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Cover image for Day 975 : Alright

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Day 975 : Alright

liner notes:

  • Professional : Got up MAD early for a couple of meetings concerning a trip that I'm supposed to take in a couple of weeks. We'll see. Went back to sleep. Got back up for a couple of more meetings and got to work refactoring an application to use a new SDK. Got quite a bit done. Had to refactor the UI for some changes. I want to get a majority of it done, so that when a coworker comes back, I'll just have a couple of small things that I have questions about so I can just finish it up. Responded to some community questions and other small tasks. Not a bad day. I'm tired, but I'll be alright. haha.

  • Personal : Last night, I picked up some projects on Bandcamp and started putting together the social media posts. Went through a few tracks. Did a little work on the logo for my side project. Ordered a package for a listener of the radio show. Looked as some land. Ended the night watching a live stream of a Kendrick Lamar concert.

A close-up of a flower with yellow petals and a dark center. The flower is in focus and has a blurred background. The flower is surrounded by other flowers of the same type. The background is a dark green color, with some areas of the leaves being visible. The image is taken from a slightly elevated perspective, looking down at the flowers. The location is Maharashtra, India.

Going to finish up the social media posts for tomorrow. I'll also starting putting together the playlist for the radio show and maybe look up the social media handles for the artists. Work some more on the logo. Set up a starter project for the upgrade of a previous project. Maybe watch some "Demon Slayer". We'll see how far I get.

Have a great night!

peace piece
Dwane / conshus /

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