
Cover image for Heartbeats of Love: From Flutter to Forever β€οΈπŸ’“πŸ’ž
Divya Subscriber

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Heartbeats of Love: From Flutter to Forever β€οΈπŸ’“πŸ’ž

This is a submission for Frontend Challenge - February Edition, CSS Art: February.


Call me sentimental, but I've always been captivated by the essence of love since forever. This project is a heartfelt reflection of that passion. I wanted to create something simple yet profoundβ€”a beating heart. But a solitary heartbeat felt too plain, so I infused it with an audio component and added different phases: the steady rhythm of normalcy❀️, the quickened pace upon seeing a crushπŸ’“, the exhilaration of excitement, and the flutter when love performs its magicπŸ’—, or you know, when they do ☺️


The website is live at:- A Beating Heart

Or you can watch it in action here:-


Reflecting on this journey fills me with joy, it has been full of learning, and I got stuck many times, but it has been worth it. Here's a snapshot of the process:

  • Learning to craft a heart shape ❀️: I discovered that even a minor adjustment could completely alter its form.
  • Animating the heartbeat πŸ’“: I brought the heart to life with rhythmic pulses.
  • Enhancing with sound πŸ”Š: I synchronized audio to match the heartbeat, enriching the sensory experience.
  • Interactive phases 🎯: Users can click on different hearts to experience various emotional states.
  • Enjoying the process πŸŽ‰: This project was a delightful endeavour, and I'm proud of its outcome, the learning, the obstacles, everything.

So, that's it!

If you're still here, Thank you β˜ΊοΈπŸ™πŸ»β£οΈ.

Please share your thoughts, feedback, and suggestions in the comment section below πŸ—¨οΈ

goodbye gif with me thanking all with a heart

Top comments (13)

govindvyas profile image
Govind Vyas

Wow, your Heartbeats of Love project is absolutely stunning! πŸ’–πŸŒŸ I love how you've captured the essence of love through creative heart animations and interactive phases. It truly brings the story to life!

I would be thrilled if you could check out my submission and share your thoughts: My Submission Link πŸ₯°βœ¨

divya4879 profile image

Thank you 😁
I'll check out yours .

robin-ivi profile image
Robin Mishra

Wow, this is such an incredible project!

divya4879 profile image

Thank you 😁 😊

robin-ivi profile image
Robin Mishra

Welcome 😊

webrowse profile image

I'm a fan of your work !!

The website work, the page written, and the setting of the page with cute gifs, etc

I like your page!!

divya4879 profile image

Thank you ☺️😁
Btw, page written?- the message in each of the phases?

robin-ivi profile image
Robin Mishra

Priya just fell in love with your work 😁

Thread Thread
divya4879 profile image

More like just a person who compliments generously 😁

harshit3011 profile image
Harshit Khosla

When an amazing artist & a smart coder are in the same person. This is just so so good. Keep going !!

divya4879 profile image

Not an artist πŸ˜…, but sincere thank you 😁☺️

hirushi_nethmini_41168bb8 profile image
Hirushi Nethmini

Wow! Greate work.

divya4879 profile image

Thank you Hirushi 😊