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Bhavesh Kasturi
Bhavesh Kasturi

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How to Eliminate Render Blocking JavaScript using async and defer?

What is Render Blocking Resources?

Render blocking resources are static files, such as fonts, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files, that are vital to the process of rendering a web page. When the browser encounters a render blocking resource, it stops downloading the rest of the resources until these critical files are processed.

What is async and defer?

async and defer attributes are two different ways of loading JavaScript.

To understand async and defer first we need to understand how the HTML is parsed.

HTML is parsed from top to bottom and if there is an
<img src="img.jpeg" /> tag in between it starts downloading the image in the background and the parsing will continue till it reaches the end.

When it comes to JavaScript it acts a little differently, parsing starts from top to bottom but if it encounters <script src="script.js"></script> tag in between the script file gets downloaded and it stops HTML parsing until it executes the script.

async and defer attributes allow us to modify how this flow works.

Normal Parsing -

Normal Parsing Image

In Normal parsing HTML file is parsed from top to bottom and when it reaches the script tag it stops HTML parsing and downloads the script file and executes the script file, after downloading and executing it then continues parsing the HTML file.

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <html lang="en">
      <script src="script.js"></script>

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Note: When you're not using the async or defer attribute it is advised that you should use the <script></script> tag before the </body> closing body tag.

Async Parsing -

Async Parsing Image

In async parsing HTML file is parsed from top to bottom and when it reaches the script tag instead of stopping, script file is downloaded in the background and it continues to parse the HTML file
While the script file is being downloaded in the background, as soon as the script file is downloaded, HTML parsing is stopped and script file is executed and then it continues parsing the HTML file till it reaches the end.

script with async attribute can run anytime, there is no guarantee for when it runs, and it can run in any order because they are just downloaded in the background asynchronously, and as soon as they are done downloading they run immediately.

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <html lang="en">
      <script src="script.js" async></script>

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Defer Parsing -

Defer Parsing Image

Parsing with defer attribute is very similar to async parsing, HTML file is parsed from top to bottom and when it reaches the script tag script file gets downloaded in the background and HTML parsing continues but instead of executing the script file after getting downloaded it waits until the entire page of HTML is parsed before it actually executes the script file.
Execution is deferred at the end with defer attribute.

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <html lang="en">
      <script src="script.js" defer></script>

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So who's the winner? -

It depends,
use defer when the order of execution of scripts is important.
use async when the order of execution of scripts is not important.


async and defer are the great script tag attributes that allow you to speed up the page loading.
Both async and defer have one common thing: downloading of such scripts doesn’t block page rendering. So the user can read page content and get acquainted with the page immediately.

async defer
async attribute blocks the parsing of the page. defer attribute never blocks the parsing of the page.
Execution of scripts can be non-sequential. Execution of scripts is sequential.
Execution of scripts leads to pausing of HTML document parsing. Execution of scripts is done when HTML document is completely parsed.

Thank you for making it till the end!

Top comments (3)

debjits1 profile image
Debjit Sinha

As we can see async stops the parsing while script is being executed, then how does it help us ignore render-blockage

tonynguyen137 profile image

but parsing is not rendering, so when the deferred JS is executed after the html is parsed (DOM Tree created), does it mean it comes before the rendering process?

wpsyed profile image
Syed Saadullah Shah

Facing Eliminate render-blocking CS and JS issues. Unable to define which plugin should I use. WP-rocket is also causing high CPU usage and resources.

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