back to the userβ€” feedback, suggestions, and model answersβ€” so they can deepen their understanding and grow in their learning journey.

Here’s a sneak peek of the actions tab of my agent, showing the workflow behind it all: πŸ‘‡

Screenshot showing the actions tab of my agent, to show the workflow


This marks my third project on the platform, my second requiring interaction with another agent, and the most extensive one in terms of planning and execution. While I acknowledge it’s not the most time-efficientβ€” since all content is generated afresh every time the agent is run, even if users don’t need the story or tipsβ€” I still like it, for now. I plan to refine and optimize it post my semester exams (because, let’s face it, there’s so much to do and barely a week left). Stay tuned for updates! πŸš€

So, that's it!

If you're still here, Thank you β˜ΊοΈπŸ™πŸ».

Please share your thoughts, feedback, and suggestions in the comment section below πŸ—¨οΈ

GIF showing a studying hard cute penguin

Top comments (14)

fm profile image

Nicely done!
Congrats on winning! ❀️

divya4879 profile image

Thank you
It really was a pleasant surprise for me 😁

dummy001 profile image

It's a great one!
There's always room for improvement - It's all part of the process, so don’t stress too much about it. Once the main part is done, the rest will follow naturally.

And you’ll rock in your sem exams..! All the very best..

divya4879 profile image

Thank you so much for your kind words 😁☺️

Yup, I will !

divya_singh_12024c583f7b5 profile image
Divya Singh

This is good!
All the best for exams.

divya4879 profile image

Thank you

divya_singh_99718084404de profile image
Divya Singh

Lots of room for improvement.

divya4879 profile image

I know.
Any specific feedback?

heydivyamsharma_98 profile image
Divyam Sharma

Damn girl πŸ”₯πŸ”₯
This is actually so good and insightful πŸ”₯

divya4879 profile image

Thank you Divyam 😁

harshit3011 profile image
Harshit Khosla • Edited

This is a good try to add more functionalities..and keep building such awesome projects!

divya4879 profile image

Thank you Harshit!
Yup, will improve it after my exams now πŸ˜…

kwnaidoo profile image
Kevin Naidoo

Well done! This looks great.

divya4879 profile image

Thank you so much. I understand that there is still room for improvement, particularly in making much of the content optional, but it's OK for now.