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Top 5 MERN STACK projects to improve your practical understanding🚀

Bentil Shadrack on March 28, 2023

In my journey to becoming a MERN STACK developer, I have come to appreciate building projects as a study guide. Building projects by far has been ...
samareshdas profile image
Samaresh Das

I built a blog app with mern. People can authenticate, create, update and delete articles. Peoplr can also upload new profile pictures, update their profile details.
I also had some experience with AWS after building it as I am using aws to store the images for blog and host the backend also. It was an amazing experience and I loved it.

qbentil profile image
Bentil Shadrack

Wow that's an awesome experience Samaresh🎉👏

Can you share link to the demo or repo?
That will be nice for others to check it out too😊

clericcoder profile image
Abdulsalaam Noibi

Wow,what an impressive project.

I am also building the same project currently but I am not using AWS for storing the images.

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qbentil profile image
Bentil Shadrack

What are you using to store your images?

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clericcoder profile image
Abdulsalaam Noibi

I am storing all the blog information which consists of title,summary, body,cover image in the mongoDb database.

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qbentil profile image
Bentil Shadrack

Oh great.
I am interested in how you store your images in the mongoDB

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clericcoder profile image
Abdulsalaam Noibi

I actually did not store the images. I was reffering to storing the blogs information in the mongoDB database

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qbentil profile image
Bentil Shadrack

Oh I see

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clericcoder profile image
Abdulsalaam Noibi

so for the file upload i use a package called multer.

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qbentil profile image
Bentil Shadrack

Exactly what I was thinking😀
I’ve used it before tho.

samareshdas profile image
Samaresh Das • Edited

Here it is.

Though some bugs are there, I am still working towards fixing those and optimizing the app.
The git repo is private.

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qbentil profile image
Bentil Shadrack

Thank you🎉

qbentil profile image
Bentil Shadrack

Does your App has a CMS to publish and manage blogs?

samareshdas profile image
Samaresh Das

Not a CMS. Anyone can come and create blogs. Only they will be able to delete it. I coded everything manually.

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qbentil profile image
Bentil Shadrack

I see

pierreb profile image

MERN is outdated.

  • PostgreSQL with JSON is better that MongoDB
  • If you stick with a full JS stack, NextJS is better than Express+React
  • If you need a production grade API in JS, HAPI is better than Express
  • And overall, use TS as much as possible

Then you will ditch Node for Golang when you are a grown up developer.

alexerdei73 profile image

It is not about your framework knowledge but how well you understand how it works.
I like Next, because it is a great system and their docs are well made. What you are saying is just not true. You say Next is better than React and Node. It is almost the exact same thing codwise, the difference is mainly their cloud based architecture and server side rendering. It is better for SEO. If you don't pay them you have plenty of restrictions to cope with and there are performance problems. I suspect that these disappear, when you pay enough or at least getting better. My jam-stack apps are rocket fast apart from some minor things to improve. I deployed on Heroku, which costs money but easy and good quality. The better or worse depends on the use case. An ecommerce app is better on Next because of SEO. A Facebook clone with chat is better as a jam-stack app.

pierreb profile image

Seems like I didn't express myself clearly or you didn't understood it...

What I'm saying is: for people who want to stick with a full JS stack (front + back), the NextJS (and similar fullstack JS frameworks) approach is better, as it provides the structure, tooling etc.. to just focus on code without reinventing the wheel.

As performance seems to be important to you, why didn't you switch to Golang? The Pope of NodeJS wrote this:

There is no Facebook clone that can run on a JAM stack... you have 0 idea how complex is a real-time chat infrastucture that scale. And MongoDB would be the worst choice here.

JAM / MERN = 2015. I'm writing this for new developers, who should NOT learn MERN or JAM, go straight to Golang + PostgreSQL + React, and you will thank me later.

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alexerdei73 profile image

I have some idea about Facebook clones, although a lot does not have chat ability. My one has.
You can try and chat with me there in the messanger.
I could have used MongoDB and Node to write it. I did not do, I simply used Firebase.
Scaling can be a problem, but mainly not because of the programming language. JavaScript is good enough for this. The scaling problem can be solved with the right infrastructure.
That is true that lot of people choose Next, because they do not need to deploy separately the front and backend parts. I deploy on Heroku. Its not free but good quality and fast. If I needed it even scales well, but it's expensive. Heroku uses AWS, so it works just like Firebase regarding the performance.

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pierreb profile image

Wish you the best in your career Alex.

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alexerdei73 profile image

You are actually right that seeking a job especially right now with MERN stack is really hard. It is not because it is bad or outdated. There are simply too many developers out for the jobs.

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hasnaties profile image
Hasnat M.

Jeez.. this argument of yours made me realise that I don't know shitt. Even, it took me an hour to research what you're guys saying. Please do standoffs like this from time to time. I support it. Cheers matess!

