liner notes:
- Saturday : This was the first show back on air since the basketball season is over. Had a great time as usual. The recording of this week's show is at
Sunday : Did my study sessions over at and got stuff done. It was also daylight savings so that kind of threw me off.
Professional : Since the time change, today kind of ran away from me. Everything was shifted by an hour so my meetings were a little later since most of my team is in the UK and they haven't had their daylight savings yet. haha Still got a bunch of stuff done. Got to demo the sample application I made with my manager and got some feedback. Worked on the documentation for it. Sent some messages to get clarity on some features. Next thing I know, the day is over.
Personal : So, I downloaded an application to help create 3D models. My plan is to make a lenticular print and this software can make it happen. I made the 3D model and printed a couple of test prints. I'm learning a lot about my printer and its capabilities.
So the prints I made look pretty good. I used a .4 mm nozzle at a couple of different print settings. I think if I swap out the nozzle for a .2 mm nozzle, I think the quality could be even better. Going to give that a shot later. Looking to also go through tracks for the radio show. Going to order some parts that will hopefully let me put wheels on this enclosure so I can finally start building it out and put the printers into it. Really close to finishing up this key chain. Just need to figure out how I'm going to get the battery attached. Sidenote: I'm enjoying that it's still broad daylight outside later into the evening.
Have a great night!
peace piece
Dwane / conshus /
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