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Dmitry Romanoff
Dmitry Romanoff

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Troubleshooting a CrashLoopBackOff status in Kubernetes

Troubleshooting a CrashLoopBackOff status in Kubernetes involves several steps to identify and resolve the underlying issue causing the pod to crash repeatedly.

NAME                             READY   STATUS             RESTARTS       AGE
db-simulation-86cd64c767-4b65x   0/1     CrashLoopBackOff   10 (36s ago)   28m
db-simulation-86cd64c767-5zzvs   0/1     CrashLoopBackOff   10 (24s ago)   28m
db-simulation-86cd64c767-88jf6   0/1     CrashLoopBackOff   10 (26s ago)   28m
db-simulation-86cd64c767-cptlb   0/1     CrashLoopBackOff   10 (22s ago)   28m
db-simulation-86cd64c767-hxlkm   0/1     CrashLoopBackOff   10 (17s ago)   28m
db-simulation-86cd64c767-mhnjk   0/1     CrashLoopBackOff   10 (38s ago)   28m
db-simulation-86cd64c767-r5jv9   0/1     CrashLoopBackOff   10 (20s ago)   28m
db-simulation-86cd64c767-s22hj   0/1     CrashLoopBackOff   10 (42s ago)   28m
db-simulation-86cd64c767-t8tbf   0/1     CrashLoopBackOff   10 (28s ago)   28m
db-simulation-86cd64c767-zczzp   0/1     CrashLoopBackOff   10 (40s ago)   28m
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Here’s a structured approach:

Check Pod Status: Use the following command to get the status of the pod:

kubectl get pods <pod-name> -n <namespace>
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View Pod Logs: Examine the logs to identify what might be causing the crash:

kubectl logs <pod-name> -n <namespace>
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If the pod has multiple containers, specify the container name:

kubectl logs <pod-name> -n <namespace> -c <container-name>
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Describe the Pod: Get detailed information about the pod, including events and reason for the crashes:

kubectl describe pod <pod-name> -n <namespace>
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Look for events at the bottom of the output that might indicate why the pod is crashing.

Check Container Exit Codes: Look at the exit codes of the container:

kubectl get pod <pod-name> -n <namespace> -o=jsonpath='{.status.containerStatuses[*].state.terminated.exitCode}'

Common exit codes:
    0: Successful termination.
    1: General error (application-specific).
    137: Out of memory (OOMKilled).
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Check Resource Limits: Ensure the pod is not being terminated due to resource limits (CPU/memory). If you suspect this, consider increasing the limits or optimizing the application.

Check Readiness and Liveness Probes: If you have configured readiness or liveness probes, verify that they are set up correctly. Misconfigured probes can cause the pod to restart continuously.

Examine Environment Variables and Configuration: Ensure that all required environment variables and configuration files are correctly set and accessible by the application.

Check for Dependencies: Ensure that any external dependencies (databases, APIs, etc.) are available and correctly configured.

Review Application Code: If you have access to the application code, consider reviewing it for unhandled exceptions or errors that could cause it to crash.

Testing Locally: If possible, run the application locally in a similar environment to replicate the issue and gather more insights.

Consult Documentation: Check the documentation for the application or service you are running for any known issues related to configuration or environment.

Top comments (1)

sadibou_manneh_a7f6feb7a3 profile image
Sadibou Manneh

Thanks for sharing this wonderful article πŸ‘