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toddle's Performance Leap: Doubling Speed, Slashing Memory Usage, and What Lies Ahead

Let's Dive Right In!

Over at toddle, we're not just about juggling different features and enhancements; we're about revolutionizing the way you work. Our mission? To crank up the performance dial beyond what you thought possible. πŸš€

What's New This March?

This March, the toddle crew has been busy bees, rolling out some seriously cool updates. First off, we introduced "toddle Packages." Think of it as your magic toolbox, letting you bundle logic and visual components into reusable packages. The community is loving it, and the creativity is just flowing with some seriously awesome packages making waves. πŸ‘

But wait, there's more! Behind the scenes, we've been turbocharging the toddle engine with some key performance enhancements. Here's the scoop on what this means for your editor and apps:

  • Fewer DOM Nodes: We've tweaked how we track references, cutting down the DOM nodes big time. This means snappier renders and a final HTML output that's what you see is what you get.
  • Leaner Memory Usage: After some detective work with memory snapshots, we've plugged memory leaks and shifted to weak references where we can.
  • Minimized DOM Manipulation: We're now favoring mutations over replacements for dynamic content, making for smoother handling of repeated items by moving elements around instead of the destroy-and-recreate dance.

Long story short, these tweaks have given the toddle editor a hefty speed boost, especially in large projects. We're talking more than a 2x speedup during load and runtime, with memory usage cut in half. πŸ”ͺ And the best part? These updates benefit all your projects!

toddle's speedometer is off the charts, and our commitment to performance is solid as ever. But hey, we're always on the lookout for what we can polish next.

Peeking Into the Future

Improving performance is a bit like treasure hunting - you need a map, or in our case, loads of data. Without it, you might end up chasing mirages or, worse, slowing things down. We're data hoarders, analyzing everything from flame graphs to memory snapshots to network requests to pinpoint our next performance conquests.

Built for Speed πŸ”₯

Did you know? toddle is built with toddle, including this very blog post (mind blown, right?). We've got a few tricks up our sleeve for ensuring tip-top performance. But, we know there's always room for improvement, especially for folks new to web development.

That's why we're doubling down on tooling to help you spot and fix the slow spots in your app. Imagine getting gentle nudges about:

  • Leaning on Server Side Rendering (SSR) to cut down layout shifts and boost loading times.
  • Splitting up Godzilla-sized API calls into more manageable bites.
  • Steering clear of APIs that take ages to respond.

Web development and performance go hand in hand, and we're excited to dive deeper into this topic. Keep an eye out for our upcoming video and blog series on crafting insanely performant apps with toddle and some programming fundamentals.

The Bottom Line

Programming is not just for the coding elite; it's a universal skill, akin to speaking a language. And with toddle, you don't need to be a developer to bring your groundbreaking web app ideas to life. Ready to jump in? toddle is free to try, and we can't wait to see what you create.

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