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alexerdei73 profile image

No worries. In this stuff no one knows everything and those who say they are lying. Keep on learning. MERN stack is great to start with to get experience. It is less good for job hunting, which is currently hard anyway. It gives you good basics for learning more. After this Angular is getting straightforward. Then maybe a second language on the backend and an SQL database.

qbentil profile image
Bentil Shadrack

Thank you Alex🙌

desoga profile image
deji adesoga

So in essence, baby developers use Node?

pierreb profile image

Everyone starts as a baby, it's fine.

alexerdei73 profile image

Node is pretty much straightforward to learn if you know JavaScript. In theory from that point you are a full-stack JavaScript developer. In practice it is very hard to find a job with it if you were not a fight-trained senior. It is especially true for the MERN stack when your front end framework is React and database is MongoDB. It is easy to learn, so you get the most competition. First steps to learn Angular after this with Typescript and SQL. After this a second back-end language like Java or C#.

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qbentil profile image
Bentil Shadrack

Thank you.

epsi profile image
E.R. Nurwijayadi


ucrynet profile image
CryNet • Edited

I have been created my personal blog on MEVN stack (V - are Vue). You can use my code as example:
It's typical blog with auth, search, filters and CRUD. If you can see how it works, you are welcome:

P.S. I use TS too.

alexerdei73 profile image

I tried your blog-site. I like the front-end. It is a nice design and looks great. You even put there a little animation with CSS, which is also great. You have some great content there too, which is unfortunately in Russian, so not for me really. If I had some time, I would looked at it with Chrome, which translates the things easily. If I were you I would make it bilingual, maybe Russian and English. That would be really cool. Maybe I will post there my article if I can do that easily in English, I will have a look. You can make an account on my one and post a nice article too about JS or Typescript. There are no pictures here, just colour coded code samples. The link is:

ucrynet profile image

Thank you for feedback. Yeah, site need to update, add new features and develop. But I have a couple of hours on weekend for work on the site.

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alexerdei73 profile image

Although it is none of my business may I ask you that your day to day job is developing UIs or something else?

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ucrynet profile image

I'm React front-end developer. I working with: SCSS, TS, Redux...

qbentil profile image
Bentil Shadrack


qbentil profile image
Bentil Shadrack


ucrynet profile image

Thanks bro. You can write code remarks that I can improve my code ;)

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qbentil profile image
Bentil Shadrack

I will do well to go through your repo

aimunhidden485 profile image
Aimun Nahar

I've made three projects e-commece (two roles), blog-app and a chat app using mern stack..

caleb_odedeji profile image
odedeji kehinde

How superb! Aimun, love those set of projects.

I use MERN stack as well. And With this number of projects, you must have gained quiet a number of useful experience.

Do you happen to know how to perform CRUD operations on mongoose sub documents like you would single its documents.

I am currently building a note app(MERN) and my data structurings for the notes data are embedded, and seem to be stuck at this point.

Dunno If this interest you or if you'd like to help figure this out ? If affirmative,

you probably might want to consider we continue on say Twitter [] .

I'd be glad, look forward to it Aimun.

caleb_odedeji profile image
odedeji kehinde • Edited

How superb! Aimun, love those set of projects.

I use MERN stack as well. And With this number of projects, you must have gained quite a number useful experiences.

Do you happen to know how to perform CRUD operations on mongoose sub documents like you would single its documents.

I am currently building a note app(MERN) and my data structurings for the notes data happen to be embedded documentd( by just one step though) and I seem to be stuck at this point performing CRUD on the sub documents.

Dunno if this interest you or if you'd like to help out ? if affirmative,
you probably might want to consider we continue on say, twitter [] .

I'd be glad, look forward to it Aimun.

qbentil profile image
Bentil Shadrack

That's awesome Aimun🎉👏

Do you mind sharing links to projects or repositories?

aimunhidden485 profile image
Aimun Nahar

yeah sure.. Here it is
Though I've not deployed the chat app yet. Currently fixing some issues

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qbentil profile image
Bentil Shadrack

I am going to check them out

lalami profile image
Salah Eddine Lalami

check IDURAR :
IDURAR is Open Source ERP/CRM (Invoice / Inventory / Accounting / HR) Based on Mern Stack (Node.js / Express.js / MongoDb / React.js ) with Ant Design (AntD) and Redux
GitHub Repository :

Image description

qbentil profile image
Bentil Shadrack

Awesome 🙌
I will check it out

jake0011 profile image

Hey Bentil, looked up your works and i must say these are very cool stuff.

i’d love to connect as i am also Ghanaian, check your twitter.

i’ll follow you on here as well.

qbentil profile image
Bentil Shadrack

Sure Jake
I will check up on twitter asap

jimzzzz profile image

Can't access this one :D

clericcoder profile image
Abdulsalaam Noibi

Thanks for sharing this insightful Article.

I am currently building the public blog App.
I am also looking forward to add the following of writers and liking writers articles functionality.

qbentil profile image
Bentil Shadrack

Oh Great!🎉🎉
Can't wait to see your progress.

skylargerlach58938 profile image
Skylar Gerlach

Awesome experience, thx!

qbentil profile image
Bentil Shadrack

Most welcome Skylar