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Duvor Richard Winner
Duvor Richard Winner

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Frontend development is a continuously evolving field with numerous frameworks and libraries available to developers. Two interesting options in the landscape are Svelte and Vue.js. While both are relatively new compared to stalwarts like React or Angular, they offer unique features that set them apart. This article delves into the differences between Svelte and Vue.js, highlighting what makes each stand out, and concludes with my expectations for the HNG Internship, particularly regarding ReactJS.
Svelte: The Compiler Framework
Svelte often shifts much of the work to compile time. Instead of running a virtual DOM diffing algorithm at runtime like React, Svelte compiles your components to highly efficient imperative code that directly manipulates the DOM.
Key Features:

  • Zero Virtual DOM: Svelte eliminates the virtual DOM, reducing the overhead associated with diffing and updating the DOM, leading to faster performance.
  • Reactive Programming: Svelte's reactivity is built into the language. Assignments to variables in it automatically updates the DOM, simplifying state management.
  • Single-File Components: Svelte encourages single-file components, where HTML, CSS, and JavaScript exist in one file, promoting modularity and reusability. Advantages:
  • Performance: With no virtual DOM and efficient updates, Svelte apps tend to be faster.
  • Bundle Size: Compiling down to vanilla JavaScript results in smaller bundle sizes, which is crucial for performance, especially on mobile devices.
  • Simplicity: Svelte’s syntax and reactivity model are straightforward, making it easier to learn and use.

Vue.js: The Progressive Framework
Vue.js is a progressive framework, meaning you can adopt it incrementally. It is designed to be approachable, versatile, and performant, making it suitable for a wide range of applications, from simple projects to complex single-page applications (SPAs).
Key Features:
*Virtual DOM: Vue uses a virtual DOM to optimize updates, striking a balance between performance and ease of use.

  • Two-Way Data Binding: Vue provides seamless two-way data binding, which simplifies form input handling.
  • Component-Based Architecture: Vue promotes a component-based architecture with single-file components, enhancing code organization and reuse.


  • Flexibility: Vue can be used as a library to enhance existing projects or as a full-fledged framework for building SPAs.
  • Ecosystem: Vue has a rich ecosystem of tools and libraries, including Vue Router for routing and Vuex for state management.
  • Community and Documentation: Vue boasts excellent documentation and a supportive community, making it accessible to developers of all skill levels.

Expectations and Reflections on ReactJS at HNG
As I embark on the HNG Internship, I am eager to dive deep into ReactJS, a powerful and widely used frontend library. React's declarative approach, component-based architecture, and robust ecosystem make it an invaluable tool for building scalable and maintainable applications. I look forward to honing my skills in React, contributing to real-world projects, and collaborating with a community of passionate developers.
Learning React at HNG will not only enhance my technical skills but also provide insights into best practices and the latest trends in frontend development. The internship will be a stepping stone in my journey to becoming a proficient frontend developer.
For those interested in learning more about the HNG Internship and its opportunities, check out these links:

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