liner notes:
Professional : Pretty standard day. Meetings and coding and community questions.
Personal : Still wild to me that I ordered a shed to be used as my workshop for my business. There's now a place for things to happen, no going back now, haha. Going through my list of items for things to put in it like tables, chairs and shelves. Some of the equipment I ordered should be coming in the next few weeks. Went through some tracks for the radio show. Did some more modifications on the 3D model I've been working on.
Just remembered that a printer I placed a down payment on for VIP access went on pre-order this morning. Had so many meetings that I totally forgot even though I put it in my calendar. haha Placed the order and should be good to go. I think I'm almost there with this 3D model. I decided to get up super early this morning and start over from scratch. The previous model was giving me way too many problems. Good news is that I was able to knock it out pretty quickly and it's printing with a lot less issues! Now I'm just doing slight modifications. I think I'll be able to get the final prototype done tonight and be able to take pictures and reach out to some folks to see if they are interested. Going to work on some other models, listen to tracks for the radio show and look at items for the workshop.
Have a great night!
peace piece
Dwane / conshus /
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