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Cover image for Day 1092 : Pay For It

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Day 1092 : Pay For It

liner notes:

  • Professional : Pretty chill and productive day. Had a couple of meetings. Spent the rest of the day working on documentation and responding to community questions.

  • Personal : Last night, I went through tracks for the radio show and looked up projects to pick up on Bandcamp. I also created a 3D model to print to hold the lights I got for the shed. Also looked up some items to purchase for the shed.

A view of a mountain range with lush green slopes covered in yellow and white wildflowers. The sky is soft colors as the sun sets. The location is Caucasus Mountains.

Looks like the transfer has finally made it to my business account, going to pay off my business credit card, so I can run it back up with more stuff I need for the shed. haha Trying to be real cognizant of when I buy something for the business, that I use the business card to pay for it. This next round of purchases will be primarily stuff for the shed like the enclosure for the 3D printers, a desk, stands with shelves, etc. Going to pick up projects on Bandcamp and get the social media posts ready. Put together tracks for the radio show. I started the print for the light holders for the shed, but a piece that I was kind of iffy on anyway fell while printing. I think I may have another way of getting it to work, so I want to try and get the new model ready so I can print it tomorrow. I also want to finish up this ticket for work, so I can get a good head start for Friday and finish up early. Off to work.

Have a great night!

peace piece
Dwane / conshus /

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