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Creation of choices in django model

Introduction to Django's CharField Choices

In Django, CharField choices provide a way to limit the valid inputs for a CharField to a predefined set of options. This feature helps ensure data integrity and simplifies form handling by providing a clean and user-friendly interface for selecting values.

When you use choices with CharField, Django automatically creates a dropdown menu in forms, ensuring that users can only select from the specified options. This is particularly useful for fields with limited, known values such as categories, statuses, or types.

1. Defining PRODUCT_CHOICES Directly


# Class attribute for choices
    ('EL', 'Electronics'),
    ('CL', 'Clothing'),
    ('FD', 'Food'),
    ('FR', 'Furniture'),
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  • Direct Definition: Choices are defined as a list of tuples where each tuple contains the value and its corresponding human-readable label.
  • Simplicity: This approach is straightforward and easy to implement.
  • Usage: You can directly use the string values like 'EL', 'CL', etc., when setting the category for an instance.


  • Readability: It’s easy to see all possible choices at a glance.
  • Simplicity: Fewer lines of code make it straightforward to understand and implement.
  • Quick Setup: Suitable for simple models with fewer fields and choices.


  • String Dependency: When referring to choices, you need to use the exact strings, which can lead to errors if there are typos or changes.

2. Defining Constants for Each Choice


# Class attribute for choices
EL = 'EL'
CL = 'CL'
FD = 'FD'
FR = 'FR'

    (EL, 'Electronics'),
    (CL, 'Clothing'),
    (FD, 'Food'),
    (FR, 'Furniture'),
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  • Constants for Choices: Defines constants for each choice value and then uses these constants in the PRODUCT_CHOICES list.
  • Consistency: Reduces the risk of typos or incorrect values because you refer to constants rather than hard-coded strings.


  • Maintainability: If you need to change a choice value, you only have to do it in one place (the constant definition).
  • Readability: Using constants can make the code more readable and self-documenting.
  • Consistency: Encourages the use of consistent values throughout your codebase.


  • Slightly More Verbose: It requires more lines of code, which might be unnecessary for very simple cases.
  • Potential Overhead: For very simple models, defining constants might be overkill.

When to Use Each Approach

  • Direct Definition: Use this approach when you have a small number of choices and the values are unlikely to change. It’s quick and easy, making it ideal for simple cases or quick prototypes.

  • Constants for Choices: This approach is better for larger or more complex models, where you might reuse choice values in multiple places, or if there’s a possibility that the values might change over time. It helps avoid hard-coded strings and reduces the risk of errors.


While both approaches achieve the same result in defining choices for a Django model field, using constants provides better maintainability and consistency, especially in larger projects. Here’s an example combining the constant-based approach in a Django model:

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