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Akshay Joshi
Akshay Joshi

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The Advent of GPT and Its Ill Effects on New Coders

The advent of Generative Pre-trained Transformers (GPT) has revolutionized various domains, including coding/programming. While the capabilities of GPT models are impressive and offer numerous benefits, they also pose certain challenges and have potential drawbacks, especially for newbies.

Lets explore the ill effects that the widespread use of GPT might have on emerging developers.

Over-reliance on AI Assistance

1. Reduced Problem-Solving Skills

  • Description: begineers might become overly reliant on AI-generated solutions, leading to diminished critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
  • Impact: Instead of understanding the underlying concepts, beginners may opt for quick fixes provided by GPT, resulting in a shallow grasp of programming fundamentals.

2. Lack of Debugging Experience

  • Description: Debugging is a crucial skill in programming, but reliance on GPT for troubleshooting can limit the hands-on experience required to develop this expertise.
  • Impact: Coders may struggle to identify and fix bugs independently, reducing their ability to handle complex issues in real-world applications and tasks.

Quality and Originality Concerns

3. Code Quality and Security

  • Description: GPT-generated code may not always follow best practices for code quality and security.
  • Impact: New coders might adopt these subpar practices, leading to the development of insecure or inefficient applications.

4. Reduced Creativity

  • Description: While GPT can generate code snippets and solutions, it might stifle creativity by providing standard get it done approach answers.
  • Impact: Developers may not explore unorthodox, unique, or innovative solutions, relying instead on conventional approaches suggested by the AI.

Ethical and Intellectual Property Issues

5. Plagiarism and Intellectual Property

  • Description: Using AI to generate code can blur the lines of intellectual property and originality.
  • Impact: New coders might inadvertently engage in plagiarism or misuse proprietary code, leading to legal and ethical dilemmas.

6. Ethical Dilemmas

  • Description: Dependence on AI might lead to ethical concerns regarding accountability and transparency in code development.
  • Impact: New coders may not fully understand the implications of using AI-generated code, leading to potential misuse or ethical violations.

Educational and Career Development Impacts

7. Inadequate Learning

  • Description: The ease of access to AI-generated code can discourage new coders from thoroughly learning and understanding programming concepts.
  • Impact: This could result in a knowledge gap, where developers lack a deep understanding of the languages and tools they use.

8. Career Development Challenges

  • Description: The perceived simplicity of using GPT might lead to complacency, affecting a coder's motivation to continuously learn and improve.
  • Impact: This complacency can hinder career growth, as developers may not develop the necessary skills to advance in their field.

Balancing AI Use and Skill Development

To mitigate these ill effects, it is crucial to strike a balance between leveraging GPT for efficiency and ensuring thorough learning and skill development:

  1. Active Learning: Encourage new coders to use GPT as a supplementary tool while actively engaging with the learning material and understanding the fundamentals.
  2. Mentorship and Guidance: Experienced developers should mentor newcomers, providing guidance on best practices and encouraging independent problem-solving.
  3. Ethical Training: Incorporate ethical considerations and intellectual property education into coding curriculums to help new coders navigate the challenges posed by AI-generated content.
  4. Emphasis on Debugging: Focus on teaching debugging skills and troubleshooting techniques to ensure coders can handle real-world scenarios effectively.
  5. Code Reviews and Audits: Regular code reviews and audits can help maintain code quality and security, providing feedback and learning opportunities for new developers.

By addressing these challenges, the coding community can harness the benefits of GPT while ensuring that new coders develop the necessary skills to thrive in the ever-evolving tech landscape.

Top comments (1)

mohamed_karim_2dddebb42bd profile image
mohamed karim

Thank for sharing great challenges