class can implement one or more interfaces.
- ex)
class C implements A,B {...}
- ex)
class can extend from one ore more base classes.
- ex)
class C extends A,B {...}
- ex)
Member visibility
public: can be accessed anywhere
protected: only visible to subclasses of the class they're declared in. For example,
class Greeter {
public greet() {...}
protected getName() {...}
class SpecialGreeter extends Greeter {
public function(){
this.getName() // good
const g = new SpecialGreeter() // subclass
g.greet() // good, public method of the parent class
g.getName() // bad! cannot call a protected method of the parent class
private: cannot be accessed even from subclasses, but via getter method
static: define properties or methods on the class itself, rather than on instances of the class. It can be accessed without needing to create an instance of the class. For example
class MathUtils {
static PI = 3.14159;
static calculateCircleArea(radius: number): number {
return this.PI * radius * radius
MathUtils.PI // 3.14159
MathUtils.calculateCircleArea(5) //78.53975
When to use it?
- When the functionality is tied to the class rather than an object
- For constant or utility function that should be shared
- For singleton-like pattern where one central instance is sufficient
abstract: cannot be instantiated (class, field, method). It is a means to serve as a base class for subclasses which do implement all the abstract members. For example,
abstract class Base {...}
const b = new Base() // bad
class Derived extends Base {...}
const d = new Derived() // good
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